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Everything posted by shagmago

  1. In other words he`s just a decoy reciever like he was for us last year.
  2. This years teams real young at every position,all we can do is hope and pray they all grow good together and shoot for the title in 08......Isn`t it fun having to watch both Morelli AND Loseman on every weekend? I myself can only handle one of those guys per weekend.
  3. Blue n white fan also..... and I couldn`t agree more,although Levi`s the best of the bunch(not saying much)watching penn states o- line is exactly like watching the Bills o-line....very,very painful to watch.
  4. If thats the case I`ll probably swoop in before the Baltimore game.
  5. Im trying to get to all flamers,please hold your breath and wait your turn.
  6. Ah, thats not very nice, give me half credit I knew our offense wasn`t going to score a TD and got OUR score right! Doesn`t make the crow any tastier though.
  7. Actually Im not broke or peeping, but I`am homeless now that I bet the house and lost it.....As we speak Im in a big refrigerator box in an alley with big dirty dumb bums all around me!.........wait!... thats just the bills offensive line!
  8. Don`t be ashamed kid,just Read slower it might help you out with your ....well...um..problem! Hope you enjoyed watching the game! ................FORE!
  9. Not a good day all together, it rained and couldn`t golf(bad sign), plus the colts played piss poor football (for them)and layed a big fat offensive egg.Sure, I lost alot of moneys, but hey at least I know my Buffalo Bills and got our score right!!...........3fg`s "NINE" pts. Crow eaten,now I live in a box at the corner of Miracle on Bills street........Come visit me Im giving out paperbags before the next home game. ........"FORE"!!!!
  10. Good post...My advice would be next time when your watching with the sound down at the bar put a paper bag over your head also..........That might make it a little easier.
  11. Not to good today it rained couldn`t golf!!.... but I was right on how many points "we`ll" score....NINE! Colts played a really really really poor game today and we probably played one our best (considering the score)and we still lose...........now I live in a box! FORE!
  12. Best post of the day....I don`t watch the games anymore because of every single one of them reasons....I don`t have to watch when Post like this one some up every game they played this year and in the past ten years.I`ve Seen it all before bro.Save some gray hairs and do something else or go golfing instead you`ll be surprised how better off you will feel after we lose again...FORE!
  13. Relax kid,Just trying to add some humor to the thread....Now, the question is LA..........if I flush..........would you go away?
  14. Interesting,very interesting,thanks my friend.
  15. Bet your rent money cost for the next "four" months,then when you win Sunday celebrate by taking the old landlord lady out to lunch and then bang her.After that put a 50 spot under her pillow and tell her to shut up about it!
  16. Maybe I`ll just shout "NINE"from now on.Only one way to spell that in here.I think?...........aaaaa forget it!
  17. Uh,hello..........Anybody in there?...The colts are playing us IN Indy,last I checked that means THEY have home field advantage with the best passer and offense in the league.......geeee, I wonder if we will give Manning any time to throw the ball?? Ummmmm!...........FOREFOUR!!!
  18. I don`t ignore the team at all,Im just hoping one of these years they get competitive again so I can enjoy watching a "professoinal team in Buffalo" again.Untill then I golf during the games and make money on them at the same time...........And about notifying me when they get good again, thats just down right being nasty!
  19. Thanks for your knowledge!.....but I try not to say that word much on the course, but the next time I do I`ll make sure I spell it out loud for ya .
  20. I see what your gettin at my friend. but since you brought the bears up. I hate to brag but I did win 800 cookies on the bears vs bills game.We are talking about the bills and the colts here right?,No brainer?...........I think I`ll live on the edge and bet Manning doesn`t play like Grossman did last Sunday,or Farve for that matter. ...FOREFOUR!
  21. No I hate JAYS PEE,and yes I don`t like JAYS PEE either?...I THINK?
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