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Posts posted by Vinny4sum

  1. I am trying to see if I understand this thread so here it goes:


    blue collar fan = rowdy drunken fan

    white collar fan = polite tennis like fan..looks like that class warfare strategy is working very well!


    And we should have no rules and when there are rules we do not like we should ignore them and have a small civil riot.


    I have been a season tick holder for 22 years, got my own seats when I turned 21 and this thread is why I can no longer attend games. When the buttheads finally invaded my section I could not enjoy the experience at all.


    It's funny how we have multiple threads about the Bills leaving, but ultimately we will kill this team ourselves by forcing away fans that yes want a winner, but also don't want to be puked on.

  2. ESPN annoys me. I watch it because I don't have NFLN. The second I do get NFLN Im off ESPN like I just found out she was HIV +. Schefter annoys me too. He talks like everyone out there is 6 years old. Some are, but they don't count.


    I have been on NFLN for a week straight all day (I work at home) and I have not once even checked in with ESPN. I like everyone at NFLN, except Dukes he is just a loud mouth.

  3. I agree if he wanted to make sign with the Bills it would of happened by now. I feel like he is just playing games at this point.

    I think just the opposite, if Atl and Bills offers are close he makes easy choice to stay. To me the delay may be the Bills made a better offer and he is hoping Atl matches otherwise he signs with Blo.

  4. Pointing to two teams proves zero.


    Brush up on these concepts and get back to me:


    "All things being equal"

    "Sample size"

    "Exceptions vs rules"


    If you don't understand the above ideas and consider two "examples" to equal "evidence" then we have nothing to talk about, you and I.


    I do understand what you are saying, but nothing is ever equal and I believe we are talking about 2 different things.


    My factual observation needs no sample size and may be an exception to the rule, but it is correct. Did I say in my post that all teams that spend less are winners? No, I just was making the point you do not have to spend money to win. If I was not clear with that thought then what I type and think are not the same.

  5. See here, WEO:


    You want evidence? You're not gonna get it. This is a theoretical discussion. We can't put NFL teams into a laboratory.



    And here's a question to you: Which teams have the same budget?


    I believe my initial point was not theoretical, but factual. The two teams that spent the least were Tampa and KC both won 10 games.


    See that's easy no argument because it is fact.

  6. Here's the salary cap expenditure list, and it looks like only 3 teams (not Bills) would need to pony up.



    One thinks about left tackle McNeill in Charger-land...


    But..but that can't be accurate! The two "cheapest" teams made the playoffs and each won 10 games! I thought it was proven you had to spend to win.. :huh:

  7. Go enjoy the "NewNFL" then and stop plaguing us with this goofy crap.


    Since there is going to be a NewNFL, doesn't that prove the league is not a monopoly? :doh:


    The monopoly argument has always amazed me, how does the NFL limit the growth of another league? Just because other leagues have failed does not prove a monopoly.


    Finally, why can't the NFL as an employer tell an employee where they can work? My employer can move my position at anytime and if I want to stay employed I can move.

  8. Sanchez emerged last season as a late in the game clutch performer is most likely why many people believe Sanchez has the tools to make it big time:




    Led his team to 4 4th quarter comeback wins and on 6 game winning drives. Yes, Jets have a good defense, but they did need to score enough points to win those games. If you look at the scores of those games, the Jets defense still let up an average of 20 points exactly in those 6 games. Bills scored over 19 points just 4 times. Jets average scoring about 24 points in those games. Take it for what it's worth, he played well down the stretch as his team won games, that is a sign of a winner at the helm. I hate Sanchez but he is clearly better than Ryan Fitzpatrick.


    If you look at the entire season Sanchize = 20.6 points per game(15 games, I did not count the Bills game because he barely played) Fitzy = 19.9 points per game for 13 games. Very little difference despite the talent difference of the rosters.

  9. Clevelands new franchise has had no level of success to speak of and I believe detroits playoff drought is just as long as ours. Honestly though it did take me a while to think of 3 teams in as bad of a situation as ours. Just not sure why these teams would get a pass and the bills (again) get beat up by espn. However I don't discount their location in pats* land as a factor in much of the hate they spew towards the bills.


    I immediately thought of Detroit! With very little research you can find that over the past 10 years Detroit has one season with more wins than the Bills (2010 Det 6, Buf 4) and for the 10 year trend Detroit has 39 wins vs. the Bills 62! They don't even trend better, over the past 5 years Bills have 31 wins vs Detroit's 18 and that includes 0 wins as recently as 2008 for the Lions! But they are thought to be on the right track because they have Suh, Stafford and Calvin Johnson. While I know it is for only one season but our Johnson's stats are very similiar to Calvin Johnson in 2010.

  10. I think we should wait and see if Stevie can consistently produce before we go ahead and put that much pressure on him to be THE guy for us. Last season, he would regularly follow up a big game with an average game. If he's going to be the #1, he needs to show up every game.


    Stevie did fine after the bye. Of the 11 games post bye he had at least 5 receptions in 9 of them, against Det. he caught only 3 balls, but Fitzy only completed 12 all game. 5 receptions per game is 80 receptions in a year and that is not bad.


    My concern is what does he do as the number one guy and he did OK without Lee at the end of the season, so I have hope. Easley and the other young guys will help take the pressure off Stevie.

  11. Here's one for the financial experts. My buddy firmly believes that Ralph hocked the Bills long ago in order to enjoy his equity now, and once he passes we'll find out a couple of dozen banks hold paper on the team as collateral. That's one reason, supposedly, he won't sell now. He'd have to open his books and the jig would be up.


    My buddy thinks it's a brilliant strategy, essentially dodging any capital gains on the ever-climbing value of the Bills. Anyone here with a financial background care to comment?




    I may be very wrong, but wouldn't this approach require you to make payments with interest? So the interest would eat away at your equity...even if the lender was going to defer interest and payments,they would come due at his death...that would mean Ralph would have to get more interest from the investments he made with the money that was loaned than the interest on the loan..


    Now I am even more confused...he should will the team to me..I will sell 49% of the team to cover the taxes..

  12. Its very difficult to move unless you want to go to the visitors side. They will tell nothing is available anywhere. You have to go through section by section with them on the phone, or you get, sorry the stadium is full. I was lucky enough to keep pushing, and got to 134 row 10. Thats pretty darn good for the conversation starting out that there was no place to move to.


    I love the visitors side, that's where the sun hangs out! I am in 113 row 11 (been there since 1986) and in the super bowl years it was great to see the defeated look on the opponent's face when they came back to the sideline. Now, they are usually all smiles.

  13. I like the thoughts. The truth is that the Bills we see no love until they start winning consistently. 10 year playoff droughts don't earn you much love.


    I hear what you are saying, but this is not about getting love, every team was graded. We are agreeing because what I think you are saying is we got a bad grade because we are not relevant instead of grading the players taken and using the same grading measurement.

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