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Everything posted by shagmago

  1. I`ve seen it spelled both ways..."FOUR" and "FORE"...Take that arguement up with golf magazine,not me smart guy!.
  2. Only if Manning throws a bunch of int`s for TD`s.....not worried.
  3. Im gettin a new big screen high def TV on Monday! COLTS-55 BILLS-9 tee time at 1:00 Sunday......pick up winnings 4:00 Monday.If you can`t beatum.........make dollars on um!...Easy money!..........FOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Anyone who thinks the lowly Bills will beat the best team in the league has got to be either mentally challenged or ...well...ur...a Senator I would advise you very strongly not to watch this game or get a clue and see the light before hand! This will be 42-3 at the half, then we see the second stringers Colts-55....Bills -9 finale
  5. Sorry to poop in your applejacks but.........COLTS-65 BILLS-9
  6. Relax,LA......... Im indeed a true Bills fan.Its week 7 and I see the writing on the wall about this team and have for years.Im just facing it head on thats all. You should try it! You have to admit its not a very good team or organization anymore, were at the bottom of almost everything.Its been a great season for me ,I got my handicap way down and my putting is really comming around as of late ....Lets all put our hands together and sing!........Relax................Be smart......Don`t worry.... be happy on Sundays.........FORE!!!!!!! Oh, by the way if the Bills keep this horrid pace of loses going year after year,they will be sleeping over at your city for many many football seasons to come.
  7. WOW! somebody gets it in here!.........If you bought the nfl ticket to watch the bills ,boy did you get riped off, but learn from it.I went through that last year,spend all that money& time watchin for what?Remake of RJ at qb and A bunch of high motor white guys on defense running into each other, soft slow o-linemen that couldn`t block a fat lady from going into pizza hut. Last year was the last straw of watching this team bungle their way through a season.Untill they get a profesional team in the Buff, forget it! Buying to watch this team is like going to the grocery store and paying for a 2 ounce bag of liver for 100 bucks.To much money for a really bad product,you just don`t do it! I watched them lose eleven sundays last year,it was agonizing seeing this organization stay at rock bottom spinning wheels year after year.Do what I do,expect a lose and go golfing in the afternoon,don`t even bother watching the ticker.We all know the personallity of this team by now, its not worth watching thier DONE! keep that blood preasure down and don`t put yourself through torcher..........live longer that way
  8. Cut me a break smart guy, its Monday morning ands I no`s wat Im talkin about.
  9. What?.....our high motor white guys, their the best!..................NOT!
  10. Well...a...a....I did use my own two mulligans per round rule.
  11. Ah shucks ,your just jealous
  12. Sorry,Uh, Its just a figure of speech for all the computer nerds in here with no common sense, and actually thought we would beat the bears yesterday.
  13. Great day yesterday,I bet on the on the bears , went golfing from 12:00 -4:00,hit a 79 come home and I`m now 800 bucks richer! Its great to no your team and what their capable of,easy money baby...........Hey, if your teams horrible take advantage of it!..I no my Bills on the road........I think I`ll buy me a brand new pair of shoes this week!!..................... WOOOHOOOO!
  14. This is ridiculous,obviously it was a really deep and bad hamstring pull.Why didn`t they just come out and say that when it happened?.....It would go something like this............."Takeo Spikes has a really serious deep hamstring pull and he`ll probably be out for 6 to 8 weeks." Instead, they lead us on with this day to day crap! Does anybody have a stat on how many games he`s actually played since he got here? He`s started to piss me off with all his injuries. It might be time to ditch this guy for a mid to high draft pick or trade him for a couple of experienced o-linemen.
  15. Lets be real here! Our offense isn`t exactly pretty when were in the red zone,its more like the black zone.Against the best D in the league yet...........BEARS-24 BILLS-3
  16. Thinkin the same thing, not only are we one of the poorest teams in the league, were now one of the ugliest.When or if we do win again,you can bet your bottom dollar it will be an ugly win!
  17. Thats because it would be going from awlful to pathetic!
  18. SOLUTION IS...........Just draft a bunch of criminals and LET EM LOSE on the field!
  19. JP didn`t "MANAGE" the game today like he should of..........in other words he`s one of those (just don`t fuk up kinda qb`s).and he didn`t do his job today.He screwed up just enough to lose it for us..Do we really want a qb like THAT!
  20. Jp shouldn`t be a starter in this league,we just don`t have anybody else to go with.............were cooked.!
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