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Everything posted by CAVEDAWG

  1. I wonder what the late Mr. Russert would say about the new coaching staff and draft picks? Don't really know but I do know he would back them 100% !! GO BILLS!!!
  2. So does anyone really know how good our new right tackle Cornell Green is? Any stats out there?
  3. Secretly I wanted spiller for his talent but had to admit seemed like a strange pick. There is no questioning this kid can play! I thought for sure they would take a OT or a QB. Gonna give them the benefit of the doubt. Lets get behind them again and show our support!!! What else is everyone gonna do....QUIT? I doubt that...too many die hards on this board like me!!! Spiller Great Pick! GO BILLS.....SQUISH THE FISH!!!!
  4. NO way ...never for "DAmarcus"....not to mention the salary manoey we would have to eat!!
  5. 5 years running. Don't plan on ever dropping it. California now.
  6. ROFL Not the one I was referring to but funny!!
  7. Great video conference with his parents at www.buffalobills.com Sorry for no link.
  8. HE HE HE!!! Great post and link thank you!!
  9. Does anyone really think that taking a LB with the first pick is an option? I'm sure we could use some more talent but I hardly think this is an arera of concern. Especially if A. Schobel decides to stay. It just seems like we have more pressing needs than that. What do you guys think?
  10. I don't think they would trade back that far. They need a stud O-lineman.
  11. Wow I really need to use a spell checker...sorry all.
  12. With the Draft almost upon us lets take a step back and think about this. Do you honestley think they are going to tell anyone who they are gonna draft. Hell they probably are not sure either. How many times in the past have we heard a rookie state, "The Bills never even interviewed me at the combine. I never thought they would drsft me.". They have SECRETS!!! Lets face it. It's WAR out there and they have a stragedy. Like everyone else my opinion continues to change daily on who I think they will draft. But here goes...... A BIG LEFT TACKLE who can play and protect from day one. I think that is our most pressing need. T. Edwards gets one more chance but they will draft another QB this year. Maybe that Pike kid. Sorry can't remember his full name. Another speedy receiver to stretch the field. Then it's all about DEFENSE.....DEFENSE......and more DEFENSE!!!!! Heres to a Great Draft and remember Friendship is like peeing you pants ....everyone can see it but only you can feel it!!!
  13. Good Dump Lynch!!! Sick of primadonnas who cant follow the law and make millions!! Go get CJ Spiller before the "FISH" get him!!!
  14. I don't know about all of you but I'm a LITTLE upset about the draft moving to Thursday! Every year I get my Pizza, Wings, chips and drinks for Saturday Morning. ( West Coast time ) I kick the family out of the house to enjoy hours of drafting and enjoy the day by myself. Some ME time!! Now they change it to Thursday evening when I have to be at work. All I can get at work is a crappy static filled radio to listen to it now. Hope they move it back next year!! Can't wait for the Suami's pick from a certain "Cab Driver"...HE HE HE!! Don't worry the Bills WILL have a good draft!! GO BILLS!!!
  15. Peters doesn't hold a candle to any of the lineman we had at the beginning of our Superbowl run!!!
  16. Ok I know the line is hurting but Marc Bulger got cut and I'm sure he could win a few games for us. I think he is a good QB. Any thoughts my Bills faithful?
  17. I'm thinking if "Chan the Man" is so good at improving QB's then Trent will be the starter when the season starts. Thats not to say they won't draft a new QB. I'm saying NOW, they will draft a new guy. He will be behind Trent on the depth chart. If Trent struggles at all then he will be benched by midseason. I think they will give all the QB's a chance untill midseason. I still think it's too early to scrap the QB's we have. Obviously the system, the line and the playcalling were all wrong last year. Things seem to be changing at ONE BILLS DRIVE! Lets give them the chance they deserve. Afterall "Bellicheat" failed with the Browns before he was given a new chance with the Pats. Sigh maybe I'm just dellusional. Pipe dreams GO BILLS!!!
  18. Lynch lost his focus! He let all the "stars and lights" of being a sports celebrity go to his head. He is just a plain "THUG" who got his big sports break in life and is going to Piss it all away!!! Oh he has talent...God given and he is blowing it! Can he be saved and salvaged...you bet..but only if he wants to. I HOPE HE DOES!!! I'm tired of teams catering to these monster egos! Play hard and get paid or cut them!!
  19. Wow definantly a gamechanger...I just can't see them not taking a tackle...that is unless all the good ones are gone.
  20. Charles Davis from the NFL network did a mock draft just like everyone else in the world. Anyways he has the Bills taking C.J. SPILLER RB from Clemson. Says that Galley loves that he can run, catch and return kicks!! Sorry don't know how to add the link but its on www.nfl.com Sorry I'm just a arm chair FantasyFootball nut....running back in the 1st round is the last thing we need!!
  21. If Schobel returns and makes the switch to linebacker I can see at least 10 sacks or more for him for the season. Could be another Bryce Paup!! Any thoughts?
  22. Of course I want us to have a winning season. That goes without saying but I would be happy to finally beat the Pats at least one game and sweep the FISH!!! That 1st game of last season when we lost to the Pats still stings! We had them on the ropes until that costly fumble. SQUISH THE FISH!!!!!
  23. I for one do not want them to take QB in RD1. They need to BEEF up that O-line. We need monsters up front that can play and will protect whomever our guy will be. NO QB IN ROUND 1 !!!!
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