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Everything posted by Talonz

  1. I don't remember this many TROLLS around TBD ... Do the world a favor - Don't feed the Trolls...
  2. Unless Lynch speaks about this to the public, and I mean SOON, no matter what happens his rep in Buffalo will be forever damaged. Situations like this can damage a team, their chemistry, and their fans.. The guy should just "man up" instead of "lawyer up"... How much trouble could he possibly get into? I don't think its even a felony ( which would be pleaded down anyways )..
  3. A few of you guys should just get a room...
  4. I can't tell if he is serious, but you know what? I don't care - His posts are just unfunny, bizarre, and frankly pollution that probably leads to global warming and dead polar bears....
  5. METERED USE Talk about a step backwards for technology... Time Warner Cable had said in January that it was planning to conduct the trial in Beaumont, but did not give any details. On Monday, Leddy said its tiers will range from $29.95 a month for relatively slow service at 768 kilobits per second and a 5-gigabyte monthly cap to $54.90 per month for fast downloads at 15 megabits per second and a 40-gigabyte cap. Those prices cover the Internet portion of subscription bundles that include video or phone services. Both downloads and uploads will count toward the monthly cap 40GB cap? WOW.... In this day and age that is easy to reach in a week or so with all the video streaming out there... Please please please Verizon get out to Cheektowaga and get FIOS up and running before this kicks in here ...
  6. Wow, this cranz guy is about as funny as cancer.... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
  7. I find it sick and in poor taste to exploit spiders...You really need help man!
  8. I'm curious to see the speed difference between RoadRunner and FIOS. With Time Warner I'm receiving about 450 kb/s on average for downloads. I wonder how long until it hits Cheektowaga
  9. If you want a suggestion : If you have a 360 try Rainbow Six: Vegas. The online play is probably the best I've ever experienced ( and this is coming from a hardcore PC guy ).
  10. Garbage like this has NOTHING to do with saving lives..Its a source of income for that county or city.. The sheriff talking about it seems like a smug prick... Oh well. Guess all the rest of the crime is solved down there. Glad to see they commit so much police power to pulling over people speeding. What a utopia. I should move there.
  11. I purchased a 95 Mitsubishi 3000GT a few months ago. They'll bury me in. I love it. You can keep your VW's with the flower holders
  12. I have that EXACT picture hanging up in my basement
  13. Travis Henry took Willis's stiff arm with him because I haven't seen WM use it in two years.
  14. BAHAHAHAH I love the last few seconds - cut right to the hit and fall over and over EVIL
  15. A Texan Fan? How do you like being the first at something ?
  16. Yes, that must mean everything - Just look at David Carrs rating
  17. I don't get it either. Its one of the few shows I watch and I LOVE it....
  18. Not the best car to learn how to drive a manual transmission in: Very Nice, YES?
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