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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. It has nothing to do with me wanting their permission. Yes, we have known each other for that long but they don't know who you are. How would you react if your daughter said she was moving across the country and living with a guy they have never met?? If I move, I'm giving up my job, house, etc. I would have to start all over from scratch...no job, house...duh.
  2. And what am I supposed to do after the year is over? Move back and start all over again??? Besides most of my family haven't even met you so they wonder WTF I'm giving up everything to move across the country to move in with someone they've never met. It's not as easy as you think.
  3. Sure, if he wants to destroy what he has going so far.
  4. What ever happened to him anyway? I just can't get too excited about AI this year for some reason. Maybe it's runs it's course for me. It's pretty boring watching it by myself too.
  5. Trying to stay motivated to work today. Pretty difficult when the weather is beautiful outside.
  6. I wasn't talking about his situation. Just in general. He did the right thing just as long as he bought her a gift from he travels to Mexico.
  7. Darn Right! We ain't gonna wait forever!
  8. Who wants to go down those slides in the rewards challenge? Fun!
  9. I'd take it. I miss having one handy to play. I don't think he'd fall for that again. That's not good enough ...I need to play now! . Sure I'd be interested. Maybe we can have a tbd group play.
  10. He's probably pissed off at me right now so could explain it.
  11. If I win, I'll say to my boss and co-workers "so long suckas!" And then go travel everywhere.
  12. Nice. My parents own 19 acres and raise their own beef cattle. My siblings, in-laws and I (or whomever we can scrounge up) help my parents put the hay in the barn in return we get FREE grass-feed beef.
  13. Yeah, he should have offered to stack the hay instead. Stacking hay is not easy (yes, I've done it before). Pushing hay off the truck takes no effort at all.
  14. I have a weakness for Pretzel M&Ms. Mmmmmm...
  15. I loved Colton's version of Piano Man! That's one of my favorite Billy Joel's songs so I was glad he sang it well. Other than Jessica and Colton, everyone else sucked, IMO. Is anyone else annoyed when Ryan asks the judges at the end of the show who they thought sucked and who they thought did well? To me it's kind of tacky and it seems like this sways some of the voters into voting based on what the judges say. I dunno...I just don't see why they do that.
  16. It's quite unusual for us, really. They are just about to here but will probably freeze now.
  17. I swear the mayor of Portland is an alien.
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