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Carmel Corn

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Everything posted by Carmel Corn

  1. Wow, a D tackle who abused an opposing offensive player....we want more!!!
  2. If I were the Bengals...I would go for it against this defense
  3. 3rd and long....their offense has us right where they want us now.
  4. Geez, our front 7 is sooooo bad. Our DB's have to make way too many tackles
  5. Another horrible penalty call...that was not holding
  6. The best thing for our defense would be Dodson getting hurt and replaced
  7. I'd put Fournette in place of Dodson....he's built like a tank and probably would hit harder than Dodson.
  8. Can even put Mixon on the ground for the easy TD.....Did our defensive line stay back in Buffalo?
  9. Still peeved at the call on Josh....it's like they're trying to keep Josh in low emotion mode, when I want him to be gun's blazing & take no prisoners attitude
  10. I F'in DARE the refs to call another on Josh and eject him from the game....then everybody including the NFL brass should be in an uproar
  11. WTF - talk about an overreaction by the refs
  12. Well I guess they are still searching for their identity....
  13. If our D line can't make tackles, then it's going to be a long night for the defense
  14. KC is trash now....assuming the fish score a TD, I bet they go for 2 and the win.
  15. How the hell is their OC, Ken Dorsey? What a horrible call on 3rd and short
  16. Tremaine just got his knee hyperextended by a fellow teammate....friendly fire. He may be out for a bit.
  17. This team is dying a slow death....which will be accelerated once we hit the schedule gauntlet coming soon.
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