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Posts posted by WotAGuy

  1. Ha! Back in the day (1967-ish), my old man used to take me to Stockman's Tavern on Transit Road and he'd have the bartender put the TV on Channel 12 out of Erie, PA - trying to watch the Bills homes games through staticy snow. I drank orange pop and he did shots and beers. Never got out of control or had bad things happen. Still a nice memory! It was a different time. Not sure I'd do it today with my kid....glad I'm too old to worry about it!


    And food? Oh God...my mother used to make salmon patties pan fried in butter...and liver and onions....and potato pancakes, all for dinner. Still like liver and onions, and love potato pancakes, but salmon patties....not so much! She wasn't the greatest cook, but she was an awesome Mom.


    I miss them both!

  2. As far as live albums go I'll go one better and say it's the bootlegs albums that really kill. When a band knows their performance is being preserved they tend to play it a little safe. I have these bootleg performances by the Cramps, Bad Brains and Gas Huffer on vinyl that will melt your face. So much more alive than my favorite official live albums (Grateful Dead's Europe 72 and War's live album which is called something stupid like War Live or whatever).


    Recently I've really been digging my old Grant Lee Buffalo cds. Which is weird since I normally both don't like cds or Grant Lee Buffalo. But their melodramatic gothic folk thing has been speaking to me these days.



    Yeah, "Crazy Joe Moon" definitely took some time for me to "get". It's the only GLB CD I have.

  3. One more thing. I just read the allmusic.com review of Beat Crazy:




    If you ever wondered how rocksteady, dub and ska (real ska, not the watered down British band version) work with the jazzy elements of Steely Dan, then Circus Money is something you need to hear.


    Fair warning: It takes a few listens to "get". The lyrics are wonderful.



    I think the liner notes to Beat Crazy say something like: "In the end, we knew the album was doomed to fail. The question remains, why did we try?"



    ....shopping for Circus Money as we speak....

  4. Amen, and I know there a number of others here that will agree with you...myself included...hell i head out on weekend afternoons looking for any live music to just sit around and listen to....



    NICE! Thanks for the link....got the laptop playing thru the surround system....awesome.

  5. Walter Becker's "11 Tracks of Whack". It was so different from what I expected, I really didn't give it a chance. It is pretty brilliant, actually, but not as good as his 2008 release "Circus Money", which also takes a while to "get".



    Agreed - that one took some time to appreciate, but I really enjoy it now. Was looking at "Circus Money" just yesterday and trying to decide whether to buy it; just might check it out with your endorsement above!


    Two more (old ones):


    - "Beat Crazy" by Joe Jackson: took a long time to get over my disappointment the first time I listened, but after a couple years I gave it a few spins and now really enjoy it.


    - "A Worm's Life" by Crash test Dummies: bunch of very quirky songs about mundane stuff (garbage in a landfill, a pulled tooth, morning wood and of course, a worm's life). But it has grown on me and is pretty entertaining.

  6. I was looking for something else today and ran across these items:




    Really cool!! I'm really pumped that I have an autographed 1987 Bills vs Eagles game program with Marv, Kelly, and Bruce who went on to become HOFers. Loving that big time. :)


    What's the coolest Bills Nostalgia that you guys have?



    Some pretty cool stories/stuff mentioned here. I never had much interest in getting autographs, but I did keep a scrapbook I made when I was 9-10 years old for the 1968-1969 seasons. Newspaper clippings, program photos, stats....all crudely pasted and labeled into an aging old book. It's pretty funny looking back on my childhood and the earliest days of my Bills obsession.


    The 12-step program is working and I'm proud to say I'm powerless over the Bills and now I can just enjoy them One Day at a Time.

  7. [/quote


    you guys just crack me up with your ignorance.


    schobel is done he does not want to play any more only with his kids.


    if you were smart enough to listen to him yesterday you would have heard him say he would only go to Houston but thats probably not likely either and he wants to retire as a bill.


    i know your not smart enough to understand this but he is a man of character and family. he has plenty of money and he wants to now raise his family in his little home town in Texas. is your head so thick that you cannot understand that?


    lastly MR genius what do you think the Texans would be willing to give up for him knowing he is going to retire and if he does play (which he obviously does not have his heart into anymore) he may play for the texans for a year or two maybe.


    I'll tell you what they will give us jack sh-t!


    guys like you are a freaking joke and obviously stupid also!


    Wow...it must be quite a burden having to set the world straight on every opinion you deem a freaking joke and stupid. Where do you ever find the time to work for a living or (shudder) raise a family? But thanks for setting us all straight on what Aaron Schobel is planning to do....it was keeping me up at night worrying about it!

  8. I am about to change the lettering on my Losman and McGahee jerseys to other names. That's why I need some famous names for 7 and 21.



    Sadly, I actually remember all these:

    Number 7s:


    Mike Mercer

    Benny Russell

    Greg Cater

    Bruce Mathison

    Marv Bateman

    Grant Guthrie


    Number 21s:


    Bobby Burnett (Rookie of Year 1966)

    Tom Flores

    Art Whittington

    Chris Watson (Punt Catcher)

    Don Wilson

  9. http://www.buffalonews.com/2010/05/27/1064...work-under.html


    Are you !@#$ing kidding me? No cleans, No squats? No wonder our guys legs were getting blown out and our linemen sucked....no !@#$ing leg strength!


    In all seriousness, if this team wasn't doing squats as the baseline for their leg strength....Holy **** that explains a LOT! Man most high school football teams use the Squat, hang clean and bench as the baselines to their programs.


    BTW I love the fact the coaches monitor ever rep in the squat to ensure both safety and effectiveness. I like the part if they can't do it they lighten it some. That is SMART strength training.


    Im sorry but an NFL team not squatting just blows me away.



    Agree wholeheartedly! I'm 51 years old, 6' tall and weigh 165 and I squat EVERY MORNING. That, and plenty of

    Metamucil, is how I stay regular. If I didn't squat I'd need a colonic.

  10. He wasn't asking why they drafted spillar. He was just questioning if it was the best decision or not. And he raised points that weren't brought up before.


    So, duh, the bills got who they wanted, but that doesn't mean it was the best decision.


    And this poster was just making conversation.





    Apparently, from his avatar, because he rides the short bus.

  11. Yo! We need emergency aid, B word! The Bills are a disaster!


    Buffalo, N.Y. - President Obama has made a surprise stop for, what else, chicken wings! The President stopped at Duff's restaurant on Dick Road Thursday, just a short time after his plane, Air Force One, landed at the Buffalo Airport.


    Yes indeed, some people will say just about anything to get a hug from Barack Obama. Those words were spoken by Luann Haley, 45, to the president, during his unannounced visit to this local landmark. He replied by giving her a big hug. ("He gave me a squeeze,'' she said afterward.) She swooned and he said Michelle would be watching on television. "That's allright,'' Ms. Haley said as the cameras rolled. "Hi Michelle, eat your heart out."


    To backtrack, POTUS surprised many of what looked to be about 100 employees and guests when he strode into the restaurant, jacketless. He leaned over the counter; the receptionist Mary DiGiacomo, told him they had a lunch special but he demurred, saying he was in the car. He quietly placed an order. She tried to tell him it would be on the house. "No, I've got to pay,'' he insisted, pulling out his wallet, which sported a $5 bill on top.


    Your pooler asked the obvious: what did he get? "Wings!'' the president declared. "This is the wing capital."


    And so it is. A painted sign on the Duffs wall says: Duff's Famous Wings. Medium is HOT. Medium hot IS VERY HOT. Hot IS VERY VERY HOT.''


    Mr. Obama ordered his medium, but was told halfway through his meet-and-greet that he needed to get them extra spicy. So he called out to the restaurant staff that he would have five regular, five extra spicey. They cost $10.82. Your pool did not see him pay.


    Ms. Haley was part of a large crowd of Department of Education contractors, who work next door to the restaurant collecting money on federal student loans whose borrowers have defaulted. They saw the Secret Service and figured something was up, so arrived en masse at Duff's.


    The President met briefly with family members of Flight 3407 crash victims. He's also making a speech at Industrial Support, Inc. on Buffalo's East Sid

  12. I live in San Marcos. I usually stay at home and watch them on NFL Sunday Ticket or do the same at my friends house who too is from Buffalo. Here's a few places Bills fans should check out if you live in San Diego or live near it. 710 Beach Club is located in Pacific Beach and is the best place to go because it's Bills Booster Club, the bar serves Sahlen's Hot Dogs, Wings, and Molsons, and the Beach is only 30 ft away. I plan on going there a lot more this season.





    Glad you two have kissed and made up. But can't you do your dating logistics offline?

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