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Posts posted by Vinny4sum

  1. Because Gailey (prefers mobile, athletic QBs given his choice) is our coach and Nix (heavy scouting of southern players and aversion to QBs who don't win in college) is our GM. If they were thinking of picking a QB, why in the world would they pick a Blaine Gabbert over a Cam Newton? Gabbert has nothing on Newton, not arm strength, not athleticism, not size, not his record in college, nothing except POSSIBLY the ability to contribute earlier and need to learn less (though, I kind of doubt this, since they are both coming from spread offenses) and that's really not a consideration with Fitzpatrick in the fold and the fact that any QB drafted would sit this year.


    So, what in the world would make anyone think the Bills would draft Gabbert over Newton? Only someone with utterly no knowledge of the team and the people making the decisions, I would think.


    Personally, again, I don't advocate a QB at #3 at all with this year's crop, but to me there's just no way it's Gabbert.


    How many games did Newton win in 2009? oh I forgot it was zero because he did not play. Then how many in 2008? I know same answer.


    Gabbert is 18-8 over the past two years and he carried that team frequently.


    I will also bet Gabbert's wunderlic score will be higher.


    Honestly, at this point I do not want either QB.

  2. I just have a felling it's going to be Gabbert or Newton in the end...Just a gut thing... B-)


    My gut is saying the same, but I really think they are leaning toward Gabbert and that scares me.


    Honestly, drafing any of these QB's at #3 is like drawing to am inside straight, if you get what you want is awesome, but still lucky. Versus playing the hand dealt and building slowly with a solid foundation.

  3. really, Sabres? everyone hated the flying slug logo, and yet everyone in town was wearing the jerseys, t-shirts, hats, socks whatever because the team was actually -- how do you call it? -- winning, by getting to the Eastern Conference finals twice.

    i thought winning generated enthusiasm. :huh:



    Winning will make you forget how ugly the unis are. Unfortunately, the Bills were not able to test the theory of; does winning make you forget how ugly the uniforms are?

  4. What you are basically saying is that the owners are in the position of power so the union and the players should just give in to all their demands. Everyone concedes that the players don't have much leverage. I'm sure even the union would privately acknowledge the obvious fact. But that doesn't mean that they should just lay down like puppies and allow themselves to be steamrolled. If they simply concede on all the points without trying to fight for their positon, then what happens when the next contract comes up? Do the owners simply dictate the terms to the oppostion?


    As another poster smartly observed it might be fruitful if the players could stretch out the proceedings a little to gain as much leverage as possible. The object of the union rep is to get the best deal possible, not the most unattainable idealistic deal they can wistfully imagine.


    If I gave the impression the NFLPA should lay down, I apologize not what I meant. My main point is they have to understand the current approach may be hurting them not helping. In any negotiation reading the tea leaves is the key to getting as much as you can.


    The players should be trying to become very active partners with the owners and right now they should be talking about what a great product they have and better communicate publicly their needs. They have put themselves in a win or lose stance with the owners and the owners are not the type of people who lose.


    Finally, I think the players will weaken the longer this stretches out not the owners. There is a thread here on TBD about the players that have gone bankrupt, so do you think a majority of the players are prepared for a long hold out? I do not.

  5. Unfortunately, pretty much for everyone concerned, now is not at all the right time to negotiate. Now is the time to talk tough, because the owners are pricks, too, and no one in this thing is looking to make a good deal. Both sides are looking to get better than their share, if not break the other side. Smith may be in a no win situation ultimately as you say, but if he negotiated NOW he has no chance of getting the "best" deal for his clients because the owners are never going to give their best deal now.


    Smith has to wait for at least the final minute before the deadline before he can give in on anything. It's quite possible he's doing exactly the right thing right now. I don't expect that to continue, but the owners are not looking to make a good deal, or do what is right, which is settle this thing fairly before the deadline.


    That sounds great in theory, but when one side owns every advantage you run the risk of coming to the table late and they have reduced what they offer. The longer this takes without the appearance of negotiating by the players the more leverage the players lose.


    It's like a hand of poker, the owners have a very good hand and the players are hoping to draw the inside straight, but they stay in the hand despite the owners increasing the bet. In other words yes the only thing the players have right now is to posture, but I do not see that position changing as we get closer to the deadline. If that is the case you say that is when they get the best deal and I disagree. I have been through union negotiations from the employers side and we also held the cards. In the end the contract ran out was extended for 30 days 2 times and finally the union accepted a deal 15% lower than the original offer and 20% lower than the offer the company was "OK" to settle with. Sometimes working with the owners is a better move, I may be wrong, but the harsh nature of the NFLPA right now is doing them more harm than good. Honestly, they should be playing the sympathy root trying to get more funding from the league for after their careers are over. If they did that they would like like they are caring for the old timers and would have a chance to over the long term get more from the owners.

  6. The thing is, KD, that even the guys that report on the NFL want to play along with it, as well.


    Does any reporter even have the balls to peel just one layer of the onion back on this?


    Why should the sports world be any different than the news world?

  7. I know Bills aren't coaching him, but did anyone catch Locker? SI had him as atrocious.


    I saw him this afternoon and Mayock was pointing out accuracy issues during some of the drills. Mayock was very kind and said he wasn't jumping on the guy, but he said the scouts are there to see if Lockler can be accurate and was not at all.


    It was the 1st practice, but it seemed to me Mayock was saying he better get his act together as the week goes on.

  8. Even though the Jets lost the unvinceable comment still holds. They won every game they needed to win and they fooled the Patriots coach who is supposed to be so smart. How is some midwestern team which is all three left going to beat a team from New York City where all the smart people are residing? The Boston people think they are smart but we call them chowder heads because they are not that smart as us.




    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS.


    Hey Jimmy, a message from those chowderheads "good luck with the baseball season this year." signed, Carl Crawford and Adrian Gonzalez.


    Good luck with Cliff Lee, oh never mind I forgot.

  9. I suspect there is more to it than that.

    Keep in mind that the Green Bay Packers ownership is unique:

    "The Packers are the only non-profit, community-owned major league professional sports team in the United States"

    They are owned by shareholders, and if sold, the money goes to the Green Bay Packers Foundation, a charity.

    We'd need to look at last year's balance sheet and this years, to understand the drop in profit, but as a non-profit organization, it's not clear to me what happens to their "profit" anyway.


    I doubt fan attendance dropped, even in the bad economy.

    Green Bay is one of the few places with more fervent fans than the Bills (hence the traditional Lambeau Leap) and the team is winning. And the fans like beer.

    I'd be surprised if their revenues dropped that much.


    My guess is: 1) the drop in profits reflects something else - donation to a charity, infrastructure investment, or increased expenses

    2) Green Bay is not at all reflective of the NFL as a whole because their ownership is such a different beast


    Well it appears wages may have had something to do with increased expenses, the Packers total payroll was 94 million in 2008 and 114 million in 2009.

  10. As for the "where did this guy come from, he must be no good" thought. He played at Mizzou and not Florida, Auburn or you name it big time T.V. school. How many times was he on a network last year? I know I watched him on a lot of Fox sports networks.


    That does not mean he is the answer and definitely not at #3, the Bills have to make that an impact pick. This pick needs to be Bruce Smith or Will Wolford all over again.

  11. Interesting read. The article certainly paints the owners in a bad light.


    I agree with Fez. The $33million profit is undoubtedly skewed by a few clubs. So, if you assume the Packers are closer to the actual average, that's not a lot of money and I could easily see an owner wanting more money. A billion dollar business only making 10million profit almost seems impossible. Is that 1%? (I hate math). So, If you had a $1million dollar business, but at the end of the year you only made $10 grand; would it be worth it to run that business?


    Who knows where this goes...


    I agree, without understanding the Packers actual profit and loss you have no idea what the 9 million represents. I also disagree with the writers comment about, how would you feel if you worked for a profitable company and took a pay cut. I do work for a profitable company, but much like Green Bay our profits decreased in 2010 and as part of the top 10% in salary I took a 8% direct pay cut and 2 furlough weeks per year. He mentions the Packers went from 20 miilion to 9 million and he glosses over that. Any company that saw profit cut in half would go crazy.

  12. If thats all hes missing, then he can learn to do it. Point is hes just a kid and he already makes throws that most pro quarterbacks can't. Not saying he is necessarily what the Bills and Gailey need, but hes one of the top prospect at the position and if he turns into the next Joe Flacco thats really not so bad.


    I am not sure you can learn to feel pressure and move in the pocket. I think it is part of the "talent" package jst like a strong arm or speed. You either have a strong arm or you don't, I think it is the same for pocket presence. We have had the pleasure of seeing 2 QBs recently that can not feel pressure and that is frustrating.


    What I saw from Gabbert that I liked was a quick release and fast decisions. With that said i also don't think I want him at #3 that is a reach for a guy that will sit for at least a year.

  13. Pure Speculation: George Edwards would be ILB coach where he has experience. Wanny and others will be considered for DC. Chan has realized he needs a strong D coordinator because he ended up spending too much time on the D during the year and it wore him out plus his passion is O...


    This may be speculation, but it makes sense. There are a few DC guys out there available right now.

  14. My weekend rooting will be for:


    Steelers, Jets in AFC..I do not want either Jets or Pats* in Super Bowl so I want the Jets going to Pittsburgh. I am holding my nose with all 4 AFC teams do not like any of them.


    Seahawks and Packers would make me happy. Seahawks all the way, but I would take Packers and honestly NFC team is fine.

  15. If you want any indication of Buddy's ability watch what happens to the Chargers now that he is gone. I bet they slowly decline as the players he helped draft are gone. It's already started and will continue in San Diego, because AJ Smith is not the guy. Maybe that is part of the reason Merriman signed, because he was there.


    Those Charger teams were loaded with pro bowl players, just look at the numbers each year..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddy_Nix

  16. I was a curious fan also...I thought Brohm had something and I thought that since his college days.


    He may still have it, but he had an opportunity and instead of throwing the ball and taking chances he had doubt and it showed. Time for the Bills to move on and give someoone else the opportunity.

  17. My guess is Fitzs also leads the NFL in missing WRs of curls and come back routes by 3+ yards.


    I agree..Fitz throws a ball that at times seems difficult to catch...that is part of the difference between him and Brady or Manning. Not only difficult to catch, but in bad locations, i.e. slighlty behind a receiver on a cross or high on a curl.


    But, I still think he has earned the opportunity to play.

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