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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. You can beat Indy by slowing them down, and keeping Manning off the field. Manning can be beat if one shifts the defense just prior to the snap in an effort to screw up his read. No one in the NFC scares me at all. Philly without TO? Whoever goes from the AFC wins.
  2. Call me crazy, but I think that if the Bills can get in as a wild card, they win the SuperBowl this year.
  3. I was in Tampa a couple weeks ago. Had been looking forward to the trip to get some nice weather. Was friggen freezing. Sure seems to literally run hot and cold around there.
  4. There's a lot of folks in the South very proud of their heritage, and it has nothing to do with slavery.
  5. Man after my heart. We found a way to do one on the grill. I add a little bacon fat to my pudding., and make a horseradish sauce with whipped cream and dijon mustard. Chef could step up, here.
  6. Friends are enemies that don't have the guts to kill you.
  7. You catch my drift, though. Sorry for my spelling. It's a wonderful world, ain't it?.
  8. Yes, Fins on Russians. Good catch. Who besides you and me knows or cares? Of course, I've been lately refering back to Clausowitz.
  9. One must gather the flock. Otherwise, there is no cause nor need for shepherds.
  10. Is that why all my firetrucks end up looking like strippers? sh--.
  11. Now thats magic. I still have an original Nintendo game. Be damned if I can figure it out.
  12. You are once again discounting the P-40 D field mods. The fun scenario is actually Hurricanes against Hurricanes, which DID happen.
  13. Ok, Ok...you want me to share the yak too. We're already on our second goat, and I'm a plank owner, but someone told me it's Christmas...
  14. I hate everthing and everybody. That pretty well covers it.
  15. There are times when I don't admit I actually know you. This is one of those times.
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