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Shameless Homer

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Posts posted by Shameless Homer

  1. I can't watch the LPGA without the announcers telling me Annika is going through a divorce.  The rumor is she's gay and the fact is she's filed for divorce from her husband of eight years, David Esch.  I don't give a hoot what she is or isn't, they should leave her personal life alone.  Plus she's got the best sponsors in der Welt.


    On the PGA side, people keep telling me Phil is a big gambler with heavy losses.  I think people are making this crap up just because he does so well and I work for his sponsor BearingPoint.  Once agin, I couldn't care less if he plays poker with Pete Rose.  On the Golf Channel mesage boards they also say Phil cheats on his wife.  If any of you have seen Phils wife ... he would have to be CRAZY to cheat on her.  She is one hot MILF.  More empty rumors.


    Let's leave these nice people alone and enjoy what they have brought to us.  I hope all of you agree these sports stars should be allowed their well earned privacy.


    Happy Easter ~





    Nice job amping up two unsubstantiated rumors.  What a public service.

  2. Uh welcome back.  Who are you?


    Are you another in a neverending series of  *tee-hee* "freedom" loving  wingers that pervade this hysterical board?

    I've e-mailed this board to a couple friends and they nearly doubled over in gales of laughter. I'm glad someone e-mailed this site to me because I never would have found it otherwise.



    A little self-absorbed are we?


    Get a grip, the world doesn't revolve around you.

  3. I think that it is nice of us to show the muslims that we are really kind and friendly people. Maybe then they will like us, and not be mean to us anymore.



    Symbolic and highly visible compensation in international politics is commonplace.

    It says "you support us and we will support you" it cuts across cultural and language barriers to send a clear message.


    Pakistan continues to hold a great deal of the cards in the search for Osama Bin Laden and the others who crossed our borders to kill thousands of our people.


    Right now, I like them.

  4. The irony of that post is, as usual, palpable.  You are the proverbial "one trick" pony that you vainly attempt to rail against, as evidenced by other posters deeming you "Tenny" and "RCow" before you even reached the century mark.  Like a puppy desperately treading water after being flipped out of the raft in a class 4 rapid.


    You call it "guns and taxes."  I call it freedom.  A word neither large party currently "in charge" of this country are even remotely interested in preserving - not that someone of your tired political bend would understand even the concept.


    Feel free to post more links to "great cartoonists" like Doonsbury - as if that strip didn't jump the shark over a decade ago.  :angry:



    Stop making sense.

  5. Steve do you like trains? You know after the Bills games and a beer or two with the other guys you're welcome to come home to my place and play with my train sets.


    I have an actual 8 car HO scale set that is a complete miniature of my hometown Alfred, NY. Smoke comes out of the locomotive!!


    At the crossings I have a little policeman that stands with a big red STOP SIGN.

    I've arranged it so that on the day you pass 15,000 posts my train will stop at

    the Stojan Depot (I've repainted the miniature sign) and toot the whistle!!


    I can tell that you and I have a lot in common so if I show up at Lot 3 for the first home game (I'll be wearing the fuzzy Billy the Bison hat) I hope you'll take some time from all the other admirers and speak with me.


    Oh and I wanted to tell you that the series of hunky guys you've been posting in your avatar are my favorites too! :doh:

  6. Well, the sanctity of marriage argument kinda falls apart when he moved on with his life and had children with another woman. The question I have, is how the law treats a couple which is separated. That is basically what their "marriage" is now.



    This is brilliance non-pareil. Great point. His dominion over her life ended when

    he took on another "wife" and kids. Her parents should be the determinants of her fate.


    Starving someone to death. Unbephukinbelievable.

  7. I have no left ACL. I still play basketball weekly and weakly at 54. I run about 15 to 20 miles a week. Oddly, jumping is something I've always been able to do well.


    The physcian missed it in an MRI but the physical therapist says I don't have an ACL.

  8. Here are some things I just heard about her case:


    After her collapse she was treated with therapy and improving enough to be sent home


    Her husband sued her doctor for 2.25 M so that he could "take care of her for the rest fo her life" which he contended was likely to be 40 years more


    He was quoted in court records as saying they would live as man and wife at home for the rest of their lives no matter how long that was (he failed to mention he was already dating someone else)


    He fought for 2+ years and was awarded the 2.25M


    Two months later he could no longer bear the pain of seeing her state and wanted to pull the plug.  He has denied her therapy ever since.


    He then remembered that when they were watching a movie about Karen Quinlan, she said "I wouldn't want to live like that".  This is the basis for her "living will".  Funny how he remembered this just after the check cleared.


    He cut her parents off from being able to do anything as simple as ask a doctor a question about her health.


    He at least twice denied her treatments for potentially fatal infections


    And so on and so on......


    Sounds like a great guy.  Clearly we should take his word for it on her intentions.


    How do people get like this?



    Thanks for this. I had heard some of it but it helps to get the complete picture.

    I know that I often say I wouldn't care to live in a vegatative state. And I'm sure

    my wife will take care of that. Hell I think she tries to put a pillow over my face whenever I try to take a nap, but I can't prove it.


    I say let her continue to be fed. Miracles do happen, and she seems to react to

    others. It's her parents call, not her husband. There's blood there, no blood in a marriage.

  9. I understand the Bills brain-trust being so enamored with Jason Peter's freakish athletic ability, but why move him around to all these positions?


    The Bills are not exactly loaded at Tight End. Why not use that freakish athletic ability to create miss matches in a position that can GET YARDS AND SCORE POINTS?


    Hell, he played tight end for 4 years at a fairly big football school. That's his natural position.

    Why try to mold him to what is arguably the most difficult position in football,  the left tackle?


    I want to see the big man dance in the endzone! And maybe mow over some Dolphin DBs on his way i



    I liked the idea too but with the Neufeld signing and Campbell and Euhus predicted as ready for camp I think that experiment is now highly unlikely.

  10. DeMulling is 304 pounds and not known for exceptional run blocking. TD has stated (and passed on) lineman in the past for a lack of size, not always, mind you, but its on public record that Buffalo prefers larger linemen.



    Buffalo line. " 5 big slow fat guys backed up by 5 big slow fat guys"


    304lbs is no slouch. This guy is a good quality guard. I think the money seemed very realistic, and frankly I'm disappointed. TD is running out of options. I hope he has something up his sleeve other than his arm because it is getting a little weird. Losman's mobility may be an improvement over Bledsoe but you may be asking a little too much here, if you stand pat.

  11. Someone hasn't been paying attention.


    It's a simple math problem.


    We won 9 games last year IN SPITE OF Bledsoe. He's gone.


    And we lost 7 games last year BECAUSE OF Bledsoe. He's gone.


    We now have JP Losman.

    That's an automatic 9 wins!!!


    And since it is JP Losman, it certainly is not too much to ask

    for us to win at least half of the other 7 games!!!!


    That's 13-3.!!! Who needs FAs? I say save the money!!!


    With Bledsoe gone FINALLY...automatic Super Bowl.

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