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Posts posted by Chilly

  1. Aaron Schatz (head of Football Outsiders) today said he thinks the best available candidate is Vance Joseph. I asked him "Is 19th in DVOA exciting"? His response:


    Given the personnel? Yes, it is. Dolphins LBs were some guy, journeyman guy, and guy whose knees only work sometimes. Miami's starting cornerbacks were a round 2 rookie and a guy who was a steaming crater in 2015. Top pass rushers were Mario, who will be cut again, and Wake, who apparently has magic powers.


    Thought it was an interesting take.

  2. The most tired act among active, passionate Bills fans is blaming the media. It calls to mind what a very close book editor friend of mine (at Princeton University Press) told me years ago -- the first instinct of populism (both left and right, but honestly, mostly the right) is to always, always blame the media first. It's a tried and true tactic that is as effective as it is inaccurate.


    Sorry for sounding pissy about this -- seriously. I'm just so sick of people attacking the media and not factoring in that the Jerry Sullivans of the world have covered nearly two decades of dysfunction. How could they not be scarred by the constant failure, and more importantly, how could they not be jaundiced by a dog-and-pony show in which the left paw doesn't know what the right hoof is doing?

    I don't agree with this at all. I don't think the media has caused anything Bills related and Whaley could have handled today better. There's nothing to blame in the media for the Bills incompetence.


    Where I'm upset with the media is they rehashed the same crap for forty minutes. They could have touched so many other subjects and refused to do it. My god accept what happened and move on. They took a press conference that should have been extremely broad and made it about one issue, and as a result reduced the amount of information everyone got from today's session. These sessions with Whaley don't happen often.


    I don't blame the media for the Bills 17 years of ****. I do blame the media for dropping the ball on their jobs.

  3. I don't understand why everyone is so pissed at Whaley then? Sounds like the new owners wanted to be really hands on, realized it didn't work, and now are handing it over to the GM

    Yep, and reading between the lines Rex was never his guy, which is why he gets another shot.


    No issues with that at all from me. Yeah the stuff about not thinking about the firing was weak but the media asked the same questions like twenty times and couldn't comprehend the above. Just silly.

  4. PFF: Bills should build around Tyrod Taylor




    Their conclusion:


    Taylors issue has always been consistency on the intermediate, more routine plays that make the difference between good quarterbacks and very good (or even great) ones, but to cut him loose because he may never fully master that aspect of the game and become great would be an exercise in degenerate gambling. The chances of the Bills rolling the dice and coming up with a better QB than Tyrod Taylor in the short-term are incredibly small, so Buffalo would be crazy to show him the door, and far better off trying to build around him.

  5. right this minute, IDK. but not hard to improve upon 31st ranked passing game

    Without impacting the running game or a top ten scoring offense? Did you notice without the threat of Tyrod's legs the holes today dried up against a Sorry Jets team?

  6. It's a dark, dark future if we don't pick up that option. There's no one else out there and this team is in the playoffs if the defense plays a little better. No Tyrod, we're done for 3 years.

  7. I did look. Call into question a site that does the same thing


    Evidence with thier offensive ppg being 25.9


    When it isnt it is 24.7


    Bills scored 389 points

    Defense scored 18

    389-18= 371

    371/15 = 24.7 ppg.


    So of course they are gonna be the same like you said becuase they are doing the same thing i am talking about.


    And Bills offense has score 45 TDs

    45/15 is 3 not 3.2


    Again all i said is if you want to use scoring to Justify Lynn take the defensive TDs out of it.


    Your site does none of that.

    If you actually clicked on the link you'd see it has the Bills at 24.6 offensive ppg, just like your math. And it still has the Bills in the top ten.

  8. AGAIN I say it slow for the BRICKS.


    If you want to use SCORING as a reason the PROMOTE Lynn take the defensive scored points (18) out. JESUS people explain to me what agenda or narrative i am trying to promote with that.

    If you slow down on the posting, maybe you'll catch on to what people are saying.




    You have to equalize points scored by offense. Bills are still top ten whether you look at just TDs or Offensive only scored points.


    This also doesn't account for situations where the defense got the ball back inside the red zone, which the Bills hardly did.


    If you slow down it might help your punctuation too; your posts are very hard to read.

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