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el Tigre

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Posts posted by el Tigre

  1. Aack


    Because it's all about money. You're simply not going to schedule teams who can beat you and risk losing out on a BCS Bowl and the big pay day that goes with it. Not when there are little schools who're willing to come to your house and take a beating for what is (for them) a big payday.

    You make good points,money has a big influence. But you are incorrect to say college ball is ALL about money. Tradition and the needs of the student-athelete also play big parts. The NFL on the other hand,is ALL about money. From free agency to stadium deals to the CBA,the list is endless. There is no loyalty from owners OR players. And that's OK. Just understand that going in. I Watch NFL games and enjoy them,I just don't get too emotionally wrapped up in the teams.

  2. i like the bowl system (one of the few, i know)


    talk to the coaches, they make their schedules.

    I am with you as one who likes the bowl system. I know it's flawed,but it makes every game into a playoff game. When an undefeated Ohio St. team takes on a weak Northwestern team they can't afford to have a let up or bad game because a loss may end their national championship hopes. There can be no "we'll just turn it on in the playoffs" mentality. Every week is a big game,no matter the opponent. And this makes the rivalry games even more special. Yes,money plays a big part in college football,but not to the extenet that it does in the pros,that's why it's called professional football.

  3. I don't think the Bills will totally move to Toronto. I do think they will gradually shift to the Toronto market more and more and eventually play half of their "home" games there. Similar to what the Packers did years ago in Milwaukee. Only this will be permanent. No reason to be angry,it's professional football,it's all about the money. That's one reason I'm a bigger fan of college football than the NFL. Start watching your football on Saturdays,you'll be much happier.

  4. I am always leery of these big,physical recievers that run slow times. For every Anquan Boldin it seems there's always 2 or 3 JJ Stokes or Mike Williams. I know 40 time isn't the ultimate measuremant of a reciever,but if a guy can't get separation he's a waste of a pick.

  5. Manningham continues to show his immaturity. This will just add to his slide on draft day. He may end up a 3rd rounder or worse. His bad 40 times at the combine were reportedly because he did no training at all. He had several minor incidents while at Michigan,and was brilliant at times but also somewhat inconsistent. I think the guy has 1st round talent and may be a star if he gets his head on straight. He's really not supposed to be a bad kid,just very immature and a little lazy. I hope he gets it together. He may end up a steal for someone if he slides to the middle rounds.

  6. I watched Wright play alot in college and he was always the featured back. Never a blocking back. But he has alot of traits that may make him a good fullback. He's a real physical runner,very strong. In his last year at Fresno State,the team had very little passing game so opposing D's would stack the line to stop Wright. But they coudn't stop him,he was Fresno's whole offense. He would run into a pile of defenders and knock have of them down and drag the other half for 4 or 5 yards. He was a horse. If he could transfer that power into blocking he would really be something. He was also a pretty good receiver. I'd like to see him get a look at fullback.

  7. Hey bro,I hope you don't quit posting. I really enjoy and appreciate your informational posts. I know what you're talking about tho,this board is loaded with people more interested in taking personal shots at players and other posters than talking football. But there are also plenty of people who also like to discuss and debate football. You just have to wade thru some crap to get to the good stuff.

  8. You know, I'm not really sure what to think of Terrelle Pryor. Yes, part of me is happy that he's going to be a Buckeye.


    However, there's just something about this kid that rubs me the wrong way. Maybe because of all the attention he's getting. Or that he seems to have an entourage...at 17. I don't know for sure. I fear he could wind up being another Clarett, although he seems to have more common sense than Maurice did.


    He will back up Todd Boeckman for a year (Boeckman's a senior this fall), and then the job will be Pryor's. I hope he learns the collegiate game, spends a lot of time in the film and weight rooms, and gives proper respect and due to coaches and teammates.


    No matter what, I'm a Buckeye fan forever.


    da da da da, da da da da GO BUCKS!!!

    I've read several reports on the internet about him being involved in displays of poor sportsmanship,taunting and fighting,at both football and basketball games. I've also read that he drug out this recruiting process just to bring more attention to himself and that he had decided on OSU a long time ago. Being that my source is internet reports,I have no idea whether it's true or not. So I understand when you say you're not sure about the kid. Still, if he had signed on with the Maize and Blue I probably wouldn't be complaining. GO BLUE!

  9. Michigan graduate here.... Manningham is an outstanding physical talent, but definitely can be lazy, ESPECIALLY if he knows the ball isn't coming to him. He'll crap out on blocks if he isn't the main focus of a play. Has a superior double move and can get behind coverage consistently. Good hands on fade routes and very confident, but has dropped his share of balls that he should have had. He is not supposed to be a bad kid off the field, but does not have a great work ethic. I would not be surprised to see him spend his career as a 3rd/4th option in the game specifically for deep patterns unless he learns to put in the work.


    On the other hand, I would love to see the Bills take a 5th/6th round flyer on Michigan WR Adrian Arrington. Excellent hands, tough blocker, great size and leaping ability, good speed.... kid hurt his knee in training for the combine and couldn't go full speed. He is much more complete a player than Mario, and is actually more NFL-ready. Matured a great deal this past season. Great red zone target.


    I'm still a bit of a skeptic about Devin Thomas. Maybe it's just because he's a Sparty, but while talented he is still raw and hasn't proven a lot against top competition. We need someone who can contribute immediately. I would much rather have Sweed or Kelly.

    GO BLUE!!!!

  10. Some interesting notes there about Mario Manningham. I've heard from some people close to the Michigan program that he's very immature. This may explain somewhat the slow 40 times at the combine. From what I've heard he didn't train at all for sprinting,and it showed. He looked like he had never even been in a sprinters stance before and had a lot of trouble with his starts. He did some training after the combine and ran 4.4's at his pro day. At this point I think his character is a bigger question mark than his speed.

  11. I'm not surprized MM ran 4.4's at his pro day. He played WAY faster than the 4.6's he put up at the combine. He also plays bigger than his measurements,he's great at getting the jump ball in the corner of the end zone. As I've said before,his game reminds me a lot of Lee Evans game. I know he's not exactly what the Bills are looking for as far as size goes,but I hope if he's still availiable in the 2nd rd we take him.

  12. Watched him play in high school at De La Salle, he then committed to Michigan and lost to Chad Henne as the number 1 QB. I remember he was big and had really nice arm, but kinda lost track of him when he left michigan. I dunno about how he'll do at the pro level but he was amazing at De La Salle.

    He was outstanding at DeLaSalle. I think he had a shoulder injury that required surgery while at Michigan. As I remember, that led to him pretty much forfeiting the #1 job to Henne. In what little playing time he had with the Wolverines,he looked good. Big,strong armed,and could move around pretty well for his size. He may have beat out Henne if he stayed healthy.

  13. I'm a big Wolverine and Lamar Woodley fan,and can tell you it's no lack of desire or work ethic that would hold him back. But he is undersized and lacks the speed that other undersized NFL DE's have. I think he's a high character dude that Marv would probably like. He made alot of plays by hustle,strength and never giving up on plays. Sometimes that's not quite enough against the top competition. I not sure how he will do in the NFL,or even what position he will play. David Harris is a Michigan LB who's a beast in the run game. Not sure how he may fit in Buffalo's D as far as coverage goes,but he'd be worth a look in the 2nd or 3rd rd.

  14. With his arms being so short he needs to really focus on LOWER body strength this offseason. He benched 545 at LSU so I'd say he probably can't get a lot stronger upper-body wise anyways. Hopefully he becomes a very solid anchor-type DT for us and I'm thrilled with that for a 5th round pick if it happens.

    I've noticed the short arms also. The guy looks like a tyranasaurus rex out there. He can't even scratch the top of his head or pick his own nose. It's sad.

  15. Actually I do see him a lot...I live in Indy :thumbsup: . I did error on the position :) , however I still stand by my opinion that he is too small and also disagree with you on his tackling ability. Despite the # tackles, his ability to be an effective run stopper is minimal at best. Here's an opinion from PFW:




    Yes he might be cheaper, but I'd prefer to see a more physical presence in the LB corp.

    In my opinion,our run defense needs to be addressed on the DL,not the LB's. Put June on the weak side with a run stuffer in front of him,and he's a pro bowler.

  16. I'd rather spend the $$$ on keeping Clements and Thomas in the secondary

    We should have enough money to do both. I think Fletcher is gone so we will need another LB. Obviously Briggs would be great,but June is a name I haven't seen brought up here and he's very good also.

  17. I thought I heard on ESPN yesterday that Indy LB Cato June is a free agent this off season. Can anyone confirm this? The guy is a bad ass. If TKO or Crowell could make the move to MLB,you could sign June to play the weak side. That would be a definite upgrade over Fletcher.

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