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Posts posted by Chilly

  1. Dude Pat Mahomes can be a big QB in the NFL. you should watch his tape. If hes there in the 2nd I would take him, has best arm talent in the draft by far.


    MAJ BOOBY put me on to his tape. Maj is kinda a doosh when on his anti- tyrod crusade but he was on the money with Mahomes. We should take that shot.


    While Pat has great physical talent, I don't want to waste a pick on an Air Raid QB.

  2. Way to pick out 2 of the top 10. Look at the rest of the QBs in the top 10 and then look at the QBs in the bottom 10. Say what you like, but the skins had issues in the red zone this year and cousins was part of the problem. He had a great season and is a good QB. I'm just not sure I'd want to pay him what he's looking for. Seems like the people that know him best feel the same way. It's not as if Daniel Snyder is afraid to throw money around. It's that the coach isn't yet sold.

    Or maybe 20% of the QBs proving the point incorrect means it's not that correlated.

  3. This is pure speculation.


    It's actually quite foolish IMO to think that he would pass up money like that for what he just signed for.


    It's much more likely that Taylor and his agent went looking for teams to see what they were willing to pay, and after they saw that it wasn't much better, they went back and took the Bills offer.


    Many of the so called experts on the other board said Taylor would never take less because he could make as much or more because that's the market now.


    Turns out they were wrong. Taylor is now in line with his play...bottom starter pay for a bottom of the league QB.

    Not exactly true; Tyrod can still earn $30 million in the first two years on this deal, which is pretty similar to his old contact.

  4. Tolbert is a beast.I lived in Charlotte for years.good,cheap pickup.he's got a few more years in him,can catch,and block.power runs occasionally, but mostly a blocking FB with good hands. Knows McD well.any numbers being thrown around??


    He'll be a Power RB with us. Not near as good of a blocker as DiMarco, and has several seasons of more of a RB role in his career.

    Also an excellent receiver out of the backfield and in short yardage situations


    For sure, that year he had 50+ catches with SD was stellar.

  5. I get that people wanted Juice because he's polish and catches the ball well...


    But let's not pretend that signing the best fullback in all of football last year is bad move.


    While he isn't as big a threat in the passing game, he is better than Juice at the main job of being a fullback: blocking.


    He will pave the way for another great rushing season and will provide quality pass blocking and special teams play to boot.


    Good signing (though admittedly a bit high of a price for a FB).



    Cheaper than Felton. In 2015 we signed FB Jerome Felton to a four-year, $9.2 million deal.

  6. Sure his overall passing numbers were great, but did you happen to look at how he fared in the red zone, which is what matters most imo. The skins were 3rd worst in the league in red zone rd% trailing only the jets and the Texans....2 teams with horrible QBs. They scored tds on 45%. The top 10 teams were all above 64%.

    Good news for us is we were #7 in red zone TD % so we have this QB thing figured out. Same with SF who was #2.



  7. I drink every Saturday & it usually revolves around watching college sports(football/basketball) but rarely if ever drink Monday thru Friday. Football season I will drink on Sunday also but not nearly as much as Saturday. I never understood people that have 1 or 2 beer every night after work. Once I start drinking it is hard for me to stop which is why I rarely drink during the week. My wife says there is a clinical name for my drinking habits. Oh yea, binge alchoholic.


    Hah, same here. That's also why I rarely drink during the weekdays. After about 2 drinks I don't want to stop.

  8. I've cut way back on drinking myself. I basically hardly ever do it on weekdays anymore, only sometimes on the weekends, and never at my house (only when I'm out with friends / at a hockey game /etc). I feel SO MUCH BETTER overall now that I've cut way back. I still enjoy it when I do, I don't consume as much when I do drink (it hits me a lot harder), I feel better in general and I've lost weight.


    I think there's a happy medium for each person to find and it's really, really hard to find it if you naturally like to drink. It definitely took me years to do so.


    So, alternately, if a majority of the NFL's customers don't want transgenders/transexuals in the stadium bathrooms with their sons and daughters, the NFL is okay to ban the practice?


    I'm not trying to be a dick. I'm just trying to better understand.



    I don't even necessarily think it has to be a majority of their customers, I think the NFL has a right to do what it thinks is the best thing to do for their product when it's something that could influence their customer experience.


    Whether I think it's smart for them to do it or I agree/disagree with their position is a separate matter to me - but I don't have an issue with them doing it.


    For me, on this specific issue, I have an opinion but I care very little about it.

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