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Posts posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Since I didn't see any commentary on a topic I have been discussing elsewhere I wanted to ask the group ... Who does this resemble?


    If you know the answer please hold off for others to guess.



    I'm pretty sure it is Alice Cooper but not sure enough to feel like I'm giving it away.

  2. Auto drivers do pay more taxes for the roads... They should have priority... Bikes should be low priority, like pleasure craft on the rivers... They go last and stop first. Bikes should be the burdened vehicle since they manuevern easier.

    I think everyone should wear those silly outfits when driving their car. Maybe then they'll get some respect from the spandex mafia. The people in cars can wear the yellow ones because they'll be passing everyone.


    It is funny how the me me me stuff changes from generation to generation. It used to be the young punks were the hippies saying free love me, smoke dope me, no job me, hemp arts and crafts me. Now it is the endorphin junkies that can't play other sports saying tight shorts me, my road me, $100 bike tire me, slow down traffic to prove my superiority me. Details change but human nature remains the same.

  3. Some I like a lot, others not so much. But overall I like the effort and styling, its fun to see people experiment with this stuff as a designer. Bravo to whomever put this together. :)

    Nice effort but I can't say I liked it too much overall. I thought the Texans one was cool. The Packers one was stupid.

  4. And, you were right when you said that you were torn about tonight's game. When I thought that Celtics were going to win, I said now I won't even be interested in the Finals.........Now I'm all in!




    You know when you'll get it?

    When your head is rolling down the stairs, along with Count Chocula's.

    Hey dude don't embarrass yourself. This is not a history thread so I don't want to get too far away from basketball. Let me just request that you do a little research into the most early famous multiple killer. He was in England and is known as "the ripper" in today's parlance but at the time he was known as the "Apple Jack" as "Apple" was a name for prostitute and he killed prostitutes. General Mills or whoever unfortunately named their cereal without knowing this and had to keep the name after the product became so popular. Ever since this, the criminologists and such have coined the phrase "cereal killer". I know some people think it is "serial" but those were movies in the 50s that ran in short chapters before full length features. Clearly that term makes no sense.


    Anyway, can someone answer my 24 second clock question? This is a basketball thread.

  5. I have two NBA questions for all y'all:


    1. I noticed tonight that when a team had the ball in the offensive end and got fouled the shot clock did not re-set to 24. It happened once to each team when I was watching. When it happened to Boston they ended up barely getting a shot off before the buzzer. Miami ended up getting theirs off somewhat easily. Was this a rule change? I thought a foul gave a new shot clock. Was it just a mistake by the clock operator?


    2. Who is that strange strange strange chick that did the interviews after the gam?. She spoke with about 15 people and i don't think she ever moved her mouth once. I hate to rush to judgment based on initial impressions, but given her demeanor, her interaction with the people and her cold, callous calculated movements, I think there is a distinct possibility that she is a cereal killer.

  6. What? Look at Buffalo. You want more junkies running around trying to steal my car? Well, they wouldn't have to steal my whole car if the price of drugs wasn't made so high by the fact that it's illegal. If a pharma company was in charge, it would cost a lot less. All they would have to steal is a tire or 2. I would gladly pay for new tires, or have my insurance company do it, rather than losing my whole car.


    But you want whole cars to be stolen, so they can be chopped up, and used...for spare parts at Nascar.


    And, if drugs were less expensive smelly hippies could afford to go to that gross city, and since they like stuff like that, they might even stay there and not come back. See? You're working against yourself here.

    I'll take that as you tapping out and admitting defeat in the use of logic. Try again soon.

  7. The lesson in morality is correct. But unless you come up with a genetic fix for a species that's historically gravitated towards mind altering substances at their own peril, where all efforts to curb the vice have resulted in opposite effect of intentions, you may as well whistle past the graveyards.


    A man's home is his castle, as long as he's doing no harm to others, he should be free to do whatever he wishes in his home.

    People can keep their vice of pot smoking at home for sure. Some won't but that is another matter. The issue is when there is no societal scorn for these hippies there tends to be less and less societal scorn for other vices and the whole thing crumbles. Look at Rome. They drank and drank and had huge orgies with fat chicks all over the place and the next thing you know they find fossilized remains of the naked emperor playing a fiddle because he had become too stupid to even realize Mount Venus had blown its top. Italy hasn't ever really recovered and it has been at least 150 years. They actually have a gross city where people go around on boats through sewage water. OC wants America to look like Atlantic City but I don't.

  8. I think you have to weigh the distinction of greater societal evil of mobsters collecting tens of millions of excess profits of a localized industry vs the government handing over the keys to a multi billion dollar global industry to them.

    I think you have to realize that these dirt bags exist and take money from other people's weaknesses whether they are wearing the clothes of a gangster and at least have to live with the knowledge that they are illegitimate or they are wearing the suit of a legislator and have somehow convinced themselves and others that they are upstanding members of society.


    It is up to us all to live our lives with as few vices as possible. The less we succeed the more others can profit. Personally I like it when they at least have to know they are a dirt bag and live with the scorn of society. The attitude of a generation can help or harm the lives of the next generation. How are we doing so far?


    How many illegal poker games....in Atlantic City?

    Did you google it?


    P.S. If you'd like to use Atlantic City as an example for how our whole society should look, I might have to laugh even harder at you.

  9. Never mind the fact that if drugs were legal, the guys being stopped searched would have no real way to make $ off of drugs, thus, no reason to commit crimes against the other gang that's trying to make $ off of drugs. :wallbash:



    Hysterically funny that you say that with your third grade economics theories whilst plenty of activities which are "legal" today still have crooks profiting from them.


    I'm not talking about government crooks....that is another issue entirely.


    Pick a vice; any vice that is legal. Find one that does not have a parallel illegal version in existence with bad guys making profits. Name it. Before you embarrass yourself Google your theory. For example type "illegal lottery" into a search engine and see what you get. Find one that has no hits and come back here and report. See you in never.

  10. No, the average coked up loser can choose from Jack Daniels, or moonshine, because the market for alcohol exists, regardless of moonshine being illegal. The market for sterno drinking exists as well. You making one thing illegal, or not, has no effect on these markets. They exist. And, if you try to F around with them, all you will accomplish is moving the price, or, innovations that circumvent your emotion-driven laws. Nascar was started by moonshiners....now, you say you hate rednecks...but clowns like you are responsible for Nascar. And the last Nascar race I went to...there were a lot of hippies smoking pot...so now that's your fault too.


    Dudes are using death-trap submarines to bring coke here...and you think...that making coke illegal will curtail the market? :lol: Idiocy. Oh yeah, let's put them in prison for 4 years. Then, it's 8 years. Then, it's 16. That'll show em! :lol: Idiocy. In fact exponential idiocy, because the more risk you add in terms of prison sentences....the more the price goes up on the street. :wallbash: Last I checked, high school kids can't afford 8 balls of coke. The people who can, just absorb the higher price, because they can. What else are they gonna do? Complain to the FTC? Net result: All you've done is increase the $ incentive to get into the death-trap submarine and bring coke here. Nice work.


    But yeah, keep telling yourself your argument isn't based on emotion.


    Seek help; either clinical or in the reading comprehension category. I don't even know what Sterno is, because I don't care. In case you're on Mars, I will inform you that coke is illegal so nobody is going to make it illegal. It is great that you can see what a market will do one step ahead, but I can see four or five steps that you refuse to see either because you are incapable or you are trying to justify and rationalize guilt caused by drugs. None of your blindness, nor its causes will change what will ultimately happen regardless of how smart you think you are.




    Why is what they do...your problem? Unless they do something that effects others, who the F cares what they do? Yeah, all this invective....but you aren't emotional about this at all. :rolleyes:


    In contrast, I don't care enough about hippy loser dirt bags....to care whether they are validated...or not. Why is that important to you?


    I don't care what they do with their loser lives other than as a person it is sad to see another person lose potential. I do care that they seek solace and validation in government because it encourages other reprobates of all varieties to do the same.



    Nope...but I see in my absence, reading through the rest of the thread...GG has done a fine job of pwning you.


    And, I just called you emo above. 2 or 3 times.


    And, I also blamed you for Nascar. And hippies smoking weed at Nascar, and there's nothing you can do about it.


    So, no, you're getting pwned.




    Much like you, GG went away once I explained economics to him.

  11. The bible made him do it?

    Clearly there are a bunch of possible scenarios and no conclusions can be reached with any level of certainty. If you read the article though it seems that he had ripped a couple pages out of his bible before sitting down for lunch/face. If the pot was making him violent as seems to be one of the strong possibilities, and if he was religious which seems well documented then it is possible that the rage caused by the pot sort of took over. It is possible that there was a real tug of war going on within him and that although he wanted to eat this dude, the pot and bible were conflicted. It seems to have become a two step process where he couldn't disobey his bible but the rage would not stop so he ripped out the pages that said "thou shalt not eat somebody" and it allowed him lunch without disobedience. Clearly this is only one possible scenarios but all the pieces fit.

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