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Posts posted by Scraps

  1. 2 hours ago, shoshin said:

    While I totally agree that PhD doctors who insist on "Dr" are pompous-sounding, the only thing that really moves me here is that some moron thought this was a worthwhile letter to write to the WSJ. 


    The Journal only published it to get eyeballs. 


    I work with a lot of PhDs.  Some insist on being called Doctor and some don't.  Jill Biden teaches at a college.  As I recall, using the Dr. label in and educational setting is common.

    • Like (+1) 3
  2. 13 hours ago, FireChans said:

    A lockdown that only works if you never leave lockdown, doesn't work.


    It works to reduce the level of virus to the point where widespread testing coupled with effective contact tracing and responsible quarantines on exposed individuals allows society to continue.  Unfortunately, we reduced the amount of virus somewhat and then just opened up without the latter mechanisms in place.

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  3. 1 hour ago, SoCal Deek said:

    And all of this after the Democrats boycotted his inauguration, called him illegitimate, impeached him, tore up his State of the Union address, trashed his nominees, told Americans he was a traitor......need I go on? Come on Man! 


    I think there were very few Democrats who boycotted his inauguration or called him illegitimate.  Most of their complaints were that he lost the majority vote.  At least they had a rational based on democratic norms for those positions.  As far as him being impeached, well if he hadn't used taxpayer funds to extort an ally, that wouldn't have happened.  The rest just stinks of politics and whining, which Trump and the Trumptards excel at.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

    We "counted" 100K deaths from March to May 22.


    2 months.  


    In the 6 plus months since, it's 200K.....allegedly.  


    In a nation of 330 million people.  


    Doesn't seem to be in the Spanish Flus universe.   



    No one asking if perhaps virus is doing what viruses do and that's become less lethal but more contagious or should I just accept closing schools and 6 feet mandates as businesses close and kids (who are at 10x greater risk from flu) lives are forever destroyed bc of our inability to think?


    The issue isn't masks (they aren't working bc the CDC even gives you the clue why right there on their home page but no one cares to ask) it's about a proper response.  Kids should be playing sports and in school.  Period.  You want to put a 12 to 5am curfew in (the virus only works nights apparently) then find do that in your big city and kill it.  We warned you in March when 15 days turned to 30.  


    Do you only think in terms of death?  What about overloading the hospital system?  What about longer term consequences of getting the disease.  Many people have complications that last months.  We don't know if some of the heart issues will be really long term.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

    You can only support your party's far left flank or far right flank or you will be primaried. 


    So you as a voter could support the candidate that isn't furthest to the left (for Democrats) or right (for Republicans).


    11 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

    You know how the left feels about Trump?  That's exactly how the right feels about Obama.  To try and say one is more divisive then the other is pointless.  It doesn't matter bc we could elect Mr. Rodgers as President and he will be immediately hated by half the country.  


    You can make a decision to look at the man, what he is saying and doing and tuning out the media, left or right.


    The person holding the office does matter.  No former DOD Secretary or Chief of Staff has been as critical of the man they served because Trump is uniquely flawed, largely by his choice.

  6. 5 minutes ago, JaCrispy said:

    I agree with this...people forget that the Tea Party was created in 2008 when Obama was elected, and 537 votes in Florida separated Bush and Gore...so the country has been this divided for at least 20 years imo...


    Jim Mattis on Donald Trump - "Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people—does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us,"


    John Kelly on Donald Trump - "The depths of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. The dishonesty, the transactional nature of every relationship, though it's more pathetic than anything else. He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life,"


    Don't lump Bush or Obama in with Trump.

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

    I know of ZERO conservatives that want anyone silenced or canceled.  I know or ZERO conservatives misrepresenting what the left argues.  I know of zero conservatives that insult you to the point you want to leave the discussion bc you see it's not worth your time.  These rules are funny and clearly triggered you bc you know he's right.   


    Donald J Trump.  However I agree that he really isn't a conservative.  He was racking up $1 Trillion deficits per year even before Covid.

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. On 12/11/2020 at 8:07 AM, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Cool.  My offer still stands—you said that I was “excusing acts of violence on their part”.  What acts of violence are you speaking of?  Who did what?  What specifically did I post that brought you to the conclusion that I excused the specific acts of violence you’re about to reveal to me?


    You tell me.  Transy wrote "The violence these people are talking about right now are solely for the sake of overturning the very foundation of our country: free and fair elections." and you replied "Which they see as neither fair..nor free. "


    What violence did you think was being talked about.  And do think the election was neither fair nor free?

  9. 4 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    I’m going to assume you got into you parents liquor cabinet and disregard this foolishness.  In the alternative, please point out where I excused any violence whatsoever from the posters referenced, or in fact any violence at all perpetrated by anyone there.  Be specific—I want to be sure I correct the record. 


    I interpreted what you have said and recreated it as I understood it.  

    • Haha (+1) 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Talk to your boys here.  

    I’ve never doubted that people will vote for Biden even in his present condition.  Tribalism, protectionism, liberal guilt and protecting the home field all contribute to people overlooking some stunningly obvious issue with this member of the ruling class.  Transpy just commented about how the Rs are all old rich guys while pulling the lever loudly and proudly for...a rich old white guy. 

    I was fully prepared for this eventuality.  

    That said, it seems for some that the argument that there was no election fraud and the machines and software we flawless has morphed into something else entirely.  I’m onboard with complete and total transparency and quite frankly would advocate declassifying just about everything we’ve got.  


    So are you saying there was wide spread fraud?  Enough to flip the election?

  11. 2 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Wait...you’re arguing that there’s “tomfoolery”, alleging election fraud and complaining about the machines and software from various venders?


    I’m a Republican and I’m hear to say :  Look at all those machines closely.  

    (And you’re nutso cookoo if you think the Dems don’t know how to go on the offensive!)


    Hand recounts of paper ballots verified the results of Dominion machines in Georgia.

  12. 24 minutes ago, shoshin said:


    The problem is that as I stated elsewhere, if you believe what Lehnard believes (like you I at least credit him with not entirely retreating to the echo chamber), that a massive fraud took place, then the people in on the cover-up, besides all the people who switched votes or voted illegally include in the cover-up, includes the Republican Supreme Court Justices, the Republican legislature of PA, several Republican federal judges including Trump appointees who have reviewed the best "evidence" presented so far, 4 Republican governors, and the list goes on. 


    You can choose to believe that


    all those people and many thousands of others are in on the biggest conspiracy of all time 


    Why is that so difficult to believe?  As a card carrying member of the cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles running a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotting against Donald Trump, you know how easy it is to keep a conspiracy under wraps.  

  13. 2 minutes ago, TBBills said:

    Whoops... Wonder that the bootlicking Cult of Trumpsters are going to do now... Remember don't vote if you live in Georgia b.c the democrats have the election rigged.


    Judge Pepper's used the wrong word in her judgement.  She wrote “Granting the relief the plaintiff requests would take the court far outside those limits, and outside the limits of its oath to uphold and defendant the Constitution.”  The correct would would be 'defend'.  Clearly this is grounds to appeal this directly to the Supreme Court.

  14. 11 minutes ago, shoshin said:

    Yeah it is. There’s a time to save a few million. Global pandemic is not that time. 

    worst case the money advances science. Likely case the money buys too much vaccine and you sell or donate the excess. 

    It was dumb and it will delay our recovery. 


    I kind of wonder how advanced all these vaccines were when Pfizer offered to sell more.  If it was known Pfizer was further along than the others, and since they hit the finish line first, that is a good guess,  buying another $100 million doses would have cost $1.5 Billion.  This would be about 1.5 B2 Bombers, 0.5 Virginia Class submarines, 0.15% of the current stimulus package being negotiated.  A rather paltry sum.  Even if all the vaccine candidates worked and we had excess, that wouldn't be bad.  The excess could the sold to other countries.

    • Like (+1) 1
  15. 1 hour ago, shoshin said:


    Maybe this is why Trump didn't buy more doses of it. 


    The reason I heard was because they had 5 or 6 candidate vaccines going into trials.  They didn't know which ones would work so they diversified and bought quantities of all of them to reduce the risk of an ineffective vaccine.  This is not necessarily a bad approach.

  16. 19 minutes ago, snafu said:

    The Texas case (IF it gets to the merits, BIG if) isn't about Texas complaining about the content of the other states' laws.  Texas is  saying that the elections officials in the other states didn't follow their own laws without leave of the legislature.


    How did these states not follow their own laws?  The only issue I'm aware of is Pennsylvania allowing ballots to be received after election day if they were post marked by election day.  Those ballots were segregated.  I believe that case is still pending, but has no chance of changing the outcome of the election.  Trump should want those ballots to be counted since he is so far behind.  Besides, Its fun to watch him lose a state again and again and again.

    • Like (+1) 1
  17. 1 hour ago, SoCal Deek said:

    And one day, when you're in officially in charge of the country, you can run it that way.  Until then, we'll stick the processes we have in place, and you're just going to have be patient.


    This is repetitive and non-responsive to what I wrote.  You seem to think we are following a process that is in place.  Please describe the process.


    2 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

    You'll recall that many Democrats actually held out right through the inauguration in 2016, with many of them boycotting the event. I cannot see the Republicans doing the same.


    I recall that Hillary Clinton conceded on the night of the election.  She raised no legal challenges.  She didn't go to any governor or legislator asking them to disenfranchise their citizens.  She attended Trump's inauguration.  All this she did while winning the popular vote.


    Trump and the Republicons are just sore, whiny L-L-Losers.

    • Like (+1) 1
  18. 11 minutes ago, TPS said:

    We haven't had free markets in a long time.  With each crisis, the FED intervenes in more and more markets creating the expectation they will always bail out Wall Street...because they do bail out Wall Street.  It's difficult to put the genie back in the bottle.  Wall Street likes socialism when they benefit...


    How far back are you talking in your opinion?

  19. 3 minutes ago, Bob in Mich said:

    That is certainly a valid point.  I guess I was hoping to point out to Trump supporters, that there are likely similar suspicious happenings in all states, not just the states that Trump is currently targeting.  And, also to highlight the foolishness in lobbying for flipping states based on suspicious video clips.



    Very valid points.  Voter fraud isn't limited to one side or the other.  A Trump supporter in Pennsylvania for example tried to vote twice.    There also seemed to be a thought that a recount would go in Trumps favor, or at least narrow Trumps loss.  Recounts of vote tallies have a 50/50 chance of going against you.  A recount in Georgia may have narrowed Trump's loss as uncounted votes did show up in pro-Trump counties.  However recounts in Wisconsin and Michigan I believe actually caused Trump's loss to widen.

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