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Tony P

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Posts posted by Tony P

  1. I'm excited. I think he's an excellent coach who had some lousy talent in Chicago. He's got a run-stop the run mentality.


    Plus, if anyone can identify who can be a good head coach in the league, it's a former coach who's in the HOF. Marv watched him a lot in Chicago, he must know exactly what were getting.



    Never doubt what Olaf Fub sez...



  2. Except for the Chiefs' trade for Herm Edwards, every other head coach hired so far this offseason is a first-timer...

    ...If Sherman and Jauron are their top two choices, RCW and Marv would seem to be thinking that some previous HC experience is a GOOD thing. (Either that, or they know they can't 'sell' the idea of hiring a third consecutive novice HC.)





    Maybe more like:


    Been there, done that, bought the tee shirt. So give me an experienced HC as I don't have the time to fool around anymore, I'm 87 for cripes sake!



  3. I think that this is an appropriate topic for a time when the Bills are searching for a new Coaching staff. What, as fans, do we really, really want?


    I for one would love to be a fan of a "Great Franchise". One that avoids the peaks and valleys and is in contention every year. I'm a long-time Bills fan who remembers two (and a half if you count the Saban/Knox/OJ years) eras of very good football teams that were strong contenders but eventually broke your heart in the end. Yet the in between years, are really tough.


    I'd rather have that shot, that hope, of winning it all every year than to enjoy one season of glory and then submerge back to mediocrity.

  4. Last night was mostly because they play in the dark in edmonton.



    Center Ice feed, direct from the Canadian broadcast, was very good IMO. Didn't notice any poor lighting conditions and in fact, the camera angles brought you pretty close to the action.

  5. I'm not concerned with MM as much as I am with the vibe it sends off to perspective coaching candidates and FAs. 


    The only coaches who might now be interested in coming to a F'd up situation like this are guys like Cottrell or Haz, who've worked or played here before.  I'd prefer to draw from a deeper talent pool than that...



    Sorry, but I respectfully disagree. Any recently released HC is going to jump into the chance to get right back into the game. It means a payday and a chance to reclaim their reputation.


    Albeit in the minority, I believe that coaching was a big part of why this team played so poorly this past season. Bad handling of respected veteran players and a total eff-up of the QB situation are perfect examples of my point.


    I'm all for a fresh start with a seasoned NFL HC. And I'll bet that if ML learned anything from the GM's he's been around, we'll not get an up-and-coming coordinator this time around but a proven professional.

  6. Redskins | Teammate says Taylor denied spitting incident; but Pittman says it happened

    Sat, 7 Jan 2006 22:03:49 -0800


    ...Williams confirmed that Taylor denied spitting on Pittman to him, and said he told Taylor he would review the game film...




  7. ...backstopping the Sabres to a 3-1 win over the defending Stanley Cup Champion Tampa Bay Lightening (that still sounds stupid).



    I was thinking the same thing will I was watching the game :D .


    It's sad as well as stupid but that's what the NHL wants (wanted?).


    Miller is extremely solid and reminds me somewhat of Ken Dryden...

  8. Absolutely correct.  Fans complain when you do not run and they complain when you are too predictable - what it means is fans complain and do not often know very much.



    Just can't agree with you guys on this. 1st and goal from the 3 near the end of the 3rd qtr and you can run the ball at it 3 times before,worst case, settling for a gimme FG to ice the game and take about 2+ minutes off of the clock....Sorry bad call then, bad call now, bad call always, IMMHO.

  9. This one's a little obscure but “Who do You Love” off of Quicksilver Messenger Service Live at Fillmore from 1968 features one of the best stoned-out solos that you’ll ever hear. Goes from hard rock to mellow rock to Bay Area psychadelic rock all in a span of about 10 minutes. A 20+ minute song with some super slick pickin’.



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