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Shameless Homer

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Posts posted by Shameless Homer

  1. Oh boy, let's take one sentance that DB said, possibly take it completely out of context, and continue to villify him!  :blink:





    Hey Fez don't waste your time. All the classic haters took the bait on this thread and are firing the venom. Expect a minimum of 6 more months of this shiznat.

    These boyz get their rocks off this way.


    It's tiresome, but more predictable than a sunrise.

  2. Words to live by...


    It doesn't mean that much to me, to mean that much to you.



    I always thought it was


    It doesn't mean that much to me, if it means that much to you


    i.e. I could care less what you think you old bastard.



    Then again I thought Jimy H was singing, "scuse me, while i kiss this guy"

  3. Nice...I've been doing the platelet thing too.  Props to you for having done it so many times.  Much more of a time commitment, plus its a bit more uncomfortable.  The place I go actually pulls and returns the blood through the same needle.  Pretty cool set up.



    Same props to you. The place I go you get about a 50/50 chance of getting the

    the single line machine. It's faster but I get a weird tickling sensation in the vein and my lips get numb.

  4. I donate platelets about every 5-6 weeks. It takes about an hour and a half.

    They pull the blood out of one arm and send it through a machine to centrifuge out the platelets while returning the blood to the other arm.


    Leukemia patients can get 4 treatments out of each bag of donated platelets. I'm up to 74. Used to be able to watch a movie but now some of the machines are faster so you can't get even the shortest movies in.

  5. He's a hell of a ball player with a wonderlic of -4. He will learn stuff by 07 :huh:



    Wonderlic Shmunderlic, that blocked kick and recovery was pure Einstein in my book. I'd develop him as a tight end you don't need to carry potato salad to a

    Mensa meeting to play that position.

  6. Wiggins caught a lot of balls last year and looked very good doing it, but that offense was kind of an abberration and I am not sure if Wiggins is really one of these late bloomers or not. In previous six years he caught like 16, 2, 8, 14, 2 and 8.



    Wiggins is a great story. In the snow bowl Super Bowl year for the Pats he caught 10 passes.

    The ball was coming out ot Brady's hands like a helicopter. Wiggins made some of the greatest catches under pressure and in bad footing that I've ever seen. The Pats rewarded him by not inviting him to camp.


    He languished in New Orleans as a 3rd TE and the Vikes picked him up and the rest is history.

    He led the Vikes with 71 catches. He's a smart but not powerful blocker and has great hands.

    I think he would help a 2nd year QB immensely and of course sticking it to NE would be great.

  7. Pssst - I think you're allowed to delete your own threads now.  Maybe you could just take a mulligan on this one  ;)



    Oooh, I want to be around when AD wakes up. He's already pissed that they don't have enough snow to start the Iditarod properly. And last night was SATURDAY night. Niedamayer......

  8. if you actually think that bledsoe gave the team a better chance to win, and if you think that bledsoe is better than his career average of 54% completions (terrible) and 75 rating (mediocre at best) then you must be his brother.




    Well it's actually 57% and 76.7 rating, but if shaving a few points here and there helps make your point, feel free. You're certainly not alone.


    Starting the year with a QB who's never thrown an NFL touchdown pass and has shown nothing to indicate that he will be a success makes people here a little nervous I think. Blasting the previous guy will help Losman's candle appear to burn a little brighter no matter what he does. It's called setting the bar low.

    Have at it.


    The 3 years prior to Bledsoe coming here the team was 22-27 including a playoff loss. The year they went 11-5 the QB had 19TDs and 16 INTs. This year Bledsoe had 20TDs and 16INTs. I won't quote Bledsoe's numbers his first year here but they were good enough for a Pro Bowl appearance and 11 franchise passing records.


    To listen to people here it appears that every TD that Bledsoe threw luckily bounced off a referee and was then caught. It's funny, really, that people feel compelled to trash the guy.


    Bledsoe's not my brother but he has been and still is one hell of an NFL football player and you can expect that I will continue to straighten people out when they mislead about the guy's past.

  9. Based on his facial and vocal reactions, it sounds like he was drilled by management to give his "jonas jennings/left tackle 'i don't know the business side'" comment.  It was word for word as his press conference last week.  Other than that, i got really excited when they showed that roll out pass to euhus.  That's something the other guy just couldn't do.



    The "other" guy did it with Campbell for a TD. And then threw 2 more for TDs from the pocket to Campbell in the same game.

  10. I was hoping the Bills would sign either Holcomb, Jim Miller or Gus Frerotte! I always liked Miller (saw lots of Bears games when he and Shane Matthews were starting, Miller was much better) I am happy...but a little surprised.  It seemed as though Holcomb had a better chance to start in Clevland (even had they traded for Dilfer) than anywhere else...it is looking more and more like some of these older vets who view themselves as starters, are going to be left on the outside looking in.



    To take that kind of money either he was told he will compete for the job OR

    he sees the frailty and inexperience of the guy who's been given the job.

  11. First, let me say that I love the Holcomb signing.  Backup QB was a huge need, and I am happy to see it filled. 


    My question here is how the heck did ESPN rank the FA QBs?  They have the following players ranked ahead of Holcomb:

    Vinnie Chiliverde

    Quincy 'sniff sniff' Carter

    Jeff Blake

    Gus Ferotte


    Did they watch any Dallas games this year?  Do they realize Carter is in rehab again?  Blake?  Ferotte?


    I realize Holcomb isn't of the same caliber as McNabb, but behind that fearsome foursome?  I just don't get it.


    Finally--for what it's worth--I would have preferred Holcomb to our past started in 2004.  That's how much I like this signing.



    Good question. I too, can't figure out how so called "experts" don't have a grasp of the assessment of QBs in the NFL the way we here at TBD do ! It's laughable, really. Ha Ha Ha.

  12. As long as Holcomb and EVERYBODY else knows he is the BACKUP QB and has no chance of starting unless Losman is injured then it's a good deal. I don't want to hear any crap about an "Open Competition" or "If Losman stinks in the preseason, Holcomb can step in" garbage. Holcomb and EVERYBODY else needs to know and UNDERSTAND what Holcomb's role is- BACKUP QB. Thank you and Good Night.



    I couldn't agree less.


    Holcomb should start the season. He is the better quarterback.

    I want wins.


    Let the quarterback controversy begin.

  13. I

    I tell you what, though......if you'd have told me before the season started that we'd have arguably the best D in football, be at or near the top of the league in turnovers, have arguably the best special teams in football, Moulds would stay healthy, Evans would come along and be an impact player, McGahee would be a stud, and even the FULLBACK would prove his worth, I sure as hell would have bet my ass that we'd at least be a playoff team.



    Moulds staying healthy isn't enough. He needed to catch the football, particularly in key situations. He caught 58% and was ranked 45th best WR in the league.


    This best D in the league was...2nd in total yards, 8th in points allowed, 13th in 3rd down efficiency, 30th in 4th down efficiency. When it counted they often didn't make the big play. This great D was good, nothing more.


    McGahee was a stud. For the 12 games he started, when we went 9-3.


    Special teams had a good year, unless you want to count key FG.


    Evans was great. Makes me excited.


    Fullback proved his worth? Uh, ok.


    This team gave up 1041 penalty yards. 10 and 1/2 lengths of the field. Only 1 team in the NFL gave up more. 11 penalties in the Pitt game.


    I'm encouraged by many things last year but as time moves on the legacy of this phenomenal 2004 squad (sans QB of course) grows a little out of proportion.

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