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Everything posted by RLflutie7

  1. You are correct sir! Thanks Ken for blowing it.
  2. I would tend to agree with this post. And Ben is a better athlete than anyone gave him credit for. The five turnstyles in front of him didn't really help much.
  3. The more I think about the game, the more I think deferring to the second half was a mistake. You win the coin toss, you have a passing team with a weak defense and you don't play to your strength. I don't get that. The defense did come through I understand it's a ploy to get the defense motivated and it could have worked. But Whisenhunt put the Cardinals on their heals the whole first half by doing it. Chris Carter made a great point. The Cards defense was on the field for 11 minutes in the first quarter and he thought they didn't have enough left at the end of the game. And I think he was right. And they got things going on offense when they went to all passing. Why not take the ball and let Kurt Warner do his thing, get a quick score and put the Steelers on their heels. If you are grounded in numbers, which most coaches are, you don't make the decisions the Cards made. Numbers say take the ball, score, take time off the clock and DON"T try to make it a one possession game. The Cards are a scoring machine and you need to try to get the Steelers into a shootout. You can't play grind it out ball with the Steelers and win.
  4. I disagree with some points and agree with others. What fans that didn't like Flutie as the starter failed to realize is that Flutie was suited to play in the NFL because of his arm strength. We can argue all day about that. His size was a hindrance because he couldn't see the field as well. I thought it was his vision at times that was blocked. He may have run down towards the end of the year> But most, if not all, NFL players lose some steam. Warner has lost 25 pounds this year. You can tell in photos. Madden mentiioned how small he looked. But he could still throw. And I thought Bledsoe really struggled late in the year with Bills and Cowboys. He just ran out of gas all the time. McNabb runs out of gas during games all the time. It's part of the game. The Bills struggled on offense in 99, late in the year, but what most people forget the injuries the Bills had with Reimersma and Moulds or they won't acknowledge it. Flutie did well considering those facts. He didn't do great, but he did do well. Big Ben does have great arm strength, more than Flutie. And he can break tackles better. He also has great body control and he can throw off balance, that's something that Flutie couldn't really do. Throwing off balance when people are hanging all over you and throwing on the run are two different things. But Big Ben also had balls tipped at the LOS this year. Quite often. And he had a ball intercepted in the Superbowl because of it. That could have been a killer.
  5. I guess I'm kind of taking a shot at him. It was all busted plays. Sandlot football. But it did win. And that can be taken to the bank. It was John Elway like. That would also be a good comparison. I wonder how this will play in the future. It was a great pass, but he did say he thought it was going to be a pick.
  6. I debated weather to post this. But after watching the ESPN and NFL Network highlights and interviews, did Ben Roethlisberger play like Doug Flutie? With past arguements about DF/RJ and if a QB can win it all, when he's making mostly busted plays, I bring this conversation to Ben Roethlisberger. And I'm actually going to contradict myself, because I think Big Ben got a little lucky. I always said, a team could win a Superbowl with Flutie and his improvising style. But most here didn't think a QB could win the big game playing like that. And I do think that the 2008 Steelers looked a lot like the 1999 Bills all year long. And I have to admit, they've been annoying to watch. I thought they've been getting lucky all year, or at least the defense carried them to victory. And their point production and offensive line play have been weak. I think Roethlisberger changed the way people view him. I really was expecting him to fail in that last drive. His comments to ESPN about "backyard" football were strange to say the least. Thoughts?
  7. Big Ben made the hall of fame tonight with a career defining drive, but yes he could have changed the play calls. He's an experienced QB.
  8. Roethlisberger played great. However, he didn't take advantage of many Red Zone situations against a weak Arizona Defense. If Arizona gets one more stop they win the game. Big Ben made huge plays all night, though.
  9. Yes and I hope he comes back to play next year. I think it's the best Superbowl I've seen. Warner was why they were able to come back with 16 points in the 4th quarter. I just wish the Cardinals would have went to their 2 min. offfense a little earlier. I wish they would have taken the ball after the coin toss to start the game. The defense played good enough to win until the last drive. The defense kept them in it until Kurt got hot. Kurt made a killer mistake, but if the Cardinals would have gotten one more stop they would have won.
  10. I wanted to share a little story about Bill Bidwell. When I was living in Tempe, Arizona I lived about 1 mile from the Cardinals headquarters. One day I was in the post office, when a man came shuffling in by himself. I was standing in a long line to get to the postal clerk and I watched as Bidwell walked in and went to a P.O. Box. He opened the box, sorted the mail and then walked out and got into a modest car and drove off. The funny thing to me is, most people in line looked at him when he walked in, but no one seemed to notice who he was and no one said anything to him. He didn't make some "grand entrance". If you contrast that with some other NFL owners, who have an ego the size of a blimp, it was really cool. He was just a regular guy going about his regular business. I was wanted to give some props to Dennis Green because he did build the Cardinals team. At least most of their biggest stars are from his tenure. I posted this before, I thought it got lost in the shuffle.
  11. McNabb wants out. I think the Eagles are just posturing to make themselves look good and they are negotiating for his release or trade by saying they want him back. I don't think the relationship between QB and coach can be repaired.
  12. Like Rush Limbaugh said: "The media is very desirous that a Black QB do well." The media hyped McNabb so much when he was younger and rushed for 3,100 yards, instead of throwing the ball. And they did the same thing with Kordell Stewart, who was a terrible QB. Stewart should have played WR. Donovan McNabb has very recently developed his game to a point where he no longer rushes the ball for nearly 500 yards a season and actually throws the ball some. Although, he does not throw very well in the biggest games of the year. Or at least the tightest moments. McNair was a pea-poor example of a QB who could actually throw the ball well. And he too put together some impressive rushing stats. I always thought the Titans would have been a better team with Neil O'Donnell as their starter. And when he got the chance, he did better. If you look at the stats of Black QBs, they always have about double or triple the rushing attempts as their White counter parts. Culpepper, Vick. The list goes on and on. And yet the hype machine of the media always try to sell us that they're great QBs who are just misunderstood. BS! Remember that the NFL Network is mostly run by people who were employed by ESPN.
  13. More from Tampa Tribune: Tampa - The Superbowl brings thousands of visitors and plenty of money to the city. With that comes a notorious element: Prostitution. Tampa police say they are working to combat the problem. Monday morning, police conducted an operation to crack down. By days end, police had arrested 13 people. "It's not going to end until the last plane of tourist leaves town," Tampa police capt. Bret Bartlett said. They also said they are targeting the strip clubs, massage parlors etc. etc. I guess Tampa has a "six feet" rule for strip clubs.
  14. NFL fans seem to be big fans of strip clubs and it's part of the AZ republic's SB coverage and I guess strippers travel to the SB.
  15. The Arizona Republic ran a story saying Tampa has 43 strip clubs, calling it the "Lap Dance Capital of the world." I've been to strip clubs myself, but doesn't 43 strip clubs seem like way too many. I thought the economy was bad. How can so many strip clubs turn a profit?
  16. I disagree. Reagan was the first debt president. Credit card debt doubled during his eight years. And credit card debt has doubled every decade since. Reagan's record has been distored because he was a poplular figure. Reagan did some good things, don't get me wrong, but the overall outlook was a lot bleaker than it was portrayed. During Clinton's administration, banks flooded the market with credit card applications and I think they were trying to stimulate the economy with consumer spending. I thought that then and I think it now. I got about 10 credit cards between 94-98. I was able to quit my job and start my business using credit cards. It worked. It wasn't cheap, but it worked. I really struggled with that debt and if I had to do it over again, I would have gotten regular small business loans. I didn't think credit like that was easy to get however, not like credit card debt. But most people didn't use credit cards to start a business and they ran up credit cards with consumer spending and now we are in trouble with that in addition to housing.
  17. Very good post and very good points. We fall for the good talkers that tell us what we want to hear. That's why Clinton won two terms. That's why Reagan won two terms. That's why Obama won. I'm not a conservative because conservatives are not conservative. They're really socialist, like pro sports team owners. Taking public money to build a stadium and then paying a star athlete $120 million, all at the same time. And we let them get away with it. Same thing with business executives. They get bailouts with public money and then pay themselves huge bonuses and we let them get away with it. I think what really happened, is business people took ideas from the sports world and applied it to the real business world and that's how we got into this mess.
  18. Sorry about that. I have a tendency to throw out a thought without much else to back it up. Obama wants to continue the bailouts and from what I can see, the bailouts are helping the elite fat cats and not the average joe. I don't want fat cats getting bailed out. If some guy buying an NFL team gets a bailout there's something wrong with this country and we won't be able to fix it.
  19. What is Stephen Ross doing buying a football team when he's trying to get government aid? Ross, "a real estate developer, who according to the Wall Street Journal, is amoung a group of developers seeking government aid in the rocky economy, Ross has been trying to find investors to buy a piece of the team." I think Wayne is trying to get out before NFL team values crash, along with the rest of the economy. I don't think it's just about capital gains taxes. I also think Obama is about welfare for the rich.
  20. Boldin was won NFL Live on ESPN and that's what he just said. He was hurt and he thought he could go, but the coaches thought otherwise. He also said he wanted to beat the media out the door, so the headlines wouldn't be about him And Warner did have a heated discussion with Haley also but it wasn't at the worst possible time. It was still stupid though.
  21. Superbowl odds open with Pittsburgh by 6. I thought it would be 7. Tough game to call.
  22. I'd take Warner. Big Ben gets sacked quite a bit.
  23. Great post. McNabb did come roaring back in the second half. But he did throw many horrible passes on routine routes where guys were open.
  24. Something about Leinart, he's just not good enough. Warner's performance says it all. Close one though.
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