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Marv's Neighbor

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Posts posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. My source deep with OBD says that the following people will not be coaching the Bills in 06...


    Tom Landry

    Don Shula

    Bill Walsh

    Bill Cowher

    Bill Belichick

    Nick Saban

    George Halas

    Knute Rockne

    Lou Saban

    Bud Grant

    Craig Cirbus

    Jim Hohfer

    Jerry Sullivan

    Larry Felser

    Lindy Ruff

    Jimmy Griffin

    Dennis Gorski

    Take it to the bank.


    Take the dead people out please! :D

  2. Great! Another head coach complete with excuses for his failures.


    There's no rational reason to bring Jim Haslett to the Bills. If Haslett had never suited up for Buffalo, no one would want him here. He's done nothing to warrant serious interest. Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, NOTHING.


    I know this is a wacky idea, but what about bringing in a coach who's actually achieved some degree of success before? It might fail, but who knows, we haven't tried it... ever.



  3. Sorry, but if the shoe fits!!!!


    He was a bad pick, he dazeled TD w/bullsh** a.k.a. "interviewed well" and had nothing to back it up.


    When you consider who the BILLS passed on to get this guy it's absolutely terrible!


    Hindsight is 20/20 and woulda/shoulda/coulda etc. etc. but I think the Redskins, Dan Snyder, and Greggie are all deserving of one another. :P

  4. Holy SHIZNIT! If we got Levy (in some capacity) AND Polian back, I would be, dare I say "overwhelmed with joy..."


    The strange thing is... I get the feeling that everyone who has worked here and moved on to have success other places would still welcome the opportunity to come back to Buffalo (ie Dwight Adams). I highly doubt Polian would leave Indy, but I'd dance a jig if it happened.


    It all depends who Polian considers the bigger pain in the as* to work for, Irsay or Ralph. That would be a really tough choice! :D

  5. because it was reported after the cincy game that ralph wilson congratulated him in the locker room. because a number of beat reporters (local and national) have reported that he'll be back. because there are *no* rumors floating around anywhere that he'll be fired.


    yet people persist in posting outlandish ideas about jimmy johnson, kirk ferentz, etc. etc. becoming the next coach.


    mularkey is coming back. it's time to make peace with the idea.


    Add to your list the fact that Ralphie is tooooo cheap to buy out another contract! :w00t:

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