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dave mcbride

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Posts posted by dave mcbride

  1. Alexander will likely be kept by Seattle.  I'd expect maybe to see James go to Miami.  The rest aren't as good as Henry and haven't made the Pro Bowl.  Williams is a special case because of his drug history and the fact that he said he only wants to play 1 more season.  No one will give up a lot to get him and I'd be willing to bet that the conditions a potential team places on him will make him think twice about coming back.



    henry really wasn't a pro bowler - he was an alternate who got to go because priest holmes didn't go. he was the 4th choice in 2002 - hardly something to be crowing about.


    a 3rd rounder is all i see them getting - he has some real skills, but he can't break big runs, he's a woeful blocker and receiver, and he's got a decent amount of mileage already with the nicks to go with it. in any event, i'd take a 3rd rounder - he was a very late 2nd round choice himself, so that would make a certain amount of sense. good running backs are a dime a dozen, and teams know it. henry is good (not great), but he's not really any better than anthony thomas.

  2. what's your alternative? because you know as well as i that someone will pay him that much and for good reason - credible LTs are - as always - a rare commodity in the NFL.



    hopkins is on the wrong side of 30 and just got hurt. he's been a great player, but i don't think he's the answer. and by the way, i honestly think that jennings is a very good player. he played very well against abraham in his last outing (he played hurt in the first jets game), and did well against the pats.

  3. Franchise Jennings? He would be underpaid, because with the franchise tag, he would only earn a tad more than 7 million per season.

    Imo, he deserves a similar contract to Peyton Manning, or Randy Moss. Jennings is a superstar and it is high time he is shown more respect!


    what's your alternative? because you know as well as i that someone will pay him that much and for good reason - credible LTs are - as always - a rare commodity in the NFL.

  4. he's been nicked up a bit now and then but has never missed more than a couple of games after his rookie season. and those injuries were legitimate, meaning they weren't the product of some nebulous failing of his internal constitution. sometimes, when a player gets hurt more than once, that doesn't mean he's injury prone. to reiterate, after 2001, in which he missed something to the tune of 5 games (as I recall), he hasn't missed more than a game or two per season. that does not qualify as injury prone - rather, it's typical of all players in the league.


    my 2 cents - jennings is a very good player who we should franchise. we'll definitely have the cap room to do it (the cap is not an issue with this team), and we should. the alternative is worse than grim. there will be no good LTs on the market, jennings is 50 times better than price, and we don't even have a first round pick. we'd be lucky to find a player as good as the 2000 version of John Fina. plus, it should be pretty clear to everyone that line continuity is of the utmost importance. think about it.

  5. What's also tossed under the rug, was TD's first major free agent decision to keep Moulds & say bye to Wiley....



    yes, but an even bigger decision was flutie v. johnson. i don't think there's a soul on this earth who can now look at what transpired and argue that johnson was a better choice than flutie. flutie may not have taken the team to the playoffs in 01, but he sure as heck would have led a team that was at least competent (6+ wins). i've now come to think that the 3-13 season produced a lot of players with loser mentalities - good players, but ones who can't think like players in a winning culture - clements, henry, jennings. and of course RJ was the headmaster in the school of non-positive thinking. granted, i thought RJ was a dog going back to his usc days, but in retrospect how could he bungle this one so badly?


    i will never be able to prove this (obviously), but if the 01 bills kept ted w, which they could have done, kept holocek, a. smith, carpenter, and jones AND started flutie, they were probably an 8 win team. holocek, jones and carpenter didn't do very well elsewhere, but i do think they would have been ok if they had remained within the same cast of players. sort of like a lot of pats players today - they'll play well there, but not so well elsewhere. people may say "8 wins - who cares?", but not being pathetic brings its own rewards in future years. I'll take 7-9 and a mid-round draft pick any day over a 3-13 fiasco. finally, being subjected to a year of awful entertainment should factor into the equation as well.


    basically, that 3-13 season didn't have to happen, and donohoe was able to explain it away via a pack of lies about the salary cap. that season had repercussions to this day, i think.

  6. when you're unregistered!


    Also, what say you re mcgahee? he's a LOT better now than i ever would have expected him to be. i think that right now he's one of the better backs in the league -- power, plenty of speed, real vision, and he blocks and catches so much better than henry. he makes the whole offense better. he's really wowed me. i have to give donohoe some plaudits for this one. also, evans looks to be a great pick - fantastic hands and excellent speed.

  7. Rafael A. Lopez (Ambler): Travis Henry will be a free agent after next season. Will you be willing to trade him this off-season for offensive line help or draft picks?

    TD: At end of the season we always sit down and talk about all of our personnel and team issues. We look at each player individually and try to decide who is improving and who has leveled off, or maybe in some cases, who is even declining. Our focus right now is strictly on New England and not on the off-season.

  8. Funny I was just looking over the line of horrible picks that Jon Butler made the other night.


    Bucky Brooks, ha I'd take Chris Kelsey or Ryan Denny over him any day.


    Lest we bring up Erick Flowers.


    Free Agency was the only thing to save Butlers ass, Speilmen, Paup, Early.  He was still ridin the wave that Polian created.




    P.S.  2nd round pick for Billy Jo Holbert, 1st and 4th for Rob Johnson.  ERICK FLOWERS!



    p.s. if you want to judge butler in full, why don't you take a look at his 99 draft.

  9. Funny I was just looking over the line of horrible picks that Jon Butler made the other night.


    Bucky Brooks, ha I'd take Chris Kelsey or Ryan Denny over him any day.


    Lest we bring up Erick Flowers.


    Free Agency was the only thing to save Butlers ass, Speilmen, Paup, Early.  He was still ridin the wave that Polian created.




    P.S.  2nd round pick for Billy Jo Holbert, 1st and 4th for Rob Johnson.  ERICK FLOWERS!


    brooks may well have turned out to be an excellent player had he not torn up his knee at the beginning of the season. during training camp that year, kelly said (as I recall) that brooks was one of the more talented and faster wr rookies he had ever played with.


    rule #1 - never say that a draft pick was a bust if he fell short due to injury. for instance, alberts would have been a terrific player if not for the debilitating shoulder and elbow injuries that occurred after he entered the league.

  10. hmmm, last time i checked, a 5-15 record was a .250 winning %, not .200  ;)



    the number i bring up is 18-36, which is a .333 winning percentage. i wouldn't compare it to batting averages, though; i'd compare to a single season baseball record, which turns out to 54-108. that's epically bad.

  11. We all know Fletcher made a few dumb penalties a few weeks ago. He had a bad game. Many people here said he should be benched.


    The key thing here is what Fletcher did about it. Fletcher came out and had a monster of a game against the Jets. He was all over the place, even running down Moss from behind. This is an example others need to look at. In particular:


    1. Jonas Jennings

    2. Pierson Prelaou


    These guys played very poorly. They need to pull a Fletcher an play out of their heads on Sunday.


    in fairness to jennings, it shouldn't be forgotten that he played hurt and wasn't all there because of the concussion. he fessed up and didn't make excuses, but it is the case that if you lose a little bit of your ability to react quickly mentally, a premier player like abraham will eat you up.

  12. Is it fair to say now our problems were not with Kevin Glibride? Maybe there's something else seriously wrong with our offense?


    no, frez, you must always, always blame the coaches. dan henning was a terrible coach. joe pendry was a horrible coach. bresnahan was a horrible coach. mike sheppard was a horrible coach (actually, he was). gilbride was a horrible coach. clements will very soon be deemed a horrible coach. it's never the talent.

  13. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2004/writ...king/index.html


    lots of money quotes, but here's one:


    Some teams feel they can cure their problems along the offensive line by bringing in terrific line coaches. It doesn't work.


    "You can't coach bad players," Giddings (director of Pro Scout, Inc.) says.


    But they fall in love with them. Most of the OL coaches will agree that no other position coach on the team gets as close to his players as they do. Maybe it's because it's a unit that has to work closely together, or perhaps the reason is that these guys usually aren't great athletes, so there's an over-achieving factor they all share. But the players and their coach are tight, sometimes too tight. Sometimes the coaches like their guys so much as people that they become blinded to the fact that they're not very good players.

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