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Everything posted by RLflutie7

  1. I think the wealth is going into 10,000 square foot homes - something that we've never really seen before - while those same sort of people buying those 10,000 square foot homes are screaming that their businesses are struggling to survive.
  2. I've always said that we should put money into the people's hands and not companies and banks. Let those companies go under. I think the real reason for the bailout is to protect billionaires from financial collapse rather than regular people.
  3. If Walmart paid their employees $15.00 an hour they'd probably have a 30% to 50% increase in sales. But they'd be pissed about that. Because they'd consider the source. I have to go to the post office.
  4. So, I take it you like Larry Kudlow's way of doing things. Reward failure. Big companies should get all the tax breaks. Even though they failed. They can't breath because all the debt on the balance sheet.
  5. You, my friend, are a nut case. Here is my plan for economic recovery. What I see in this economy is pent up demand. Demand that is left unsatisfied because of low wages. 1. Increase minimum wage to $10.00 per hour. This would help Walmart not hurt it. And it's too bad they're too stupid to see it. They have a great customer standing right in front of them and they don't take advantage of it. If they would pay their employee the extra $2.00 per hour, they'd get it back anyway. 2. Create a federal law banning all property taxes on residential housing. People are punished for even owning a home. Raise the sales tax to replace property tax. That way, the people get to choose weather they want to be taxed or not. If not, then they can save their money. This would help local business because someone like my mother would have $3,600 more to spend every year. Cash in hand, even though she would pay higher sales tax. 4. Give corporations tax breaks if they raise the wages on their lowest level employess. Same concept as the first one. Increase taxes on those corporations that downsize or move jobs overseas. In short, this country needs job creation. We don't need to give rich (now broke) companies more tax breaks. Larry Kudlow, of CNBC wants to eliminate corporate taxes. That's the dumbest idea that I've ever heard of. Let the American pulbic spend the money, don't let companies squander it without an ounce of job creation.
  6. How so? Your republican ways of growing business are not working. They haven't worked, nor will they ever work. The methods you endorse take money out of the pockets of the average American and put it into corporations with the sole intent that they do the right thing and reinvest that money into new businesses and jobs. It's a great concept but it doesn't work. Corporations have basically made poor investment choices and they gotten so arrogant and careless that the repulbican concepts don't work. Your concepts rely on the notion that you have a bunch of Boy Scouts running big business. I always hear from Repulicans say that job losses and wage cuts are good "because they will create more jobs in the future because the business is more lean and can now reinvest profits into new businesses". That doesn't happen in the real world. It happens in fantasy land but not the real world. That concept doesn't take into account off shoring jobs, downsizing white collar staff, trimming benefits. Most companies don't want to pay benefits anyway. If you can see what weasels big business people are, then you've got big problems, pal.
  7. Yes you can multiply weath by dividing it. That's the whole concept of capitalism. Hoarding wealth is what got us into this mess. The wealthy people in this country starting ripping off the less wealthy. Giving tax breaks to the wealthy will never encourage them to reinvest it into the economy, they only end up hoarding wealth. The wealthy end up paying more into entitlement programs when they hoard wealth, therefore hurting themselves more than if they would simply "share the wealth".
  8. Dave Ramsey is much better. And he would tell the caller to pay off the credit card.
  9. As I stated in other threads, I couldn't understand why the Big 3 didn't offer more buyouts and they have. GM 20K something and a voucher for a car. Thoughts?
  10. We are in a depression. Donald Trump, said it on Larry King live last night, according to Larry King. Susan Orman, who was a guest, told a viewer not to pay off a credit card because if she does they'll cut her off and she might lose her job in the future and she'll need the cash to live on. I think you are right. But we have to do something. It may not help a dang thing, but at least it's something. I think Obama is doing a great job given the situation. In my region, a few towns to the east the Mayor of that town says the city has 20% unemployment.
  11. And my post about 43 strip clubs in Tampa (during the Superbowl week) gets deleted?
  12. You have Doug's history wrong because you were not a fan of his and you didn't follow it back then. I'll dig up some info in a few days.
  13. Flutie was impatient. He wanted a chance to compete for the starters job and that was not given to him. With all the injuries to QBs in the NFL he would have gotten a chance to play had he stayed in the NFL. The CFL was willing to pay more as was the USFL. The Bills gave him a chance to compete and he took it and a big pay cut.
  14. Looking back, the Cardinals got robbed. But they also blew the game by making mistakes and being to conservative.
  15. All very true. Because the Cards were attempting to rush the ball to start the game and at the start of the second half. Which, in my view, was a mistake. Also, I didn't think the Cardinals took the right approach when they tried to run 10 minutes off the clock against Philadelphia in the fourth quarter. And that's why Boldin had his meltdown. Plus McNabb got another shot at the ball and he blew it. It worked for the Cardinals. But it was extremely high risk, IMO. And I had that sick feeling before the game that they would try to establish the run at the risk of taking the ball out of Warner's hand. And that's what they did.
  16. It's my guess with Joe Montana, Bill Walsh wanted the ball. Get a 21 point lead and then run the ball to take time off the clock. Backwards thinking, but it also works.
  17. Tarkenton didn't have the arm strength. Ask Norm VanBrocklin.
  18. That's only if you're looking at the game from a ONE possession viewpoint.
  19. Great posts and the Cardinals coaching staff was on acid for deferring the kickoff.
  20. I thought the same thing also. And I never understood the moves. Both teams caved in to media pressure.
  21. And it's too bad Flutie had more ability than Tarkenton. Not production but ability.
  22. I read all your posts and they make sense, but the Cardinals didn't have the ball in the first quarter and it cost them the game. They were on defense for 11 mintues. The Steelers didn't do that much damage, but they could have put the Steelers on their heels and they didn't. The interception before the half killed them.
  23. It was the way Ben was playing. All year long, he's been scrambling around like a mad man. Steve Young told him he looked like Fran Tarkenton when he was interviewing him after the Superbowl. And Fran Tarkenton and Big Ben are not comparable in size either.
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