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Posts posted by Scraps

  1. 50 minutes ago, Bidens_basement said:

    No they have not been consistent. Look it up if you're really interested in finding out. It's not hard to find. Way too many sketchy ***** happened after the swing states supposedly stopped counting.


    The left fell for the Russian collusion with no evidence at all, but ignore the fraud that's been going on since the election.  


    If the Georgia recounts are inconsistent, you provide the proof.  Trump lost Georgia 3 times.

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 21 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Sure it does.  Poll watchers being boxed out.  Votes found as if by magic.  Pipe breaks that never occurred.  People encouraged to leave a polling place during as the count was proceeding.  Ballots under tables.  Dominion reliability.  Statistical anomalies. 

    There’s plenty to be concerned with, so just sit tight as we see it through.   

    Faith in our system is vital, and it has been shaken though incompetence or outright fraud.  


    Exactly how is Dominion unreliable?  It produces a paper ballot that can and has been audited.  There have been 3 counts, one of which was a hand recount, and they are all consistent.  Trump has lost 3 times.

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 1 hour ago, JaCrispy said:

    Ya know, Tiberius, that’s a great question...I’m  really not sure...Id like to think there isn’t...but seeing things like this doesn’t help...


    And other countries have fraudulent elections, so I can’t put passed the realm of possibility...and with more and more technology being used, it would seem to make it easier to rig an election if people wanted to...


    It is said that every election has “some” fraud...the question then becomes, is it systemic?


    Given our federalized system where states and counties choose how to conduct elections, it is extremely difficult to have systemic fraud.


    If there was fraud on the part of a Dominion voting system, why would a hand recount and another machine recount produce basically identical results to the original count?


    Here is an analysis that breaks it down better.


    Oh and let's not forget that Bill Barr said the only thing that could be large enough to change the outcome of the election was Dominion voting, that both the DOJ and DHS looked at it and said there is nothing there.  And keep in mind that Chris Krebs (Republican and a Trump appointee), Gabriel Sterling, Brad Raffensperger and Brian Kemp, republicans all who ran and certified the election, all say there is nothing there.  Why is is so hard to believe the simple explanation that Trump lost?

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  4. On 11/19/2020 at 12:51 PM, shoshin said:


    One of the reasons many backed out is because of personal attacks they got, as well as threats. Totally despicable behavior, fanned by The Lincoln Project, a group I saw as an important, effective, and good tool in defeating Trump. But populism often goes too far and this in this case, they did IMO. 

    I tend to believe that if there was indeed fraud and these lawyers did indeed believe they were fighting for free and fair elections unblemished by fraud, the very core of democracy, they would not have backed out.  Indeed, they would have been duty bound to continue. However, given the scarcity of evidence of fraud, they were in fact working to undermine the election, the core of democracy, all for some money.  It simply wasn't worth it to be on the wrong side and assist in a coup.

    • Like (+1) 2
  5. 4 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:



    Region should be following 2 guidelines.


    Overwhelmed hospitals and ICU beads.  


    Report updates to the Governor.


    If the data does not support ANY of those measures bc those 2 things are not close to happening, the Governor should absolutely be telling them "open."   


    DeSantis is telling the State of Florida that hospitals are fine, we should be in school.  Localities like Broward should be providing data that says they can't.  


    This is the point we are now at based on SIX MONTHS of data.  


    Florida has more infections on a daily basis than Europe does.  Your guidance sucks.  It is totally reactionary after disaster has happened.

  6. 49 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

    We should be full open as normal, here are the risks and the precautions you, the individual should be free to take. 


    If a locality has a hospitalization issue, that locality should handle it.  The localities should be divided by Regions and the Goveror giving weekly updates on the status of each.  It is not in their job description to micromanage a freaking virus spread the world over.  At worst, you get exactly what's happened.  No one trusts them.


    So local leader should be able to set their own requirements including mask requirements or quarantines of people traveling from hot spots and the police should enforce those rules?  Brian Kemp should not be suing the mayor and city council of Atlanta?  Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump should not be mandating fully open schools across the state of Florida or the country?

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

    Just read the "call your shot will the season open on time?" thread.   


    Not going to reply in there.  Freaking depressing.


    It's not so much that people are scared (I don't know how you can live like this).  Its the complete lack of logic.  Or something else..


    Can anyone (especially Team Lockdown) please explain to me at what metric, absent a vaccine or cure, are we supposed to believe we will be open again?  Sorry, waiting on those, that isn't a policy.   

    And if you have a metric, I want to see where it exists in a government guideline. 



    I don't think a single state met the criteria.  If there were any, I bet you could count them on one hand.



    It's why Trump is exactly right to say "time to accept it as part of life."

    I'd accept it if we could keep the reproduction number to below 1.  That hasn't happened.




    YOU (Team Lockdown) and me are currently living thru the biggest breach of trust ever, and you (Team Lockdown) don't seem to care.

    From where I sit, it is you who doesn't care.

  8. On 4/28/2020 at 1:34 PM, Magox said:

    Just got done watching that DeSantis/Trump press mcdoodle, and you could see DeSantis was doing victory laps over the media.  He is the governor of my state and he's been doing that over the past few days.  You can see that it frustrated the hell out of him all the media teeth gnashing over the way they thought he had mishandled it.  He pointed out the facts and the facts show that the way he handled it was a hell of a lot better than most others.  And even though the weather helps the way they handled it in a much more surgical manner was a model for other states to follow.

    He's doing such a good job.  
    Congratulations on the victory.

  9. 56 minutes ago, Boatdrinks said:

    Increasing testing doesn’t reduce the percentage of positives. The virus clearly has taken hold much more in the USA than South Korea. We are past the point of major containment, and we’ve already shut down the economy for too long. We can’t ramp up testing and think that it’s going to reduce the amount of infection present in the populace. So yes, in a sense that kind of testing is “ too hard” to execute at this point because there just isn’t that kind of capacity in the system for the current tests. That could change with a major breakthrough down the road, but we no longer have the luxury of time. Whoever that quote is from seems to want to blame the “ Feds” by focusing on testing while ignoring  the fact the virus took a deep hold in the USA probably since December or so. This is a politically driven opinion from someone with an agenda; most likely the November election. 

    I think the point being made is that if you have more testing and get a lower positive rate, you are testing a wide enough percentage of the population to know areas where the virus is increasing and needs closer attention, contact tracing and possibly control measures.  South Korea has tested a far greater percentage of its population than we have.


    I left a link to the transcript.  You seem to automatically dismiss that which does not  conform with your POV as politically motivated and thus should be dismissed.  Go read the transcript or watch the show and tell me what makes you think that.


    You seem to be dead set on just opening things up and letting it rip.  I'm rather skeptical that there will be much of an economy as long as the virus is and issue.  Studies of the 1918 pandemic indicate that those cities that started control measures early and kept them in place longer had lower mortality and more robust economic growth in the end.  quote 

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 21 minutes ago, GG said:

    Has any state faced a shortage of needed equipment?   


    Was the Federal government the responsible party for the primary supply chain for the states? 


    Did the Federal government threaten to use the national guard to appropriate equipment?

    From long experience I've learned not to bother answering your questions if you won't answer a single one of mine.  You will simply ask more questions and ignore all of mine. 


    Things had backed off to the point of having an actual discussion with people of differing views this evening.  Not so much with you.

  11. 13 minutes ago, Boatdrinks said:

    This thing isn’t nearly as deadly as Spanish Flu. I don’t know if anyone was asymptomatic with that ; ive seen estimates as high as 45% asymptomatic with Wuhan. Still not sure what level of testing you are envisioning but we don’t have the luxury of time it would take for major breakthroughs. The country will literally crumble to pieces. We still don’t have a vaccine for any of the other known Coronaviruses, fwiw. 

    I'm not sure but here is an interesting counterpoint to Birx from Danielle Allen from Harvard


    "I think the most important question is, how much testing, tracing and supported isolation do we need to avoid having to use repeated applications of stay at home order when a second or third wave hits. Our view is that we need to get to 5 million tests a day by June in order to achieve that. "


    and later 


    the important number there is how much do you have to test

    So, for example, in South Korea they tested at such a level only 3 percent of the tests come back positive. So, we still are at a rate where we're testing with 20 percent coming back positive. That means we're not testing enough.

    You need to tests so much that really will weigh (ph) the percentage of which positives actually showing up. That’s when you know you're catching everything.

    The numbers that Dr. Birx shared today was that our target at 10 percent positive rate, the percentage that we are finding within every range of testing. We need to lower that. We should be at the same level as South Korea.

    I do not understand why this country is setting its ambitions lower than the successful countries. That is the part I do not get. We're can-do America. There’s no reason we cannot give up to a level of 5 million tests a day, which would get us to that place where we are catching so many cases then we would not have a resurgence of a disease, we would not have to go back to sort of adaptive response and using collective stay at home orders repeatedly over a period of time."


    That was from This Week with George Stephanopoulos last week.


    There seems to be an attitude from the Feds that testing will be hard, so lets not do it and hope for the best. 

  12. 21 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    Half the states qualify for phase 1. If you cannot watch the pressers to stay informed, reading the synopsis from people who are watching at the time would be helpful to alleviate your fears. Call your state's governor's office and ask them if they have adequate tests, swabs, and lab capabilities for those in need. If you need a test because you are ill, call your doctor and ask for a script to get a test.  There are many millions of tests out there, all different sorts of tests. The lab capability is there. Simply call, and put your fears to rest.

    I'm skeptical.  I know my state isn't there.  I don't believe any of the neighboring states are there either.  States are moving forward regardless of the guidelines.  If the 1918 Pandemic is a guide, this is a bad choice.

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  13. 4 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    You will still be flying blind even with testing. If someone tests negative today, they can go out and lick a door bus handle tomorrow and contract COVID-19. The antibody testing could be helpful... if anyone knew how long having the antibodies would protect a person from reinfection.

    Even without knowing how long antibodies are protective that test would be useful.  One would think that most people would be immune for months or a few years.  It would be useful to know if the population was approaching herd immunity.  Perhaps that could be approached during the summer months.  I would expect a uptick in the Fall.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Boatdrinks said:

    I know in Erie County the County Exec has stated repeatedly that anyone who has symptoms can get tested through their provider or through the County if they do not have one. No shortage of tests according to him. As for testing to tell where the virus might be breaking out I highly doubt that a system like that is even remotely possible. They can test the symptomatic and attempt to contact trace , which might be somewhat effective. Very hard to nail down contacts to that degree. I think there is a lot of magical thinking out there when it comes to testing. It can help, but it’s not a panacea. There is no way that everyone, everywhere is going to be virus free when things open up. Have to keep some extra hospital space available to stay ahead of the increase in cases, but even that has its limits. The draconian lockdowns are driving hospitals out of business and leading to furloughs of medical personnel. That’s ludicrous. 

    Testing isn't a panacea but it is a prerequisite to opening up in a safe manner.  Otherwise, we are flying blind like we were for weeks in Jan and Feb when we had a faulty test.

  15. 12 minutes ago, IDBillzFan said:



    So to recap, you don't blindly take Trump or Pence's word as fact, however...



    ...you're okay with Cuomo, who lost his skull about not having any equipment, only to have Oregon send him a bunch, right before he found a warehouse full of equipment to the extent that he was able to send extra equipment to...wait for it...Maryland and Michigan.


    Trump/Pence bad. Cuomo good.


    Got it.


    I don't like Cuomo, particularly how he is handling the nursing home situation.  That said, he has Trump and Pence beat.  Not a very high bar I admit.

  16. 6 minutes ago, Boatdrinks said:

    I can’t take anything Cuomo says as fact. The Michigan Gov has proven to be moronic as well. Not sure about Maryland, but most of these people seem to be stalling, moving goalposts, etc. 

    So how many tests per day do you think these states need in order to know where the virus might be breaking out so they can do aggressive contact tracing to keep the virus in check?  Do you know if they have the testing capacity in both machines and materials to perform those tests?


    I don't necessarily like these governors.  I don't necessarily take their word at face value but when governor after governor regardless of party says the same thing, I don't flat out dismiss what they say.  Couple that with what Buffalo_Gal said 



    Regardless, Trump and Pence have has the same answer for over a week... there is enough testing for the states that are eligible to open based on the phases.


    Don't you notice the cop out?  What states are eligible?  What states have met the phase 1 criteria?  Alaska maybe?  

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  17. 1 minute ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    They had a governors call today. You may want to call your governor's office to see if they are low on testing supplies if you are confused.  In any event, if you need a test because you have symptoms, contact your doctor so you can get a script. Listening to the briefings, depending on where you live you can go to CVS, WalMart, Rite Aid, Walgreens, Kroger...  There are 20M swabs out there, millions of tests, a ton of lab capacity.


    I'm not confused.  I simply don't blindly take Trump or Pence's word as fact.


    3 minutes ago, IDBillzFan said:


    Let's see what we can line up.


    What states specifically are complaining? Can you post us links?

    NY, Maryland and Michigan were a few.

  18. 19 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    I will always pass on Dr Fauci.
    I listen to Dr Birx at the pressers.

    Regardless, Trump and Pence have has the same answer for over a week... there is enough testing for the states that are eligible to open based on the phases. If you want a test because you are experiencing symptoms, contact your doctor for a script and go get a test.


    Well that is an interesting way of phrasing it.  What states are eligible?


    All the Governors I've heard have complained that there aren't enough supplies in terms of swabs or reagents to perform the testing at an appropriate scale.

  19. 1 hour ago, 3rdnlng said:

    If you didn't spend so much time promoting a fish tank cleaner as a new super drug maybe you could get your facts right, eh? Who were those 40,000 people you refer to? Did you know that typically speaking 20,000 people a day travel from China to the U.S.?

    His point was that this travel ban that Trump repeatedly boasts about wasn't a total travel ban.  Trump has repeatedly said people went to Italy because Italy did not have a travel ban and people couldn't come to the US, so they went to Italy.  In fact, Italy did institute a travel ban, it was effective days before ours and it supposedly didn't have the loopholes Trump's did.  



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