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el Tigre

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Posts posted by el Tigre

  1. 47 years old and a Bills fan all my life. Grew up in a sports family and picked the Bills at 4 or 5 cuz of the "bull" on the helmet. When I first started playing Pop Warner I would tell other kids I was Butch Byrd. Growing up in Northern Cali most of them replied "who?" I'm from a family of Raider and 49er fans,and all of us are Michigan Wolverine fans since my Dad is from the Detroit area. So the Bills really are MY team as far as the family goes. My outlook is the same for next year as it is every other year.Hopeful. I hope and believe they can make the playoffs. I thought Jauron would be fired and was looking forward to a new coach and all the hope and excitement that brings. That didn't happen but it's not the end of the world. Look,for all of Jaurons faults if we just get half decent play,on a consistent basis,from our QB position we probably make the playoffs this season. We're not that far off. Improve at C and DE and get some consistensy from our QB and we're there. GO BILLS!

  2. Cutler was head and shoulders above anybody else that year at QB.



    It's easy to say that now,but I remember at the time that was not a universally accepted fact. Cutler had a HORRIBLE won-loss record in college. He was a guy that obviously had the measurables but never was a winner.

  3. I'm not saying by any means that Trent is a bust, nor am I saying that Whitner hasn't been good, but I am wondering...if we could go back in time, how many of you would draft Leinart instead of Whitner. I like Whitner, but at the pick he was taken, has he really made that much of a difference. Leinart has a great arm, and could have become the face of the franchise. Thoughts?

    I don't think anybody can answer that question yet. I don't know if Trent can turn it around and be a franchise QB,he showed flashes earlier in the season but I now have my doubts. Leinart has never really impressed me. I think it's possible both end up career backups.

  4. Sure cause Jauron supporters have cornered the market on common sense... :angry:


    You like common sense? How about facts? 7 losing Seasons in 8 as a Head Coach...A 57-76 overall Record as a Head Coach...An 0-6 Record vs. The AFC East in 08...A dismal Record vs. winning Teams in His Head Coaching Career...0-6 vs. Bill Belichick as The Bills Head Coach...There's more but common sense tells me that's enough... :wallbash:


    Look...If you wanna love the Bills because they are your Team, the loveable losers, and rah, rah, rah...blah, blah, blah...Fine...But don't come in here with that weak slow-ball of common sense because keeping Jauron had NOTHING to do with common sense or the will to WIN in today's NFL... :nana:

    You have your opinion,I have mine. Apparently you are one of the many hysterical,negative fans that post here. I always try to find the positive in situations,and the poster made many good points in his original post. You can go ahead and dump the team if you wish,I'll be rooting for the Bills whether I agree with RW's decisions or not. Their my team. And when they do turn it around you and your whiny friends will be back,bragging how you've "always been a Bills Fan".

  5. Here is my opinnion and analysis on what's going on with Ralph bringing DJ back. I still prefer to replace DJ now, but keeping isn't as crazy as our record suggest and does make some sense when you look at the bigger picture.


    1. He is right on the money about a young team needing continuity (doesn't mean DJ and co. are the answer, but you don't develop young talent with constant change).


    2. We had shown some improvements before our slide which coincidentally was about the time we started losing quality players to injury (Greer, Schobel, Youboty, Trent, Reed, etc.) which greatly contributed to our slide and inconsistentcy.


    3. DJ, believe it or not, is still considered to be a pretty good coach in the NFL circle.


    4. Ralph signed him to the extension already, so pulling the plug on him is going to be expensive at this point.


    5. Troubles and inconsistency at QB greatly contributed to the demise of our season and we have a young QB who also missed time due to injury. This was the biggest reason for our fall from grace, not DJ. When Trent began to struggle he started to regress big time...hard to win in this league when your QB is timid to throw downfield.


    6. There are some top coaching candidates available right now, but it is very possible that next off season will have several elite coaching candidates available as well: Holmgren plans to take 1 year off, Cowher emphatically stated he does NOT want to coach this next year until his daughter graduates (and his top 2 chocies to coach won't be available likely next year Jets and Browns), Shannahan likely takes one season off, Mariucci and Billick could also still be there, etc. Add Andy Reid too to that mix as I think he is back next year, but it might be his last unless Philly has a real strong season.


    7. This team dealt with injury's to a lot key players on both D Line and O Line, QB, the secondary and LB positions. We didn't have the depth to overcome that.


    So, when you add up all the variables, it makes some sense to give DJ one year to try and rebound. If he falters next year (which very well could happen with what appears to be a tough schedule next season) there will be some Elite coaches available and likely quite a bit fewer job openings than this season increasing our odds to land one.

    Go away. You make way too much sense to post on this board.

  6. Just so I understand; sitting on your ass watching football on TV is a joke, but sitting on your ass in front of computer to follow a game is not a joke?

    I turn on the computer and listen to the feed while I go about my usual activities. Usually lifting weights, Sundays are a workout day for me.

  7. People seem to think the switch to a 3-4 would be easy and only take a year or two. I have to whole-heartedley disagree. I think that it would take years, which none of us have the patience for anymore. :wallbash:


    While yes, I would agree the secondary is set, everything else is so far off. Stroud is the only DL that could play in a 3-4 and even then he might not be able to cut it. Schobel and Kelsay are far too small and light to be 3-4 DEs and are not two-point stance guys, negating their ability to play OLB. They would get eaten alive. Puz is the only LB who could play for sure. Mitchell would have to come inside. Therefore Buffalo would need two of those "tweener" OLB/DE hybrids which are very hard to come by. We simply could not make the switch in good time.


    Besides, the D is actually quite good, the O just sucks so much that the D is always in bad spots and playing on short rest.

    Actually "tweeners" are pretty plentiful in the draft. Lots of good college DE's are too small to hold up as every down pro ends. Many can really rush the QB but get swallowed up by NFL tackles and convert well to LB's in a 3-4. Lamar Woodley,Mike Vrabel,Willie McGinist and Tedy Bruschi are a few names that come to mind that sucsessfully made the switch to LB. Current Michigan DE Brandon Graham fits that same mold. The real challenge,IMO,is finding a NT. I have no idea if any DT presently on our roster could play NT in a 3-4.

  8. I live about an hour from the Oakland Colisseum and used to attend a few Raider games every year.But for the last few years I've been spending my money at Bulldog Stadium watching Fresno State play instead. I haven't been to a Raider game in 4 years,and it has nothing to do with their win-loss record. For a person like myself that has to count my pennies,college football is just a much better value. The NFL is pricing itself out of the range of lower income people. Plus I get to watch hungry,motivated guys play to the whistle instead of overpayed complainers play when they feel like it. I can watch that on tv.

  9. No question that good quarterback play is the shortest distance between winning and losing. That's why they should address OL and TE first and foremost in the offseason.


    However, the Bills fast start was because of GREAT quarterback play, not because the QB played "well". Edwards was awesome for that first month. Great QB play is not something you can count on every week though, unless of course you have Peyton Manning or Tom Brady. Otherwise, you have to win on some days when your QB is not that effective.


    The Bills can't do that. They are poorly coached by a time tested loser. At his best Jauron is like Norv Turner, he can win for a short period, but he'll f*ck up a good thing even then. He does not instill a fear of failure in his players and as a result they accept less from themselves.

    I disagree. I don't think Trent was ever GREAT. He was very good for short stretches within a game. He never played GREAT for a whole game. Overall TE played good but not great when we won. When we lost he abolutely SUCKED,as did JP most of the time. Jauron is an average coach. I would like better, but with solid,consistent QB play he could get this team to the playoffs.

  10. so it wasnt the defensive that gave up the first 17 points it was the poor play of the QB put down the pipe the reveolving door at qb HAS TO STOP!!!!!! :angry:

    We were still in position to win the game. The constant in our loses this season has been poor QB play. I'm not saying TE is done. Give him another shot next year with maybe a more experienced OC and see what happens. But also keep your eyes open to someone else that could be availiable,thru draft or FA. Name me a game this season that our QB played well that we lost.

  11. This seasons collapse is not Jaurons fault. It's not the defenses fault. It's not the questionable play-calling. It's because of poor play at the QB position. Period. When TE played well we won,when TE or JP played poorly,we lost. Fix the QB position next year and we're in the playoffs.

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