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Posts posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Can I say how much I hate some red neck bubba a$$ who idled up next to us yesterday and the gunned his diesel engine coughing up black exhaust? This caused the girl in front of us to brake which caused my neighbor to ditch out to the right resulting in some road rash and a broken rib for him and a broken arm for her. Jackwad!!

    Cars are made with windshields which render issues like that irrelevant. If the spandex mafia wants it to be irrelevant to them they should keep their distance either behind or to the side. Or they could get a windshield.

  2. Crayonz has predicted, correctly, every finals winner correctly, since 2008, when Boston won. Last season was a little murkier...before the playoffs started, however, he did say that neither Boston, the Lakers or Miami would win it...it would be a dark horse team...I know he mentioned Dallas and/or Denver as the most likely winners. IIRC, he predicted, well in advance, when Lebron would get his first ring...and it was 2012.


    I have been arguing with him about the whole "NBA is fixed" thing for years. I still won't concede...but he does seem to know what is going to happen.


    Crayonz, if you read this, just let me know when Boston gets back to the winners circle so I can save myself some stress.


    All in all, a pretty fun playoff season for the NBA. Honestly, I would have been happier to see just about any team win the whole damn thing, rather than Miami. The hate that fueled these playoffs was fun...I am one who thinks there is plenty of room in sports for hate... hate to say it, but Miami winning a ring with there "big 3" was inevitable...might as well get it over with. Deep in my heart, I was really hoping for a Lakers/Celtics finals...just one more time...but I think we are about to hit a stretch where either Lebron, Durant, or both, are in the finals for some time to come.

    I actually did not write anything about Boston winning in 2008. I prefer not to call these things predictions as they are more an ability to read the script. Your note above sells me short in a few areas but also gave me credit going back too far. All of what I stated can be verified by going through old threads. A lot of it is in threads dedicated to the NBA/NBA playoffs. I believe it started in a regular season thread and my first relevant post was in roughly February 2009.


    In summary:


    In roughly Feb 2009 the Celtics had won the Finals the previous year. I stated that the 09 Finals would go to the Lakers over an "upstart" team. I named that team to be either the Hawks or Magic. It turned out to be the Magic. At some point I predicted the series would go 5 games, which it did. I also stated that the Celtics excuse would be an "injury" to a prominent player. Not long later KG got "injured".


    Still in that thread I believe, I said that the following year the Lakers/Celtics would be in the Finals and that the Finals would go 7 games. I said that game might even be played as a legitimate basketball game but that it would certainly go 7. I said I slightly favored the Lakers in a game 7 but that the Celtics would be allowed to have a chance. Lakers won in 7.


    I followed up by saying that in the 2011 Finals an unusual team would be allowed to win. Again, i did this in 2009. I did a little speculation at the time but most of it was reserved until the field of 16 playoff teams was set in 2011. At that point I named several teams I saw as "eligible" and tried to zero in on a few. It can be easily documented that my top pick, although not by much, was Dallas. THIS WAS LAUGHED AT. I also mentioned Chicago, Denver, the Knicks who were obviously a major long shot, maybe OKC I can't remember but there was someone else too. It would definitely not be C's Lakers or Heat as you pointed out. I also didn't like the Spurs.


    The main rationale for me picking Dallas was that Mark Cuban had been quiet for a long period indicating he and Stern had some sort of deal. In addition, Cuban was making guest appearances on ABC's "Shark Tank" cross promoting the NBA on its broadcast network in a way that had to be pleasing to Stern. Do you think Cuban, a major business mogul, enjoyed sitting their as housewives pitched him on ideas like gourmet dog food? I can imagine Stern laughing like crazy at that.


    Even back in 2009 the 2012 Finals were easy. It was always going to be LeBron and the coming of age was always going to be in the playoffs. There would be doubts sprinkled in and he would overcome stuff like the game 5 loss to Boston and the Bosh injury. This Finals even 3+ years ago was the easiest to figure out from all of them


    To be fair, Stern fooled me on a few. The most prominent was the landing spot for LeBron. I never really saw Miami coming until late in the process. I had guessed that it would be staying in Cleveland, the Knicks, or the Bulls as my top 3. I probably got out of my realm trying to pick that and Stern did a great job with the hero turned anti-hero turned hero again thing.


    I am sure I missed a few things in the summary above, but Buftex is right stating I showed the results of four Finals in a row....not 5 though IIRC.


    From this point forward I am not really sure what I can offer in terms of the future. I am not sure how much longer Stern will be around and it is really all about him IMO. Will he care in his last few years? Will he set up his successor for success or failure? We'll see. If I were forced to make any predictions, and these would be guesses unlike the previous readings of the script, I would speculate two things only:


    1. During the next two years the Heat will win another Finals; but not both


    2. Somehow, someway before 3 years are out, so by the end of the 2015 season, it will be very clear that the Knicks are on the rise and that their drought will finally be over. At this point I don't see how this can happen but I feel that it will.


    This all depends on the benevolence of Stern which is like depending n the politeness of Don Rickles, and that is why I am hesitant on both items.

  3. Seems pretty racist to me.

    Seriously. Coackroaches are ok to kill but squirrels aren't? Cockroaches aren't even really that fun to kill. They squish and leave a mess in the house. At least squirrels leave a mess in the outdoors plus crows and stuff get to eat while cockroaches just jam up the sewage treatment plant.


    Anyway, squirrels are jerks. They are always at the window taunting my hamster Sammy. I am judge and jury and the Bently and me are executioner.

  4. I should say that the story has an epilogue:


    A few days later, the Mrs. went into hysterics after visitor number 2 found their way into our bathroom (we suspect they were coming in through the bath tub drain).


    I corralled the son-of-a-B word into the corner of our bedroom and whacked him with a magazine, picked up the splattered parts and flushed him down the toilet.


    But that wasn't enough for the Mrs. who was now inflicted with a near-fatal dose of the heeby jeebies. It took about 45 minutes for her to calm down. And at last she was ready to crawl into bed, when ANOTHER scream came from the bedroom.


    I rushed in, and sure enough, when I thought that the bastard's splattered remains didn't seem to add up, I was right. Evidently, once I smacked him, I popped the little !@#$er's head off and sent it flying across the room next to my lady's side of the bed...where it sat, antennae still flicking around, waiting for her to wind down and go to sleep.


    Thank god we haven't found another one since...

    Next time call in the pros. Track them down from the video I posted.

  5. Not a Jared Polis fan, but he raises some legitimate concerns. The reason Leonhart won't answer is because Meth and Cocaine are considered schedule 2 prescription drugs (classified as less dangerous than weed).



    How much less is enough less? Pot has only ruined millions of lives whereas coke has ruined even more. Therefore pot should be legal. Nice logic congressman stoner.

  6. About a week and a half ago I turned around in the shower, only to come eyeball to eyeball with a cockroach about an inch and a half long, perched on my razor that's suction-cupped to the tile.


    I ran out of the bathroom screaming, naked as can be, with the water still running.


    If I ever came across a five-foot snake, I'd probably go into cardiac arrest.

    Take some tips from two people that are a little more masculine than you:



  7. See Big Cat....YOU DESERVED to get hit!!! You probably were 6" into their lane of traffic and didnt come to a complete stop at a stop sign with no traffic around for miles.


    .....blah blah projections blah blah......


    And the golden rule.....youre a big sissy in those spandex shorts!



    Big Cat left out that he saw a REALLY big cockroach in the street, screamed like a girl and swerved into the Acura. It was the drivers fault for not braking for scary cockroaches.

  8. funny stuff. If I ever get in trouble with this you can be my lawyer.

    You're right. To draw on your point and let bikers think about it; speed limit signs are not required travel speeds. If I have a heavy load or for some reason feel I cannot travel at the speed limit I adjust my driving to be as safe as possible. Bikers can learn that, too. Just because I can travel winding roads at 55mph with 10tons GVW doesn't mean I will. If I had a bike it would be the same. Just because I can be in the middle of my lane or side I know some times that is a bad idea. Also, if I can I will let people pass me by pulling off or moving over to a separate lane, if i am impairing traffic. Why can't bikers? In my case im exactly opposite, the biggest on the road almost... and I still give way.


    On my tractor I can do 19. I get passed like crazy no matter where and what I do.

    The Spandex mafia is gonna getcha.

  9. I didn't read the article but I don't see Harper or Heyward as a skin color. I see them both as people who will get their butts kicked by the WORLD CHAMPION Cardinals. But there is racism in sports. Yes, even on the Bills. Do you think an all pro safety would have been cut if he was a white guy named Don instead of a black guy named Donte?

  10. Whitner didn't "become" an All Pro. He played the same solid ball, and had a better defense around him which elevated his game.

    OK so he was an all pro level with the Bills too. I get it. I just hope if Easley ends up being all pro or all pro level, the Bills don't let him walk like they did Donte.

  11. When I first read the title of this thread I quickly glanced and thought it said : "Whitner Easley". My first thought was that the thread would speculate about Easley being let go and becoming an all pro just like Donte. I have to admit this is a possibility and I hope it doesn't happen again.



    Unfortunately, there is no older woman to provide updates for anymore......... lame excuses blah blah blah............. prevented us from doing anything. Sadly, because blah bah blah. I haven't put it to rest.....blah blah blah.


    Sounds like "rest" isn't the only thing you didn't put it to.

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