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Posts posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Ok Mr. President, no becomes successful on their own. No ****, Mr. President, you're !@#$ing brilliant. But one question. What the hell was the point of that speech? That without government businesses would not succeed? That because of that we need to grow the government, we need to raise taxes on the "rich"? What's your point exactly Mr. President? I have a question for you. I grew up in public schools with probably 120 other kids in my class (it was a small school). They all had basically the same teachers, drove on the same roads, over and under the same bridges. Why is it Mr. President that many of them found no success at all. Some are drunks, drug addicts (a few are dead because of this), in prison and just down righ losers.

    Don't start that stuff or the pot head loser hippies will flock to this thread and hijack it and blabber on and on about how pot is totally harmless.


    The sanitary justification is debatable. There are plenty of doctors who believe it to be unnecessary in most cases. I'm not much of a judge of pecker aesthetics so I'll defer to your expertise on the second point.


    Without going into private body parts like some of the people here seem fixated on, wouldn't you agree that the overall sub-par hygiene in Europe made this ruling imminent? Let's face is, most Euro-chicks have the armpit hair of a lumberjack. The teeth of Brits and Canadians look worse than the teeth in most pre-historic skulls, the average euro-toenail is so desperate for help that the healthy cells re-align to spell out "GIVE ME LAMISIL" and a full two thirds of dudes and one-fifth of women have visible ear wax in their sideburns. There is other stuff like the fact that french people wipe their butts with water fountains and things too disgusting to mention. I will say that I am going to invest in Charmin and try to bring it to Europe. I think people will like it once they use it and I will have made my $$$$$ by the time the sewage infrastructure, built in 1284, bursts from cloggage.


    Given all of these facts it is unsurprising that some judge would want to force everyone to have disgusting nether regions. I don't agree but partially see the point in having a matching body either all gross like a Euro or all clean like an American.

  3. So you have two hamsters?

    I don't get it. My uncle Eugene, aka Geno, was very much a person. He died on October the 2nd 1981.


    I do have two hamsters. Sammy and Carl. Carl is a girl. I didn't know when I named her. Anyway she had babies once but they are gone.

  4. Their answer is instead of keeping manufacturers here or making it profitable, they put the hammer down on people BUYING the Chinese goods. They have it all bass ackwards!

    What I don't get is that they are all mad that the uniforms got made by commies but Harry Reid basically never met a commie idea he didn't like. He should be happy about this, not mad.

  5. If you think nobody on the Bills smokes weed, I don't know what to tell you. ESPN has reported that something like 70% of NFL draftees have admitted to smoking weed in college (I read the article somewhere awhile back), and Gordon is one of them. Except he got busted for it. I wouldn't be surprised if Fitzpatrick smokes the sticky icky.

    When is the last time Buddy drafted a known pot head? That is what I asked.

  6. No one mocks Geno the man. Just the way he died.



    You have to admit, even Geno would have laughed at the circumstances of his demise.

    I don't think Geno would laugh at my everlasting guilt. I mean I heard the ambulance screaming down Main street and I didn't give it a thought. But it was Geno. I can't get over it. And it was over 30 years ago. Geno died on October the 2nd 1981. Why people would make fun of things like this is just sick.

  7. Cant we all just get along???

    I feel too many people take it too serious.... :wallbash:

    Mocking a dead guy is somehow funny?


    I think it is disgusting. Whatever you think about Zimmerman/Martin it is not funny that the guy died.


    There are enough people on here that mock dead people like my Uncle Geno already. I don't really need to see links to idiots making fun of Martin.

  8. At his height, I would classify Chris Rock as being one of the best stand ups to ever take the stage. He can't act to save his life, but as far as stand up goes, he's up there with the all time greats: Carlan, Bruce, Pryor, Cosby, Kinison, Seinfeld.




    Is he short or tall? I don't even know. And I really didn't know comedians got graded on a curve based on their height.

  9. Get this... I am not sure where to look up the story... Probably Google it. But, here in Illinois there was a kayaker killed by a swan. Yes, A SWAN. Seems he was a nature lover, checking on them or near the swans nest or something... Got too close and the Swan swamped him, holding him under, trapped I presume in the vessel... He drowned!


    So all you cyclists turned kayakers... Don't mess with swans!


    Another thing... I never knew swan and geese do NOT get along... Pretty ornery buggers! Screw the sharks!

    I don't know why you think it is funny that somebody died. It hurts when you think back to those you know that have drown.


    My friend Brian Temple didn't exactly drown but he was trying to get to the swimming pool. He thought he could make so from the third story he jumped. He only missed by inches. Everyone said he was drunk. I wish I was there to stop him. I miss him. But I suppose his death was worth it so people like you could get a good laugh.

  10. Does this constitute being un-American in your mind?


    Regardless of tone (which I agree was tweeted with a sharp bite -- the man is a social critic after all), isn't what Rock said true? America began its journey towards becoming a free country in 1776, but didn't cross the finish line until many years later.


    By tweeting this on the 4th, Rock is not only demonstrating his right to free speech, but also provoking a discourse on America's history of slavery. The tweet got people from both sides of the discussion to speak out -- some crazy, some not -- and force the people in this thread to think about the nation's history warts and all. What better day to do that than on our nation's birthday?


    This isn't un-American -- it's the market place of ideas.

    There are still two sides on the discussion of slavery?


    Is "social critic" the new term for "subpar comic"?

  11. It's good that he signed but guys with this holdout mentality usually carry the unwarranted arrogance onto the field. Look at Maybinot. I wish he never signed. I hope Graham does better but have low expectations.

  12. I look at it this way:


    We can take the same exact accounting software and deploy it at many companies. Now, we are talking accounting here, so, there's not a lot room for variance, right? Just ask each company's comptroller, CFO, etc. In fact each of them will tell you that there's a right way to do things, and "that's how they do it here".


    However, I know that every single implementation will be different. NOTHING will be the same. NOTHING is "the right way". There will be variance all over the place, and I will be integrating in stuff that this package doesn't have, and building new stuff to suit their requirements. I've never seen a project like that use more than 40% of the base system. In fact, companies like this, and especially the big boys, end up with 2-3 accounting packages/extra software to cover all their requirements. But what about those CFOs telling us about "standards"?


    Basically all of these people are the worst kind of full of schit: they don't know they are, and they will fight you to prove they aren't. It's just human nature to believe that, with things like accounting, or nursing, that the rules are the rules, that we learned in college, and that's the way it is, and "that's what we do here".


    Edit: and let's not just blame the client. I've also had idiot bosses say things like "all we have to do is install it, right?", and, "why do these guys (big contract, all or nothing company - Boeing) care so much about their AR? ...the last client didn't" and on and on.


    Now, given all of this....you believe that Romney should be impugned for his support of the Mass Health care system....because one "model" can be lifted form one state, and used in another? :lol: Or that it can be lifted to the national level, and as a "model" will be useful? I think it's safe to say that health care systems like these are even less standard than accounting systems. :rolleyes:


    So...how we should reconcile your assertion that Romney was for Romneycare, and is therefore for Obamacare?


    Well? You are also the worst kind of full of schit: you don't know you are, and you will fight us to prove that your aren't. It's just human nature. :lol:


    I think you make good points here but I'm not sure about what.


    Clearly you posted this in the wrong thread since it has nothing to do with the topic at hand. I looked around the rest of PPP and can't figure out where it belongs either but it is really good though.

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