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Posts posted by Vinny4sum

  1. anyone jnow if there is a way on the preseason live package to get the bills broadcast so we dont have to listen to purple pansy talk all game?


    last week I went into game center and selected "watch" next to the bills side and got the Bills broadcast, not sure that it mattered, but i had the bills local group.

  2. I can't comment reguarding the power of Schumer or any other politician claiming plans to keep the team in place. But I agree with Jimmy regarding the fact that Senetors don't just come to little town Buffalo the same day the Commissioner of the league is in town or close enough to be in town in an hour. It just seems like it may be more than what all th pessimists are saying.


    As far as building stadiums I don't think $500 million(and the comment I made was actually about 375m not 500m) even gets you close to building a new age stadium in the NFL in these times. The state could give you as much land as you want for free but you'd still have to spend close to a quarter billion dollars to build the actual structure.

    I have been looking at numbers here at work all day, but isn't a quarter billion dollars actually 250 million?

  3. It's true. They gave the Bills about 3 minutes worth of exclusive coverage this morning on their NFL am show.


    Amazing. Every time I turn the channel on it's the Jets and Broncos with a smattering of Eagles, Bengals, and Dolphins.


    It was clear from some of the commentary introducing the segment that they had been barraged on Twitter by irate Bills fans wanting some coverage of their team. They even ended the segment saying something like, "we do cover all 32 teams".


    Should have finished the statement by saying.."when we take the occasional break from the Tebow/Manning lovefest".


    Don't forget the Saints, Cowboys and 49ers, if I saw one more time the Jerry Jones quoate about the Giants my head would explode.


    I had knee surgery Monday and have been home recovering and the coverage on NFL net is good, but does not cover all 32 teams.

  4. I see Docs point


    we want Shawn to be healthy SO bad.....that if even if he had an extra month of time and it would make a difference we would give it....


    This is the thing


    You could hear it in Chans voice today in his presser when he was talking about Merriman....he is fed up.....its put up or shut up time......you can either still be a football player or you cant. Chans patience for this whole situation has run out.


    I heard it too, but my thought is Chan was thinking, you got cleared on day one of OTA's vs. a day or two sooner and being at the OTAs. I mean did he have a problem getting a doctors appointment? That is what I would be upset about if I were Chan.

  5. I have been with DirecTV for 13 years and I feel the service is fantastic and I am a VP of Customer Service with another company. The call takers are courteous and always thank me for my loyalty.


    I just renewed the NFL package and then was offered a position in Syracuse so the family and I may be moving if I accept. Am I remembering correctly that the NFL started to include Syracuse in the blackout area? If so I will try to keep the billing address as my Albany address.

  6. His numbers for last year were not very good;


    He ranked 24th in punts inside the 20 and #1 in touchbacks which is not what you want to be number one in. He did rank 6th in total average per punt, but his net average was 25th which may indicate out punt coverage was poor or he was missing his spots.


    What it all means is maybe he is simply being challenged.

  7. Went to my first game when I was 8, the first game played at Rich Stadium...August 1973 pre-season loss to the Redskins. I always wanted to go to a game at the Rockpile when my dad, uncle and brother would go...but it was "too rough" for a kid, they said.


    I was transfixed from that day on...I know the Ralph can be a little rough, but I would, seriously, take your kid to a pre-season game...not only are tickets much cheaper (even free if you know where to look) but if you take him when he is young, he isn't going to really know the difference. It is that whole experience of being in that crowd, the lights, seeing everything live.


    Wow me too..kinda!! My first game was 1973 when I was 8, but it was the Sept. 30th game against the Jets.


    Almost 40 years later I am still going and brought my son to pre-season games at 4 and he started regular season games at 10 2 years ago. My daughter is 6 and has been to 2 pre-season games and very few problems.


    Enjoy the new one, your life is just getting interesting!

  8. I'm old enough to remember when it was on on Tuesday's in the '80s and ESPN (Berman and crew) used to cover it. I'd "get sick" that day and phone the picks in to my dad's bar to keep his patrons up to date on what was going on. See, young folks, there was a time before internet :lol: .....


    Same here, I was always sick on Tuesdays and would be glued to the TV watching Berman and gang with all my back issues of The Sporting News that had rankings for each position for the draft.

  9. I've warmed to the idea of CB. Only because I feel we've done a great job with the line, and I think you can find LBs later in the draft, I'm cool with CB. The program building strategy that always made sense to me was building from the lines outward. Prior to our FA signings, CB made no sense to me at all. But now? I say pull the trigger on Gilmore.


    Gilmore, Florence and Williams will work for me at corner and I like the little I saw of Justin Rogers at the end of the year. This would mean not having to address CB next year in a desperate mode.

  10. What else? The Albany Assclowns.....they play every day in the Assembly. Sheldon Silver is the Captain of the Team.


    That clown only works in Albany! He is elected by the downstate clowns. Albany is the state Capital if you don't like the people elected try to do something about it.


    Do you think that if Buffalo was the Capital NY would be different and there would be no Silver? To blame a location for the state's issues is just not understanding the problem.

  11. I think he is saying that as an Albany resident and bills fan who bought the ticket, the more the bills are on local tv, the less justification for paying for the ticket


    Bingo! As a Finance/Accounting major I like to maximize expenses!


    This is why I cancelled the MLB package as a Red Sox fan in Albany I get Yanks and Mets. I was lucky to watch 2-3 games a week with the ticket and now with MLB network I can still see a couple of games a week when you add in TBS Sunday, Fox Saturday and ESPN.


    But I will never cancel NFL package I enjoy being able to watch any game I want each week.


    I also have season tickets and make about 4 games per year.

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