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Big Cat

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Everything posted by Big Cat

  1. understand the law before posting. He knowingly exposed her to a disease against her will. Legally, this is the same is punching someone in the face. This is battery - plain and simple. The issue of "protection" would go to negligence - it may be an issue of comparative negligence on her part, but I think that will be a flimsy argument and this will settle VERY quickly.
  2. The girl who you took your virginity was sure for saying in an annoyed voice, "In the Hole." [/yearly inappropriate comment]
  3. You may want to reconsider signing onto that letter because I think Slothrop was making fun of all you "that was so unrealistic" folks.
  4. I bet you most punters are on steroids - just look at moorman! The guy is an animal!
  5. It's not about being "easily manipulated." It is about grassroots organizing. As a community activist, as much as I loath the religious right's politics, those responsible for organizing the religous right, are VERY good organizers. They know how to grow and use their "mobiliation capacity." It is unfortunatly impressive.
  6. They will remember because two things will happen: 1) On all campaign literature to the religious-right will be an obvious reminder about how they support life - a la Shaivo 2) Watch for legislative actions or ballot initiatives (which take time) on the issue of "right to life" as it pertains to death-bed cases.
  7. It's about the votes because it is about exciting the religious-right. Working them into a frenzy, which results in mass voter turnout. That is what that whole gay-marraige B.S. was about. It was not a coincidence that many of the swing states had "gay-marraige" initiatives on their ballots.
  8. This situation is the perfect metaphor for how major sports have gone wrong (i.e. corporate). Here you have this old guy who represents the poetic past of baseball - likely passing great narratives of baseball's giants to his children and grandchildren. He represents all that was great about baseball. Now you have the modern coporate baseball team ashewing all that is great about baseball - in a way, spitting on it.
  9. Delay was one of the architechs of the blatently unconstitutional congressional intervention in the Schiavo affair. Delay and the republican leadership saw that there was right-wing fundementalist christian morals to pander to. Yet, Delay, when faced with the exact same decision in his personal life, did not fight to keep his own father alive as he fought to keep Ms. Shiavo alive. What is more important to Delay - life or votes? Delay's Real Life Decision
  10. this show sounds cool - is there a place on the internet to download past shows (legally or otherwise)?
  11. What is your opinion on the issue of male circumcision? Is it morally wrong?
  12. ask your doctor for phentenol - that will do the trick.
  13. I like to eat your mom's . . . homecooked meals
  14. BIG CAT! I hate it when you all throw Favre and Kelly's name around when you talk about me. That is simply not fair. I am better than them!
  15. This guy was a bigger Roid Head than Romanowski! Got what he deserved.
  16. Dear A.D. What do you do with your spare time when not posting on TSW? I am new here and am absolutly fixated. I can not get away! Big Cat
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