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Posts posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. Because he was average at best before a nearly 2 year gap between games and turning 32- theres fairly a reason to question it


    Props to the op though

    But...... Pro: his dad was caught joining Dolphins boards to fight with people that criticized him

    haha. I'm beyond skeptical that this will work out. And believe me it's not because he was mean to Jonathan Martin, for those who want to forget that this is his 5th "second chance." I believe he's a cancer, an idiot and a guy who doesn't have much respect for the game. In the words of Principal Skinner: prove me wrong, children. Prove me wrong.


    I am sure there'll be a lot of praise for all the "toughness" and "nastiness" with every yellow flag thrown our way, though.

  2. The thing that people are overlooking is that it is basically the same money (maybe a couple of million difference). Hughes is going to be a $12M a year guy. You are either going to have a ton tied up in your DL or your secondary. The question really becomes which player is a better fit in Rex's system Hughes or Revis? You are only going to have one of them but you certainly can afford to have 1 and still address the offense.

    I think there are other important questions, like how much money do you tie up in one facet of the defense? Another question is, where is the value in the market?


    It will probably be easier to find a cheaper replacement for Hughes than it will be to find a real upgrade for the secondary, especially the kind of upgrade that Revis can provide.


    and I say all of this as someone who loves what hughes brings to the Bills.

  3. Of all the just plain free agents, he's easily my choice. We could do a lot worse, and often have. Get him in, go after a big trade or bigger guy you probably aren't going to get, and if you don't, let him battle it out with EJ. If EJ beats him out, we may have something. If EJ cant, then that says something too. He can run a ball control game and then get it down field to Watkins and Woods and hopefully a TE.

    Don't you ever get tired of nailing it?



    ...or you could work for a living...

    Really? I'm kind of sick of hearing stuff like this. I don't like to see complaining about any job, but he was just explaining that it's a challenging gig beyond the glamor. Someone who does this job "works" because society places a value on the work and pays for it.


    You have a lot of well-founded perspectives even though I find them contrarian, but dissing someone else's line of work just because it's not important to you is rude at best.

    Figure six guys at fully loaded cost of say, at least, $150 k.


    I would think travel costs per week have to be at least $1k a week for each.


    All told, that's about $1m


    Now, how much pictures cost from Getty Images/ freelancers I have no idea.

    I think this is all about the slow bleeding to death of print media. They don't get a lot of revenue from subscribers any more, so it all has to come from advertising, and we're generally talking about web readership for them, for the most part, so the ad revenue is even lower. They may think that they can get away with pretty good photographers as opposed to great ones -- and they may be right in a web environment rather than for big glossy spreads. We don't have LIFE magazine anymore, after all. To wit, you can get your cheesecake from so many other places beyond the swimsuit issue that even that flagship enterprise is not what it once was.

  5. The interfering owner has no credibility in assessing players. He was the one who forced the drafting of Manziel. There is no doubt that Manziel had a very troubled year on and off the field. But making a conclusive judgment on him based on his rocky rookie play and off the field juvenile behavior would be foolish.


    Some rookies very much struggle with their transition to the pro ranks from college. Others make the transition very quickly. Kujo and Richardson were both overwhelmed in their rookie years. I'm certainly not going to give up on them so quickly.


    I'm far from being a Manziel fan. However, I thought he would be an intriguing prospect who should have been taken in the second round. My point is that it is way to early to make a determination after one year.

    oh, come on. There were plenty of observers who said stay away from this kid, he has crippling maturity issues despite his exciting game and college success. It isn't just that he was immature or struggling with the adjustment. He has always been this way. The new thing is that he showed even less dedication to football this year once he got his money phone. His only success was in garbage time. The rest of the time he just looked like garbage.


    The fact that there are people who will defend this kid with next to no work ethic, then pile on EJ in the same sentence is lunacy. Despite the hate around here, one of them has actually shown something in the NFL, and it wasn't Manziel. It wouldn't be the first time that the grass looked greener for no reason at all on TSW.


    That said, does EJ have a lot to prove? Hell, yeah, he does. How about we let him see if he can prove it, and end the maddening cycle of no QB development or consistency on this team? I'm all for having other good options and young competition. I see no reason to bring in a flashy bust or another veteran playing out the string.

  6. I understand why he was traded. but hate the fact in came to that and Lynch was run out of town. For people to discredit what Lynch has done is laughable.


    Fred Jackson is better? In what world is this?


    Lynch is better in every single way. He is a top 3 RB in the NFL.

    Fred was more in sync with the offense and could deal without a very good o-line. I think Lynch was clearly unfocused here and that played a part. That's on the coaches (and maturity level).

    We got a pair of draft picks for a player who was leaving town anyways. They ended up being crap players but given the Bills recent draft history that's not surprising

    the problem is not that the Bills blew their picks - picks are lottery tickets. You can get better or worse at it, but that was fair enough compensation at the time. The problem was that they habitually put players in positions where they couldn't succeed, they became devalued, and they returned us less than their actual value. That they went on to succeed elsewhere is an indictment of the stiffs they've had coaching, and the lack of talent the team has cultivated over the years - especially in places like the offensive line.
  8. If his information is telling him he's gonna be a 2nd rounder, he should go. I would.

    The only problem is, he has to make that decision by Jan. 15, then he will have to be dissected by the media and by scouts for five months. His stock might never be higher than it is right now, but the draft isn't right now.


    I expect that for whatever round he's being told he'll go in, he has a chance to slip at least a round from there. His measurables will keep that stock relatively high.


    But if you were being told you might be a third rounder, would you go?

  9. Surprised no one is talking about how inbred the AFC East has become.


    Chan and Bowles used to scheme against each other when Bowles was the d-coordinator of the Dolphins and Chan was the HC/OC of the Bills; Rex as well all know was the HC of the Jets.


    Now that has all been scrambled around, Rex is here, Bowles and Gailey are in New Jersey. Kinda wild.

    Chan has also been in Miami. Lots of recycling.

  10. I wish you were right, but sometimes all the coaching in the world doesn't matter.


    we need two guards, the best two in free agency. Or a guard and a center, slide Eric out to guard. If its Lupati and the dude from the Jets, that's good with me as long as they're beasts. I don't want any more rooks or Urbiks or Pears or Kujo.

    lol "Lupati"


    I love what that poster started.

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