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John from Riverside

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Posts posted by John from Riverside


    Realism brother. We're highly likely to drop that one, and hopefully we don't **** the bed in London. 4-3 at the bye and we're still alive and doing fine. But that's assuming your boy Sammy shows up for us.


    As for the McCoy blame game....that's fair too. But he is helped b/c Karlos (when his head is ok) helps us out so well. We could get by without him for quite a while if he came back healthy later on closer to the playoffs ... the same can not be said of Sammy. We need Sammy, fully healthy or not, out there balling, right now, every game.

    You know where you can stick that realism troll

  2. So, basically what you are saying is that the Bills don't really have a viable #1 WR that can help pull all the coverage their way if Sammy isn't on the field. Not the #2 pick at WR In Robert Woods nor the 6 million dollar WR in Percy Harvin.


    Lets not even discuss how often Watkins has been battling injuries over the last two seasons. While he was almost never 100% last season, and now has missed games this year.


    The real issue in my view is Sammy the type of WR who can take over a game and put up huge numbers like a superstar WR should? The answer is, so far, not really. Or is his real use as a decoy to draw double coverage while not really earning that double coverage? Three draft picks used for this one player, and its not out of the world of reality to question his actual worth at this time.


    Sammy Watkins will always be compared to Odell Beckham Jr, and look at tonight while being double covered with a lot of the coverage's attempting to take Beckham out of the game, and yet so far tonight 7 rec for 121 yards, 1 TD.


    Just saying.

    and just went down with a hamstring injury


    Not really. We aren't beating the Bengals either way, "saving" Sammy Watkins until he feels like it's the first day of training camp isn't a strategy I can get on board with. Dude just needs to play. It isn't optional with him. Even if he just goes out there and pulls coverage and that is all he does...he needs to go out there and do that...every week. If he breaks down to where he literally can't go, then so be it. But we need him out there every game. And frankly, we need him out there doing more than pulling coverage, banged up or not. There are only 16 games...and we almost flushed the season down the toilet today.

    Turn in your bills jersey and gtfoh

  4. Two deep balls today. One was poorly thrown, one was a seed to Hogan and led to the GW TD.


    The problem isn't the 50% rate on the deep ball.


    The problem is that there was only two.


    The silly bad offensive performance was squarely on Roman's shoulders.


    I'm not sure how this is hard to see.


    Throw. It. Deep. Once. A. Quarter. Minimum.

    Especially with Flash Goodwin actually playing.....who managed to survive the game


    We almost dropped one today that would have thrown us in a spiral. There isn't plenty of time. It's extremely frustrating and Sammy gets a pass. Everyone knows the kid is super talented...but it's always a month away to make him click for us on a dominating level.

    Let me ask you this (as I watch ODB walk off the field with a hammy)


    Lets just say that Watkins plays this week......lets say his is what....87 percent.


    Now....lets say he reinjures the ankle and isnt avalable for what should be a MUCH tougher opponent in the bengals


    Would you be bitching then?


    I have seen the offense, and I appreciate and have heard this statement over and over the last few weeks. Great. It still doesn't matter. It's pathetic to sit there and say he goes out there and pulls some coverage and that's a success for him...this is a pathetic response to a real discussion about Sammy and his consistent injuries and lack of consistent production. We need and traded for a star...Sammy isn't a star by any stretch.


    Take off your Bills glasses and watch the league. Learn what a difference maker on offense really looks like. It isn't Sammy.



    THis is not the first time you have made this post......someone gives you a reason....and you berate them.


    If you dont want the real answer....dont ask the question

  7. Every other spot. LT C and RT need to be blown up. I dont put stock in Glenn being here passed this year. But if he is... he either has to replace Cog or Miller at guard... which im not a fan of. Or move to RT. The Glenn experiment is over

    I think Glenn would make a crackerjack RT......but someone will probably pay him LT money


    Which is why his judgement as a HC looks very suspect and he appears married to a system.


    That's not uncommon.....Schwartz actually came in and faced with media questions about whether he would mess up their pass rush that excelled under Pettine......he outright lied and claimed he wasn't going to play his wide 9.....and then played it pretty much exclusively. :lol:


    But the difference was that the talent fit Schwartz system better.


    If Ryan wasn't going to put his DL in better position to make plays they would have been better off keeping the heady Searcy than giving out big DL contracts. :doh:

    I still think our O is going directly correlate to our D


    When QBs have to hold the ball because they are behind and need to push the ball downfeild and cannot dink and dunk....the DL dominance will become more apparent


    We need to start scoring more points early.

  9. 1) Tyrod deserves the game ball. He carried the team on his back.


    He was mostly bad this game....but was strong at needed key moments which allowed us to win. I dont really think he carried the team on his back. He is promising though.


    2) Rex's new defensive scheme doesn't make the front 4 look as strong compared to last year.


    Agreed....I am really trying to understand the system differences that are not allowing our DL to do more. Once thing thought.......it seems to me that as our O improves our DL sack totals will probably go up. We need to play with LEADS so that their QB will be forced to hold the ball longer then 1.5 seconds.


    3) Great overall job by the defensive secondary as a whole


    No doubt


    4) hopefully we get our offense going next week against a CRUCIAL game against Cincinatti @ HOME.


    Cinci is a entirely different animal then the titans I dont care if that is a lebou defense or not.......the Bills are going to need to be VERY focused this next week.


    5) A win is a win. Just nothing to be proud about besides Tyrods guts and Gilmores interception to end the game.


    Absolutely....while we as fans disect the hell out of players now.....the only thing that is going to show at the end is the scoreboard. It does make last weeks loss hurt because we could be 4-1 right now.




    I don't know if there is a running back in the league that is slower to the point of attack than Boobie Dixon is right now. I loved Boobie's performance in 2014 and think that his calf injury may still be lingering. But there is no O-Line that would have gotten him going today.


    Herron's ball security and lack of experience made him a bad option at the end of the day.


    The Bengals gave up 200 yards on the ground at home today with Marshawn Lynch out. I haven't been thrilled with our line play yet either, but let's see how they do against Cincinnati when Karlos Williams comes back.

    Does anyone know how bad Cierre Wood is hurt


    The backs should be


    Till Shady comes back


    Karlos and Herron


    after Shady comes back


    Shady and Karlos with Herron as the 3rd back

  11. I am liking our DB play more as well, especially from the CB spots. It is imperative that A Williams and Graham stay healthy and get reps together in this defense. So much of what Ryan wants to do depends on stellar safety play at shallower depths to jump even more of that short stuff.


    I am still not sold on our LBs in pass coverage. Not even a little. This goes back to the game in Miami last season. They can thump, but they aren't the most athletic bunch, imo.


    GO BILLS!!!

    I think a pass coverage lb high in next years draft is a real possibility

    He's more like Vick, but a lot like Flutie. And Flutie and Vick both suck(ed). He's inaccurate. Can't read a defense and lives by the broken play. That schit will work against teams that we've beaten (all of them are horrible teams) but - as evidenced in our losses, will be ineffective against good teams.

    Gug.....with the points that we put up against the Giants we should have beaten them as well.....that game was not on Tyrod....14 points taken off the board


    The only team we realistically should have lost to at this point is the Patriots...who are beating everybody

  12. So you think Tyrod was good today?



    Actually know.....he was only good enough to win. Lots of room for improvement.




    Making definative statements about a qb with


    - 3 offensive weapons missing

    - Making his 5th ever NFL start

    - Good play in other games this season

    - IMO is being hampered by a offensive game plan that is not fitting his strengths


    Ill take the win.....and have a good feeling that TT is going to improve as the season goes along. It was a ugly win.

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