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Posts posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. I think you mean 'defacation', not 'declaration'...




    PS - the Jews, by nature, are not ticklers.


    It's up to Elmo how he wants to sue but he is a "character" and Jack "declared" him to be anti-semantic so that is probably the way he will go. The guy in the park imitating Elmo is the one that got defacated because the cops made him take his face off. Jack just linked the videos and did not defacate anyone.

  2. But was it Harris's intensive purpose to get laid?

    Obviously or why would he just ramble on and on like that? Yes I realize he has an inferiority complex but that alone can't explain it


    Anyway I have a theory that while Harris's line of crap has helped him get dumb chicks into bed he is never satisfied because when things start going his way and the chick whimpers "Oh God" the whole thing just falls apart and he has to start from scratch. And I'm not saying he cares what she says either. My guess is that the chick realizes what she has said and starts wondering if that messed things up and when chicks think, as we all know, it is not good. Thus Harris has to go out and try again. This is why the atheist braniac schtick won't really work. He could make up something about converting and then he could say "Oh God", the chick could say "Oh God" and everyone would be happy except people like us on message boards that are still forced to listen to this crap.

  3. Article : http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/angry-elmo-impersonator-taken-away-police-183704752.html


    NSFW Warning - videos contain rants about jewish people


    Video 1




    The thread title is misleading. It states that Elmo was on this rant when in fact the linked article points out that it was an Elmo impersonator. The second video actually shows the guy and even in the first one you can tell it is not Elmo's real voice. I am not a mod but would kindly request you to change the thread title. Thanks.

  4. Who the heck are they?

    I am reading between the lines but I think they might be really really tough guys who wear tight yellow shirts and yell at cars and go to town hall meetings to cry to the authorities. That French guy named Bernard sounds very intimidating. If the town fathers don't give him freedom in the streets, he might threaten to no longer bake his famous baguette.

  5. He's a complete dick. No atheist cares this much about atheism. Isn't that kind of the whole damn point? To most atheists, religions are kooky little hobbies and as long as they stay out of our way (and no, I don't care about a Christmas Tree in the local park), who gives a crap?


    Oh, and thank you for Christmas. It's an excellent holiday.

    Give the guy a break. He's only trying to get laid.

  6. i feel the opposite. give me an example. i mean some religious propositions are pretty nutty...

    Regardless of his beliefs/non-beliefs he discusses things in a way that talks down not only to the religious but also to his own audience. For example; in your video he explains how Mormonism is less likely than Christianity by applying mathematical principles like basic statistics. He than goes on to mock Mormonism like a very bad stand up comedian while talking down to his own audience by explaining basic laws of probability about nine times as if they are 2nd graders or Canadians and can't understand. Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with his arguments it is easy to see he is a douche bag.


    This guy is clearly using atheism as a mechanism to get laid. He could just as easily be selling Amway or the Brooklyn bridge or be selling a specific religion. He doesn't give a crap about atheism. If he was born earlier he would have been a loser pot smoking hippy douche but he wasn't, so he is an intellectual sounding atheist douche. It is probable that his schtick was refined based on his inability to bed the first chick he really dug and that somewhere deep down he is still pining over her. If she somehow reappeared in his life wearing a cross after her own conversion he'd probably convert to impress her. He is a douche lacking self confidence.


    Do you get it now?

  7. Heard that on the radio this morning


    So when the kids get skin cancer are tehy going to be allowed to bring their medication to the school or will that also be banned? Its funny cause growing up, they always told us to bring sunscreen when we went on field trips and were going to be out in the sun for long periods of time

    I thought you were Canadian. If so the last sentence of your post is nonsense.

  8. i think this whole new athiest movement does open secular people up to attack that we are dogmatic or that we are close minded.


    it doesnt make sense, but theists fall for it...

    Am I allowed to call Sam Harris a douche bag, because.....well.....he is a douche bag?


    Or does his atheism make him unquestionable?

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