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Posts posted by Vinny4sum

  1. My favorite part is how the Bills failed to address the the QB position and they get a bad grade. The Dolphins get a better grade and I would argue they have a bigger need at QB than the Bills.



    td int yds rat

    Fitzy in 13 games 23 15 3000 81.8

    Henne in 14 games 15 19 3301 75.4


    Bucky mailed it in.

  2. Awesome post man. I get accused by my firends of being too optimistic a Bills fan all the time. I agree 100% that the new regime is going for big & physical. Seems to work w/ the Steelers (Whalen?) Really though, what do you expect? Have you been to a Bills game and tailgated in the main lot? It's not exactly a MENSA gathering.


    That is so right! I was watching the draft and reading TBD after the Williams pick, whom I wanted, when I screamed out loud my frustration with this board. My wife's response was "These are the same people we see in the parking lot that still think they look good in their Zubaz!"

  3. It cannot be put more eloquently and to the point than how you stated it. I smell the realization in Bellyache and Rexy that the Bills won't be a cakewalk anymore. I can't wait for our new guys to gel with the rest of the team. Bills are going to be VERY exciting to watch!


    I watched the ESPN draft re-cap today with Mcshay, Kiper, Bruschi and Edwards. They smell it too!! McShay said " Bills had a great draft maybe 4 starters drafted." Bruschi said, "The Bills started to close the gap with other AFC East teams, no more looking at the Bills on the schedule and seeing a sure win."

  4. Most people should be happy with this draft. Yeah, maybe some people wanted a LB in the second, but the Bills seem to have done their homework and hopefully will put things together this year.


    Ralph Wilson had two words for Bills fans last year: “Pain and Patience”. I’m good with the patience part - if Ralph, at 92 years old, or whoever might buy this team will do the same.


    Since the Bills have been changing their coaching staff every three years I would like to advocate that we give Chan and Buddy more time to see if the fruits of their labor succeed. It just might take more three years to rebuild and it remains to be seen if Fitz is really the player the Bills need him to be.


    The picks they made convey a feeling of security from Buddy and Chan. They didn't reach to try to hit a home run. These picks look to me like just step one. For example, Johnny White the RB is a pick for depth, but also the first in line to ultimately replace Freddy in 2-3 years and there will be more RBs to eventually find the replacement.


    I guess what we feel, even the people not overly happy with all the picks, is the sense of a plan.

  5. Has the guy from Tenn. got picked yet Luke Stocker ? He was rated pretty high ! Still kind of wonder why we didn't take Martez Wilson he was rated higher than Sheppard , hope that Chan & Buddy know more about this than we do !!!


    So do I!

  6. The coaches and scouts can't discuss it in a meeting? They can talk about the report in a room with a door closed but not in the hallway? A defensive captain of the team can't ask his position coach if Bowers has been cleared to play or not, just a yes or no question? I'm not exactly clear where the law starts and stops.


    Not that any of this has stopped team employees with direct insider knowledge from mentioning it to their wife. Besides, I have a friend who is a patient of a Bills doctor who gets information all the time. ;)


    They can do all of it..but it all violates the HIPAA laws..where the aw starts and stops are the people necessary in providing care; such as doc, doc office staff, payers etc. The docs wife or friend that doc is in violation..cleared to play is OK...exact issue is not.

  7. Just out of curiosity when was the last time you were treated by a doctor in NYS without signing the information release form? If the Bills requested the medical and Bowers agreed, I'm nearly certain that he signed the release.


    That release is for shared health information, not public release of information.

  8. Surely there are all kinds of erroneous reports coming from reporters and inside sources, especially around draft time. And while it is against the law for a doctor to release that information, most of the time it would come from someone inside OBD who was in a meeting where the doctor report was discussed. That person could easily have direct knowledge and give that knowledge to a reporter or friend, etc.


    I would not automatically assume the report, as written, was true though. Maybe they are, as NGU said, trying to help the kid out. Maybe it's b.s.. Maybe it's true. I was just asking for a clarification from a great poster here who clearly has a solid source for his info.


    Unless the player signs a waiver..NO ONE can discuss his medical without the threat of breaking the law.

  9. Wow, you got me on that one. Nice catch. :worthy: Two points about that '87 draft run by Bill Polian: He got the linebacker he wanted still within the top 10 in Conlan (and if Nix traded down with this top heavy talent rich group within the top 10, that will be fine with me and I don't think he will do it based on saving money only!). Secondly, later on that season, Polian convinced Ralph Wilson to pay an unheard of million dollar signing bonus to Cornelius Bennett, the linebacker he really coveted in the draft that year in an amazing trade he worked with the Colts who could not sign Bennett. Certainly Ralph was not worried about saving money to sign that rookie!


    Polian also got House Ballard in like the 10th or 11th round.

  10. If you like the "draft experts" some say Peterson could be the best player in the draft. That being said it is a bad idea for the Bills due to the 3 issues that I stated. And no, we don't HAVE to take anyone. We can get a GREAT player AND they could actually be at one of several positions of need.


    Take a look at espn.com and the "scout inc's top 32". Peterson has a grade of 97 as do 3 other players. This is not even to mention the good size group of players with a ranking of 96 and 95. Far and away the best? I don't think so. He's good but there are many other good players at positions of need. Don't draft Peterson because Kiper says he is the best player.




    Completely unrelated to this topic, but look at the rankings and please explain why Newton over Gabbert? It's not only Scout's, but the majority of rankings are like this, but everyone says Newton to Carolina..I don't get it, I know there "may" be a greater upside with Newton, but that is a gamble at #1 or #3..don't these ramkings mean that Gabbert is less of a reach at he top of the draft? I mean at CB Peterson is clear #1, but there is less gap between him and Prince the #2 rated CB than at QB, but you don't hear Prince taken before Peterson..


    Am I just trying to make sense of something that doesn't make sense?

  11. If the Bills go defense at #3 and want a QB at #34 the Patriots* phone will be ringing off the hook for the #33 pick. If Buddy is correct and there is a run on QBs in the first round there may be a very short supply of 2nd round value QB's available and everyone will be trying to jump our pick.


    This scenario scares me for 2 reasons; first it means Pats* get great value for this pick and second if I am thinking this so are the Bills so they either jump back into round one which is costly or they grab a QB at #3 and I am not sure either QB is worth #3.

  12. Yeah too bad it doesn't take a great athlete to be a QB see Tom Brady, Peyton Manning and Drew Brees.


    I agree...I find it very hard to believe the Bills or any team for that matter has Newton ahead of Gabbert...for that reason I believe that if Miller and Dareus are gone the Bills turn to Gabbert...last night on NFLN Casserly said the Bills will not go QB in rnd. 1 because they can get an immediate starter on defense with the 3rd pick and I prefer that approach vs. taking Gabbert. miller, dareus or peterson one of them has to be available.

  13. No, the Pats* will never trade up that high. More likely would be the Bills trading away draft picks to get back into the first round - the Bills will pick a bust (seriously - what's when was the last time we were successful with a guy we traded up to get as an additional 1st round pick?) and the Pats* will turn our picks into gold.........


    Relax..trading back into the 1st round was Donahoe "Splash" move!! Nix and team value picks and have confidence they can find the right player in round 2.

  14. You can thank Mike Mayock for Gabbert. He was the first one to promote his status. I remember him showing this one play on the NFL Network where Gabbert looked off a receiver and completed a pass, and that this one play proved that he'd be a franchise QB.


    Now he has serious egg on his face. He all but guaranteed that after Gabbert's pro day, he'd be the clear #1 guy in the draft...LOL Uh yeah, guess again Mike.


    I've lost all respect for Mayock ever since his Gabbert love fest. I no longer care what Mayock says about a player anymore.


    Is this because Mayock didn't agree with you? Because the draft has not happened, so where does the the egg on face come from?

  15. Wow! Heard it with my own ears! :thumbsup:


    As one who has been kind of avoiding this whole labor issue as much as I can, I found the last part of this clip very interesting. According to Schefter, as there is no CBA right now, players are not subject to the NFL conduct policy, agent rules, etc...and cannot be retroactively punished. Imagine, if this had happened last year, no Ben Roethlisberger punishment, or, a few years ago, no suspension for Mike Vick...this could get scarry. It seems that player off season, off the field incidents are getting more rampant each year, and more outrageous.


    Lock up your daughters!!

  16. I got mine right before the start of last season and it didnt work all that well, it is IR so that part was nice, but ended up tossing it out, as it didnt work well, only half the time I pushed the button would the reviver recognize it. But looked cool though,lol.


    I have had mine for 2 years and it works great..it is an RF remote and actually works while not pointed at receiver. You have to change the remote setting in setup to RF and some of the older receivers had a spot to add an RF antenna.

  17. PR spin control. The main issue is money. Always has been. Always will be. And the owners decided to create a system where they pay their employees a percentage of the total revenue. When they did that they created a partnership. But they expect the players to take their word on what that total number actually is. On trust alone. Now, there isn't a business in the world that would agree to sign a new deal based on this principle without seeing the books. The fact that the NFL is insisting that they met the players' finical demands is a bold faced lie since the desired number is a percentage of a number the owners refuse to acknlowdge.


    If the owners didn't have anything to hide they would show the books. If the leave was really not making record profits and generating record revenues, they'd show their books because it would take whatever leverage the players have away.


    The 18 game schedule and rookie cap are side shows. It's about the money.


    Funny I share in my companies PROFIT not revenue. Because I contribute to their ability to make a profit, but I also play a part in their expenses. Maybe the owners do not want to share the books, because they do not want the line details to become public or there are individual organizations that are struggling and that would weaken them.


    I have a huge problem with the word revenue, because it is meaningless to organization stability. Yes increasing is always good, unless your expenses increased more. The point of this argument is future earnings and the players want to see the past 10 years, they are meaningless in todays world of increased exepneses for travel, facilities and health care. What the owners are looking for is a partner in potential increased expenses going forward, not just revenue.


    So, the agreement should be a percent of profit and the books will determine each years payout (or cap). It's not hard if both sides want to be honest with each other.

  18. I know if I intended on drafting a franchise QB in round 1 I would fully evaluate all potential options. The difference being I would take the one I want you to think I am drafting to dinner very publicly the night before his pro day. The one I am leaning toward I would be meeting with via site visit to Buffalo and low key meetings at pro day.

  19. F*CK the jets! Don't care if they beat us or not! Tell them overrated m*therf*ckers to win when it matters! Revis....million dollar man, make that int that hit you square in the chest. Scott, make the tackle and mendenhal doesn't get in. And on top of that, they had a nerve to come out flat in an afc championship game. FOH with that bs! Only person on that team that is official is HOLMES! And where is he from? F*CK THE JETS!!!!!!!

    For the same reason they came out flat in a huge game they will start to crack this year. Ryan's emotional leadership is great for a while, but eventually that starts to backfire and the AFC championship game may have been the first sign.


    They have a lot of talent, but they are who we thought they are!

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