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Posts posted by RuntheDamnBall


    OMG why Schaub?


    I was a huge Schaub fan when he was successfully QB the Texans. I would point out that in many regards that are highly touted here (AY/A for example), he was a top-10 QB much of his time there and under-appreciated. I say this so you'll know I'm coming off a serious case of Schaub love.


    Two years ago with the Texans, things fell apart for him. Don't know why. He went from being a very accurate seldom intercepted QB to being a pick-6 turnover machine. The Raiders took a gamble on him being fixable, and pretty firmly established he wasn't for them last year. Would he be a great QB choice if something fixable were wrong with him and it's fixed now so we can overlook the last two years sure. But as a lone or limited FA signing, it would be like putting all our options on "German Word for made of Glass Kolb" or on Bradford or Locker. Schaub is firmly labeled "Don't Count On It" at this point until proven otherwise.

    Schaub is not Kurt Warner and he isn't going to have a career rebirth. He is toast.

  2. He does have minimal value, but not trade value. Guys like him are cut all the time.

    I disagree and think it would be a grave mistake. Maybe I'm placing too much value on his having been a high pick, and if he were a 2nd or 3rd rounder, that possibility wouldn't look as grim, but I still see talent there.


    I'd go so far as to say that cutting any offensive player who showed anything positive under Marrone, then regressed, would be a big mistake.


    I believe that little in what Doug and Hackett were doing on offense.


    Also, cutting EJ to sign his more frequently injured doppleganger, who has a more extended record of failure -- that would be the height of lunacy.

  3. You should read all of the actual evidence that has been put out there (Christine Brennan doesn't count). He went through all of the legal processes and was not found guilty. As far as being shameless about it, he doesn't need to feel any shame. He is being true to himself because he did nothing wrong. She said she thought she was drugged or drunk and toxicology reports show otherwise. She lied. She had semen from 2 different guys. A year later she tweets how wonderful of a player and dude he is while watching him play on TV and there is more. Winston hooked up with a wacked out jock chaser and has paid for it. If you look at the evidence and not just read the press clippings, it should make sense. One more thing, NFL teams have teams of security personnel that do a thorough job of investigating these issues and so far nothing leads to him being a rapist.

    The university's show proceedings don't count. He was never found not guilty by the law. No charges were pressed after an 11-month lag, by a police department that is clearly in the back pocket of FSU. The "2 different guys" included Winston and her boyfriend, by the way. I know, real salacious. The fact is that there was evidence of an encounter, he admits to one, and there should be a legal proceeding to determine whose version is true, the accuser's or Winston;s.


    Share the tweets, please. The accuser is still out there claiming her version, even releasing a documentary on the subject. The Bogdanovich article pretty clearly lays out that the way this was handled was abhorrent.

  4. Jameis is such a better prospect than Clausen. It's kinda if joke to mention them in the same breathe. Clausen was a rich kid who had a private qb coach since birth and got held back twice to help his career. He was like a robot.


    That said, Clausen and Winston share being very unlikable. Clausen was more unlikable because of the douche factor (see Cutler, Jeff George, Losman). There is something about them that makes you want to punch them in the face.


    Winston just seems like a dumb @ss. I want my qb to be the most liked, smartest guy in the team. JW just seems like he lacks common sense.


    Winston can be either Big Ben or Ryan Leaf (cross racial comparisons!). He will make or break a Gm's career. His numbers this year kinda sucked too.


    But for sure, he has all the talent. Just might be a moron.

    biscuit, you know you and I both would like to see the team not give up on EJ yet, so I'm generally in agreement with you on things. but you're making some blanket statements here. Good QB's come in all shapes and sizes, and attitudes to boot. Brady is a douche. Montana was a douche. You would love for your QB to be the most liked player on the team. But he really needs to be the most respected player on the team. Personally, I can't and won't ever respect a rapist. Just about all the (journalistic) evidence I have seen on this case suggests that Winston is one and he's pretty shameless about it. you've probably got to have an unreal amount of confidence and belief in yourself to be a successful NFL quarterback. So worried about that. More worried if this is a guy who thinks he's going to arrive and take the NFL by storm, the way manziel did. talent is all well and good, but there is no substitute for the work. And there is always someone who is going to work harder than you in the NFL.
  5. No. We don't have enough money to sign Hughes and anyone else - yet alone the rookies. They alone will take up a good 3-4 million at least.



    J.H.C. we re-sign Hughes and they might as well start training camp next week, because the off-season is over, kaput, fini, done! They won't have enough cash to buy trainers tape or put enough air in the footballs...

    Hey wait, I sense a winning strategy here.

  6. If you want to rally behind mediocrity then that's fine. Just because I can't give you a player available who is guarenteed to be better than EJ doesnt mean the evaluation of him not being any good is false.


    I want him to be great but I won't ignore his on field production just so his feelings don't get hurt. Give me a break.

    To not "Ignore his on-field production" is not equivalent to making it a hostile place for your own players in the manner that the poster was describing. Criticism is welcome. Crusading about it, booing your own guys, making gutless statements on Twitter that you'd never make to his face, that's all bush league. I abhor that stuff in any fan, especially one that roots for the same team as me.

  7. I find it nothing short of hilarious that the biggest EJ homers on this board are ripping Orton to shreds for sliding short of the first down marker after defending EJ who did the exact same thing last year.

    Forgive me for expecting a bit more of our veteran QB who "gives us the best chance at winning" and the playoffs, than from a rookie.
  8. 15 years........... i don't care if we sign ray caruth,oj simpson and aaron hernandez! just win already. if you guys want a team full of good guys you're delusional. most of the dudes on the team now probably have a bit of !@#$ to them and you just fan boy them to hard to care. 15 years no playoffs and i just don't care what kinda team guys we have. just win

    Is it a little too much to ask for some kind of scale between murderer, rapist, sexual assaulter, and choirboy?


    And I think given that people want OJ off the wall, it's not insane to posit that they kind of want to like (at least not loathe) the people who put on the red, white and blue.

  9. went to pro bowl in 2013

    I stand corrected, though he was an alternate who got in after Marshall Yanda pulled out.

    I understand but do you remember what Kelly said about buffalo and did to buffalo before becoming an angel is most fans eyes? lets just see what happens, respect the opposite viewpoint just don't fully understand.

    And Kelly was a notorious partier and douche. But he did not find himself consistently in the kind of trouble that R.I. has. If you want to argue that this is a product of our hyper-driven media age, I guess you'd be half-right, but this stuff has been going on since he was less under the microscope in Nebraska.


    Again, hoping it works out, but I'm not obligated to think it's a great idea just because the Bills have been trotting out near-corpse-level play at OG.

  10. I think its interesting that people assume that this guy has not learned from his mistakes and is likely to repeat old mistakes. He certainly has a history of being a hot head ashole, but people change and mature, well most people. Do you same people think this guy is unaware that this might be his last chance before he moves on to his next career as a strip club bouncer? lets see if rex can help him and lets be happy the FO is being aggressive and bold. its fun and entertaining and isn't that what its about?

    His history of being a hothead !@#$ has defined him at just about every step of the way. What's the definition of insanity, again?


    People here are acting like this dude has even one Pro Bowl under his belt. He doesn't. People are getting way too excited about a serviceable guard a year removed from the league. I trust that this isn't plan A even though it will get the most press. If it is plan A, I feel no more excited about it than I would Kujo competing for the job.


    I can see why he has a fan base with the Flat Earth Society, but let's see him play a down as a Bill before parading around shirtless in the club celebrating this one.

  11. I'm actually a fan of everything Incognito did. He just needs to stop because we live in a pussified world now, and he needs to earn paychecks. Would love signing.

    Including the golf event thing? Wow.


    Yeah, man up and treat women like objects at public team functions.


    You've got to be kidding me.


    I'd rather live in a "pussified" world with women who know their value and are treated like human beings than one ruled by petulant children like Incognito who are serviceable at playing a goddamn game.

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