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Posts posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. What type of President do you think he'll make if he wins?



    I think he will have a real tough time with some in his own party. The cut and slashers will hold his heals to the fire, but that said, he may be able to form a somewhat broad coalition of Dems and moderate Republicans in a way that a black president could not do. If he simply tries to appease the tea party crowd then he will be a failed president, but if he can compromise with enough on both sides he might get somethings done. 'Twill be interesting either way

    Everyone around here seems to think you are the poster known as Dave in Norfolk. When that guy started threads they always had racial overtones and videos about black people but calling Obama a failure because he is black is over the line IMO.


    Obama is a failure because he is a professor commie and skin color has nothing to do with it. I think you should apologize.

  2. I always say that we must have a bunch of perfect 10s on this board! Geeze, her legs aren't good enough for some of you??

    You have never seen Ennifer in "jealous-moe" and if you want to keep it that way you should stop posting in this thread.

  3. but in the current model, it's ok to deny even basic care to those who can't afford it? that's the choice. basic care for everyone and elective care to those who can afford it. or elective and basic care to 4/5 of the population with the rest getting the scraps from charity care. and even that model isn't sustainable. it's costing exhorbitant amounts with poor outcomes. very few could afford that level of care on their own. how does it work out that we can afford it colectively? we can't. yes, a system that provides for the most people at the lowest cost requires allocation of scarce resources to be done in a rational way.


    and, um, they do cataract surgeries and chemo and transplants and joint replacements in all of the countries compared in the study. they wait longer for them (excepting chemo) because there is less capacity for elective needs and more for basic.


    In other words nobody has any freedom to decide on what they can or cannot get from the health care system? Even if they spent their life earning billions they still have no freedom to choose their care. Everybody is dependent on the bearded commies? That sounds like a good plan because bearded commies are usually nice and they smile a lot.


    And are preemies not included in the "basic care" part or the "everyone" part? Are the bearded commies the deciders of who fits the "everyone" part, the "basic care" part, or both?


    P.S. I'm waiting with "bated breath" for you to answer the 4 questions I raised in my earlier post.

  4. The government we have now, now answer my question mr Dodger! The strong government helps the economy, an example?


    John Dilenger was killed on this day in 1934 by the government, that was a good thing for the economy, and many, many other things like that



    Answer my question! And make it a big long answer

    The government didn't kill John Dillinger. Guns killed John Dillinger.

  5. you guys are incredible! i'm disregarding and hand waving? Really, who are the partisan shills here. you're flying your true colors


    and you call me out on a fallacy like appeal to authority (which can be considered valid reasoning if the authority is universally well regarded) and let stand a post with an obvious ad hominem attack and deeply flawed premises?



    Is all this talk about fallacies and homo stuff really appropriate in this thread? Sex, sex, sex....what does that have to do with health care?


    Anyway if you think the premises are deeply flawed you don't understand professor commies. Let me ask you a few questions:


    1. Were there professor-ish doofusses with all the answers in that video?


    2. Did those answers involves the world stopping on a dime and waiting while they introduced and implemented the system where government an/or professors would control everything?


    3. Did those answers involve you having less control over your own care and medical providers having less control than they currently have?


    4. If you were a drug company in the proposed grand new world of the bearded commies, would you invest a lot of money in R&D?


    I didn't watch the video but I'm pretty sure I know the answer to all of those questions just by looking at the dorks in the Youtube frame you posted.



    so stop ypor hand waving and come up with some refuting data. i've cited the only study in this thread that is comprehensive and well accepted. you and doc choose to disregard it and criticise but with no data to back up your cricisms. have it at. i'm waitin g with baited breath.



    This is funny. It is like asking people to refute that heaven is a great place. The professor commies only have to say "the system will handle that because....blah blah blah bs bs.......to keep kicking the stupid argument down the road. I'd rather just call a commie a commie and ignore them. Our society should really consider my approach. And you really shouldn't taunt people by using commie videos and trying to look smart at least until you understand the use and meanings of simple phrases.

  6. What's funny is the grey beard was doing the interviewing...and the guy being interviewed was talking about the industry changing itself anyway...something that is happening regardless of the ACA the ACA provisions just get Medicare in the game. So if by dorky commies w/ grey beards you mean dorky capitalists w/ clean shaves I guess you are right.

    Commies only ever agree to be interviewed by other commies henceforth captain graybeard is a commie.


    Anyway, if you think some commie trying to tell everyone what to do and then saying this is already happening and we can't stop it is somehow capitalist then you haven't been watching the global warming circus for the past 25 years. :oops:

  7. yeah. i'd stay away from doctors who look dorky and have gray beards as well. go for the ones that look like they spend most of their time in singles bars.

    It's not so much that as it is the professorial commie types. They could be doctors or lawyers or accountants, or climatologists, or Peter Orszag. They can be spotted a mile away. They are different than hippy commies. I don't think they really like hippy commies but they need them to ramp up the overall commie numbers. Hippy commies are real easy to spot but so are these professor types if you take your time.


    The professor commies never really use any excuses when their crappy plans fail. They don't re-examine their plan or their basic premise, they just come up with an alternative crappy plan. It is a must that they speak in terms that seem smart and highfalutin but mean nothing and that their solution be vague so that they can have excuses ready for later so that crappy plan part 3 can sell. They must smile a lot and talk down to people so it is easy to believe that they hold some secret knowledge that nobody else could possibly understand. This helps them sell crappy plans to people that have real problems and are unable or unwilling to come up with their own solution. The best plan for a professor commies is one that sounds awesome, has no basis in reality and works crappy. It has to sound awesome to sell. It has to have no basis in reality so that when it doesn't work, they can find someone to blame and say that if only reality were altered the plan would have worked. It has to work crappy so they can have a phase 2, 3 and 412.


    Most times these dorks actually become the phony characters they were playing as a role. That is why I can tell exactly the load of crap they were spewing without even having to click. Invest a little time yourself because in the long run you will save time.

  8. Michele Bachmann should really just forget about congress and stick to the Michele Bachmann filet show. In the filet show she does amazing feats with boneless meats. In addition she does not have to worry about criticism from random political people. Clearly she has a problem with Mormons but they don't even attend the filet show because the meat tends to be pork which is not their favorite.

  9. Conversation at bar:


    Woman: So, tell me about yourself.

    Poojer: I'm 49 years old, I spend a lot of time on internet message boards, and I like Rush and Pink Floyd. would you like to get together for dinner sometime?

    Woman: :bag: Um, oh, I just forgot - I need to go home and do some laundry.

    Poojer: :censored:

    Woman: Can I ask you one favor though?

    Poojer: Sure

    Woman: That message board you post on.....well my gramma has been dating this guy there called Hurricane Mike. Can you tell him to stevestojan or get off the pot?

    Poojer: Not without a pic



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