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Shameless Homer

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Posts posted by Shameless Homer

  1. Unfortunately when you say "people like you" it implies that there is someone with a solution. I have yet to meet such a person.



    Here's the solution.


    A dirty floor doesn't get clean if you stop mopping before you have cleaned it all.


    The ramifications throughout the Middle East in bringing democracy to oppressed countries have already become evident. This is a very big picture we're looking at here, stand back and see the forest.

  2. The part that kills me is that he thinks we're buying that spin about "We're fighting the terrorists over there so we don't have to fight them here".  Sure Al Queda has guys in Iraq because they see an opportunity to kill some of our people and try to demoralize us. But Bush wants us to believe that's stopping them from planning and attacking us here. What a laugh. Ya, like the terrorists decided to stop planning attacks on our homeland just because we have troops in Iraq. Like they made some kind of promise not to come here and attack us as long as we are in Iraq. The sad thing is some fools actually believe that. I think that is excuse # 29 why we invaded Iraq. I don't know, I lost count.



    Say there Buckey I beg to disagree. I'm going to try and be civil here even though my daughter's boyfriend is a Navy Seal and 8 of them went down in a helicopter in Afghanistan today. I'm going to resist calling you a Phukin ingrateful piss ant and wishing that I could rip your Phukin head off right now.


    My guess Buckey is that you have not served in the military and you probably haven't done anything in the way of public service (Peace Corps etc) for your fellow man. But you can let fly with the anti-administration rhetoric because you are from a political party not currently in power.


    Is it possible that you believe that people who; bomb food markets killing women and children, bomb playgrounds killing mostly children, kill countless men and women who want to serve their country in the police force, sever the heads of their hostages and continue to destroy oil lines, bridges, power grids that might bring the Iraqis out of the stone age are people we should leave alone? Shall we let them take over and create a regime that will be similar to Saddam's that was responsible for killing 600,000 to 1,000,000 people over the last thirty years.


    Buckey, we have people dying defending the rights of others to be free. Most of them believe in what they are doing and see progress every day. You have the right to express your thoughts because of them. Your opinion, of course, offers no solution. People like you never do.

  3. He'll be another year older..have worse receivers, and an unproven back in Jones, and a suspect Defense. BUT if he leads this team to even the play-offs, then its gotta be our system that prevented it. He says its a fresh start, but he said the same thing when he signed here. What do you think??



    If Bledsoe leads Dallas to the playoffs if will because the greatest player to ever don a football jersey, JP Losman, probably taught Bledsoe something about being a great talker..er I mean quarterback.


    Bledsoe could only win if..um..Stojan's grandmother threw his passes for him.

    Bledsoe, what a loser..............hahahahahahahah!!!


    JP is the best!

  4. "Losing is just not an option with me," he says. "Every play is like, 'We are not losing this game,' so you play every play like it's your last."

    All I can say is....Wow!    0:)


    It's been a long time since we've had that attitude around here from the QB position.



    That's bonafide MVP talk. He's my hero. I love him.

    Now if he could just throw a football with his mouth....

  5. Drew Bledsoe would had to win the Super Bowl, and even then I'm not sure I would have kept him.  The problem is that Drew already showed he was limiting what the Bills could do offensively.  Everything had to be "just so" for Drewie.  Had to have this...had to have that.  If he were anyone else but a #1 overall draft pick, he would have been mowing lawns with Ryan Leaf ages ago.  The level of excuse-making for DB boggles my mind.





    You f'n people are driving me nuts. The Steelers game was a g'damn team loss!!

    Bigtime. D sucked. Couldn't keep a 3rd string running back from ripping off a 42 yard run from scrimmage. Allowed a 9 1/2 minute drive against them in the 4th quarter of a playin game against 3rd stringers. Moulds dropped 3 passes, Reed 2

    Evans 1, McGahee 1.

    11 penalties in a playin game. Jeezus. Blame Bledsoe so that the Losman thing works for you. Great.


    This offense was 31st out of 32 teams in penalties against. 1157 yards!!!

    Bledsoe my arse.


    And keep your yards passing per game to yourselves. We tried to run the ball all year. Our number one reciever was ranked 45th in the league. Wake freaking up.

  6. I might be reading into this JP thing too much, but do you all think it is good that JP is starting his NFL career against 4 non division teams and 3 of those teams residing in the NFC conference?  Now yes, all the games are important, but as evidenced by last year, the Bills AFC record hurt them in tiebreaker scenarios.  Maybe it will be good that JP gets his feet wet so he will be better when the Bills get to the meat of their AFC East/AFC Schedule.





    I agree completely. It clearly looks like things get tougher as the schedule plays out. A perfect situation for a new QB. It looks like this schedule was designed for a rookie (albeit 2nd year one) to grow into the position more easily.

  7. I'm sorry you missed the "tongue in cheek"-ness of my "No TE would want to come here."  C'est la Vie.


    Drew doesn't sometimes lose.  His record in Buffalo against good teams is PATHETIC.  Something in the neighborhood of 4-15 with terrible stats to match.


    Saying he was better than most people here give him credit for is nothing more than putting frosting on the proverbial piece of crap and attempting to pass it off as cake.  He didn't play to his cap number or status the majority of the time and that in itself is even more detrimental to the team simply based on the position he plays.


    The "he was sacked less often than Tom Brady" argument is a perfect example.  Bledsoe also makes about 300% less plays per game than Brady, whose surrounding offensive cast are no better than those surrounding Drew Bledsoe in Buffalo.



    Got the frosting/crap metaphor already. I presume you think that putting Brady here the last 4 years would net Buffalo 3 out of 4 Super Bowls since the offenses are the same otherwise?


    Probably an automatic since we had a defense and ST ranked ahead of NE last year?


    It's not just the QB. Really.

  8. Is it easy to pretend that one game against a mediocre opponent changes something?


    Drew Bledsoe's stats in the games where the opponents had a record of 10 or more wins or ended the season in the playoffs. (19 total games against teams with either 10 or more wins OR made playoffs):


    Attempts: 602

    Completions: 342

    Percentage: 56.8%

    Yards: 3601

    TDs: 15

    Interceptions: 26

    Rating: 64.66

    Sacked: 61


    Average per game stats:


    Attempts: 32

    Completions: 18

    Percentage: 56.8%

    Yards: 190

    TDs: 0.8

    Interceptions: 1.4

    Rating: 64.66

    Sacked: 3.2


    Other interesting stats of note:


    Games without a TD pass: NINE

    Games without an intercept: TWO

    Games with fewer than 100 yards passing: THREE

    Games with more than 300 yards passing: ONE

    Games with 50% or lower completions: SIX

    Games with 67% or better completions: THREE

    Games with one sack or less: THREE

    Games with 4 sacks or more: SEVEN

    Games with 3 or more TD passes: ONE

    Games with 3 or more interceptions: FOUR


    Of course, if we just made every offensive lineman a Pro Bowler and had a HOF TE...


    How about the goddamn HOF QB elevating everyone else around him by playing HIS best?  Guess that's a little much to ask, right?  I'm not sure pretending Drew Bledsoe wasn't part of the problem is any different than the extremists on the other side of the argument.


    I sincerely hope Drew Bledsoe plays spectacularly well and wins every game he doesn't play against the Buffalo BILLS.  I hold no ill will towards the man whatsoever.  That doesn't mean he played up to his reputation or doesn't deserve much of the criticism leveled at him.  He's been done like dinner for a LONG time.



    My response to you was regarding his ability to get the ball to TEs. You suggested no TE would want to work with him. Ridiculous.


    Post ANY QBs ratings against quality teams. They ALL are ALWAYS worse against the better teams. Same goes for great baseball pitchers, hockey centers, golfers.

    Every time Tiger Woods goes up against the The Little Sisters of the Poor 4th grade golf team he beats them every time. Every frikking time!


    When he plays against Singh, Mickelson, Els and so on he sometimes loses.


    Bledsoe was a better QB for this team then most people on this board give him credit for and that fact may be borne out come September on 2 fronts.


    The less Bledsoe posts I see here the better but I don't see the point of constantly trashing the guy and suggesting he's a "piece of crap" QB.

  9. Ask a guy named Ben Coates if Bledsoe knew how to throw passes to tight ends.



    You didn't comment on the 3 Campbell caught in one game. But I forgot, it's cherry pick time when it comes to Bledsoe.


    The team won 9 games IN SPITE OF Bledsoe and lost 7 BECAUSE of Bledsoe.



    I think you'll see Bledsoe do quite well in passing to a Pro Bowl tight end in Dallas named Witten.

  10. What tight end wants to play with a guy who continuously hangs him out to dry?  Safety valves aren't the problem when you can't depend on the QB to throw short passes with regular accuracy or touch.



    TE Campbell caught 3 TDs in one game this year just before he and the second string TE were injured for the remainder of the year (5 games) Bledsoe had a 3rd and 4th string TE for the last 5 games.


    Ask a guy named Ben Coates if Bledsoe knows how to throw passes to tight ends.

  11. "@340, you'll be able to run behind him all game...isn't much in pass protection

    credited w/4 sacks allowed, 4 false starts and a couple holds



    .....better than 50/50 chance he hurts a drive a game."

    Does anyone have statistics that show a decrease or increase in OL penalties under McNally's coaching?




    Offense was penalized the second highest in the NFL 1047 yards.

    Think that might have cost us a few drives last year?

  12. check out the video on the right side of the page if you wish...

    Drama Queens Drama Queens Drama Queens


    This country is just about to hear the toilet flush  


    Im not going to get into the battle of this womans life or death fight.  But come on folks.  THIS HAPPENS EVERY DAY!   EVERY SINGLE DAY SOME HUMAN IN THIS WORLD IS TAKEN OFF LIFE SUPPORT OR THEIR FEEDING TUBE IS REMOVED.  Some times its elder folks, sometimes its children.  It is sometimes a blessing for the person suffering.  I had to watch my father in law suffer and rot away from cancer for 4 years.  I watched that great human go from 180 pounds to just around 65 pounds before he passed on.  I prayed everyday for God to take that man to a better place!

    There is no need for hundreds or thousands of people to gather around for weeks in protest. Crying and laying on the street thowing fits.  Do these people have jobs?  Give me a friggin break!  Hey freedom of speech, its great!  But give me a break.  99% of these idiots are the same people who protested the war, protest abortion, protest aids, protest this and protest that.  Then we have these doctors and lawyers out there giving these ass backward interviews and crap looking for a book deal.  Now, every time I go to find a new book to read, Ill have to crawl past the 10000000000's of books on this woman and everyones 2 cents.  Just like I do now, I have to crawl past 10000000000000000000's of books on Scott and Lacy Peterson from people who don’t know $^*&%^ !!!!!  Im still crawling past books on OJ for Gods sake.


    Bottom line here...  Im not being cold hearted but why does this country need all the friggin drama?  The media is just out of control with this stuff and the common person just feeds off the crap.  Any everyone is looking to profit off anothers suffering.



    There apparently was some very weird stuff going down about this woman's medical care the last few years. Her husband stopped allowing speech therapy or rehab therapy for her in 1993, coincidentally the same year he started dating his current girfriend that he has 2 children by.


    If you believe the 3 nurses out there that have been discussing Michael Shiavo's treatment of Terri, then you have to wonder what kind of "loving husband" he was.

    He chose not tell anyone of Terri's wish to die under these circumstances until 4 years ago.


    If a number of people are appalled enough at the potential for scandal here to want to hold signs up at the hospice then I think they have that right. If it bothers you to see it, change the channel.

  13. If you want to go by points, then you should have subtracted the 780 points which we got back from Dallas 1354 - 780 = 574 the amount we gave up to Draft J.P. I do not like that system myself. Statistics can usually be used to defend both sides of an arguement.



    Points, schmoints. Where the hell have you people been?



    JP watched the Patton movie! He's really, really cute.

    Nuff said!

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