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Posts posted by Vinny4sum

  1. Well, I got the word at practice and I am shocked to say Fox23 is carrying the boys vs. fischer's folly.


    I then voiced my concern that the Bills were getting a raw deal and was given an e-mail address for the king of sports: RICHARDW.BECKER@fox23news.com. So, send him your thoughts.


    They can change the game up until 4pm tomorrow, after that they are locked in.


    Good luck.

  2. I am hoping the map shows what Fox suggests to the locals, but the locals can change it. I will check tonight, Noah the weather guy lives around the corner and I see him at pop warner practice on Thursdays.


    This is why I have DirecTV with the NFL package, it costs me for the annual fee, but saves me in the long run vs. bar tabs.

  3. I think there is one major development I have noticed this year and it is simply that JP looks comfortable on the field. I guess I mean he finally looks like he belongs in an NFL backfield. The rest of his development will come now that he is more at ease with the situations around him.

  4. Let us use a management example to grade the GM.


    If tomorrow at McDonalds the MGR is fired and a new one is hired. The new MGR meets with the drive up kid, the flipper boy and the frie girl and lights a fire under them. Then the next day the group of employees have the most productive flipping, frying drive-up day ever! Who gets the credit the old manager for hiring the employees or the new manager for getting the best of his team?


    I go with the new guy who knew how to deal with people.

  5. With respect to bars, Saturday nights are already selling balls out. They will make more by having it on Sunday.


    While I understand that many people will have to leave early to drive the kids home, you are probably the exception, not the rule. Most people that I know who have young children are watching it at home.


    Believe me if advertisers thought they were missing out on significant viewership by having it on Sundays instead of Saturdays it would be on Saturday.




    This, when you look deeper is the real reason. Remember, the NFL does not want large gatherings on Super Sunday the advertising dollars are determined by households with TVs watching. A Neilsen TV with 20 people watching it still counts as only one TV. If they keep fans in small groups or even better home the numbers go up and so does the cost of a commercial next year.


    As for the NFL network getting games, this gives the league a double win. First it increases households in the next 8 months as cable outlets will be forced to add the channel and secondly the NFL gets the direct revenue from covering the games and it doesn't affect the current packages.


    To quote my favorite commercial " Brilliant"

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