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Posts posted by Scraps

  1. 14 hours ago, plenzmd1 said:

    The outrage over the Texas opening was a shock to me. In VA, state and local parks never closed, most retail outside of large box clothing g store branded themselves as essential, both commercial and residential construction continuing unabated afaik,   All things , again afaik, Texas has closed down and is now reopening. Texas governor taking heat for opening too soon, VA governor praised for his response. 

    wonder what the difference is?

    Wakefield park in Annandale VA was closed.  Might depend where you are in the state.  Northern VA has more cases than much of the rest of the state.



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  2. On 4/25/2020 at 4:11 PM, Magox said:

    The data that is coming out is overwhelming and it's pointing to the CoronaVirus having a much much lower mortality rate than what everyone feared.


    I would highly recommend that you guys read that article.  It goes into all the antibody tests and hospital data and a few other nuggets.














    These numbers are just crazy.   That data is actually data compiled by the hospitals....That isn't an antibody test or some study, this is actual hard data.  


    If politicians namely Democrats are hell bent on going by the science and data, then they have to begin relaxing their shut downs and going about it in a much more targeted maner.


    Every single passing day, Sweden's policy appears to have gotten it right.   They are beginning to look like geniuses.


    Mortality rate is not the lone variant that should be considered.  Hospitalization rates, intubation rates, availability of ventilators and all the expertise to run them, availability of adequate quantities of  PPE so the system doesn't get overwhelmed are also factors that must be considered.


    From what I've read about Sweden, it is very different from the US.  They have a higher number of single person households, which makes social distancing normal.  A larger percentage of the workforce has jobs that can be performed by telework.  The government has asked to people to socially distance and not travel which resulted in a 95% reduction in travel to some of their most popular vacation destinations.  Even the way they deal with their elderly is different.  From what I've heard, it isn't exactly life as normal.


    The argument being made is one of utilitarianism.


    It would be interesting to look at the crew of the USS Roosevelt and compare it to the NBA players and other studies cited in the link you provided.


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  3. On 4/25/2020 at 10:49 AM, GG said:

    How come nobody is bringing up Dr Birx interview with ABC, where she basically admitted that Trump tried to parrot what he heard the experts discuss, but as usual he flubbed it? 

    All the more reason why he shouldn't talk at the pressers.  He sows confusion and makes his team look incompetent.  He adds nothing of value.


    She didn't not categorically deny that he was totally off base in his comments. 

    Is that a triple negative?  Way to confuse matters even further.

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  4. Just now, CommonCents said:

    Docs at Boston Medical Center believe it’s worth the risk and have been using since day 1.


    We would be hard pressed to find anyone more qualified than any of them on this board. I think we can all say, we hope it helps because too many people are dying. 

    Yes but there are other treatments that could help but can't be reasonably tested because everyone wants hydroxychloroquine.

  5. 34 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    Certain media outlets decided not to cover the briefings live and to just report on what they think is important. In other words they want to censure everything that won't make Trump look bad. Coincidentally this decision was made when Trump's popularity started to go up. Those media outlets thought that the briefings were taking the place of Trump's rallies. 

    Given the way he lectures the media on how to ask questions, it appears he wants confrontation to placate his base.


    He provides quite a bit of mixed messaging and nutty ideas.  Remember how he wanted to economy open by Easter with the pews in the churches packed shoulder to shoulder?  I thought that was the most irresponsible thing a President has ever said but he topped that yesterday with the disinfectant injections.

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  6. 1 minute ago, 3rdnlng said:

    HAHAHAHA. Wasn't it you who complained about 30 million dosages being ordered when we don't know with certainty how well it will work? Now you're telling us that you're afraid of a shortage for other uses? No bias on your part, eh? 

    No it wasn't me who said that.


    Yes I said I am afraid of shortages for people who use the drug for other conditions.  How is that biased?  


    And someone complaining about 30 million dosages being ordered when we don't know with certainty how well it will work on Covid-19 probably has similar thoughts to mine.

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. Just now, Foxx said:

    as i said, clinicals were done long ago. we know the dangers as well as acceptable dosages. are you saying that we shouldn't give it to lupus patients either?

    No not at all.  It has been proven effective on lupus and arthritis sufferers and they should get their medication.  I have a problem when those people can't get their medication because there is a shortage of the drug because of something on which it has not been proven effective.  Much of this shortage is because of hype on the part of Trump and Fox News.  This hype crowds out space for other treatments to perform clinical trials.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Foxx said:

    is this argument in regard to hydroxychloroquine (apologies, missed the context)? if so, there have already been clinicals done, decades ago. we already know the drug is relatively safe for consumption and the dosage amounts. It needs to be taken with a Z-pak to open the cell receptors for the hydroxycholoroquine. all of this is readily known, it is not a mystery at this point.

    It is unproven that the drug is effective on Covid-19 and both of those drugs can lead to heart arrhythmia.





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  9. 5 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    I do! If I am given a treatment that cures me, helps me to breathe, helps me get better, I do not give a flying ***** if it has had clinical trials for this particular treatment.

    Thank goodness President Trump signed the "right to try"  EO. Otherwise, a lot of people would have died waiting on clinical trials.


    Again the trial I linked to showed a higher mortality rate for those on HCQ.  Your endorsing poisoning people again.

  10. 8 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    It's not spin. It's facts. 


    I know you have a hard time discerning the difference between the two, as your performance in this thread has proven today.

    According the the VA study I provided a link too, HCQ treated patients had more that twice the mortality rate as non-HCQ patients.  That is a fact.  You are providing anecdotal evidence.  The people you cite may simply have improved on their own.

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  11. 19 minutes ago, arcane said:

    Not sure how this is related, but I don't have any take on hydroxywhatever - I know less than zero about the medical field. From what I've seen, there hasn't been enough time for the true beefy trials with proper controls and peer review to allow me to safely say anything about it. Like I've implied, I'm uninterested in the hour-by-hour "bad drumpf!" Attempts that comprise the bulk of this thread, and courtesy of the institutions mentioned in my post, the bulk of mainstream political discourse these days. Because it's proven to not be as cataclysmic as I was programmed to fear, and to not be much of a problem at all. I'm much more focused on broad ideas and philosophies, and taking our great nation down the correct path from here (or really, at this point, just staving off the overwhelming pull in the wrong direction, which will be how I view my 2020 Trump vote)


    so yeah, idgaf about chloroquine

    Just so I am clear, what do you mean by the part in bold print?

    15 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Clinical trials are ongoing. 


    But you knew that, right?

    Right.  I provided a link to one, that you were too lazy to read and didn't confirm your spin.


    Whoops, my link didn't post.  Sorry.



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  12. 1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:

    Anecdotal evidence over a clinical trial?


    Tell me, if some doctor asked you to be part of a clinical trial where you might get injected with disinfectant, would your answer be "hell no, I don't want to run the risk of getting stuck with the placebo"?

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