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Posts posted by Tenhigh

  1. This thought just occurred to me while I was watching Whaley's PC. Nothing against the Pegulas, I believe that Brandon is ecstatic as having them as Mr Wilson's successors but Brandon has been fiercely loyal to RW, the franchise and the community. If the Bills were to win in the near future, would Brandon feel satisfied in completing the journey? I could see Whaley still wanting to flourish for a long time but Brandon may feel like he successfully relayed the franchise to the new era from the old one, brought the franchise back to respectability and finished what he started while being mentored by RW.


    If this were to ever happen I think it would be a fantastic storyline, even made into a movie. Could you imagine Brandon going to Mrs Wilson's house in the wee hours of a Super Bowl victory and as she answers the door to find a tear stained Brandon telling her, "We did it, this one is for Mr Wilson, our journey is complete", or a scene something like that. Then Brandon just takes off, knowing that there isn't anything else that he could do professionally that could top that, knowing that the franchise is complete and that he can totally handoff the franchise to the Pegulas and let them build their own legacy. Corny? Only if you're not a life long die hard Bills' fan. Heartwarming, downright freaking heartwarming.


    Go Bills!


  2. Agreed. Country music used to be about mama, trains, trucks, prison, and getting drunk. Now it's just pop music with a slide guitar and/or fiddle thrown in there as an after thought to make it sound country. The lyrics boil down to "Hey. I live in the south/small town/on a farm/in America, and you do too. Them northerners/city folk don't understand our simple life. Buy my record. Oh, and here's my obligatory ass kissing reference to Johnny Cash/Willie Nelson/Hank Williams."

    Well I was drunk, the day my mom, got out of prison,

    And I went, to pick her up, in the rain,

    But before, I could get to the station in my pickup, truck.....

  3. My first was a Jamie Mueller #39 jersey...

    My first was a Bruce Smith jersey from the Champion outlet in Jamestown that my brother gave me for xmas, it probably cost him all of $7. It ended up at the outlet because it had 78 on the front and back but 97 on the sleeves. He called it the Bruce Bennett, and I freaking loved it. It wore it until it literally disintegrated.

  4. The premise of all the Kiko-McCoy trade talk is the Bills getting some line help and an upgrade at tight end. But if they do that, they would have been fine sticking with Fred and whoever else they got in free agency. Not to mention still having Kiko.


    Not sure if people realize that McCoy has played behind a top notch oline his whole career and has been coached by smart offensive minds. Darren Sproles actually had a much better rushing average than him last season. I can't think of another running back who has been as fortunate as McCoy. He's good, but he's not as good as most here think.


    Put him on the Bills last year, and how do you think he would have done with our 32nd rated offensive line? Lower your expectations about him being the difference-maker here because it's not going to happen. The offense will still suck and be carried by the defense again. But we do have an easier schedule, and the defense (barring injuries) has the potential to be even better under Rex, so anything's possible.

    What do you want to bet that he won't be a difference maker?


    No. My comment on Jeter was not meant to compare him to Fred. Jeter had a storied career, miles beyond what Jackson's done. But if you look at Jeter's numbers and compare them to other HOF players, he wasn't that amazing. A lot of the Jeter love comes from being a Yankee. He was great, but being a Yankee elevates him to god-like status.

    My god man, he had over 3k hits! Let me guess, you're a Mets fan?

  6. Compare the teams Jeter played on to the teams Jackson played on.


    And Jeter might indeed make the HOF, but if you look at his numbers they are nothing that special. Part of his skill was playing in New York as a Yankee.

    I have to assume that you mean that FREDDY'S numbers were nothing special, right? Jeter had a pretty legit career, regardless what you think of the guy.



    Sorry, couldn't resist. And ironically that was my first "IN", which I never would have posted had you not complained about it.




    My god, don't you guys get sick of doing this stupid "in" thing. It's not clever, it's not funny, it offers exactly zero to the board, and it is the most annoying thing going around here. Please, for the love of god, just stop this crap already. The same few users doing it over and over and over. It was funny for a week or two, but now it's just stupid and unoriginal. Let the mods do their jobs and lock threads they deem repetitive.

    I'm IN agreement with you.

  8. Ive never worried about whether or not a player wants to play in buffalo


    if it was college it means something, but with the average nfl career being so short and the big money these guys make, they're lucky to play at all anywhere.


    Nobody is.forcing you to play, go ahead and quit if you don't like it. It always works out once they build rapport with the team and staff.

    Right, and he totally sures up the backfield.

  9. Please, no Bryce Petty! They tried this already with Mike Mularkey.

    I strongly disliked Petty's body language at the combine. He was either nervous, which isn't a good sign, or arrogant and egotistical. I believe he is the latter, and it's in a way that seems terrible for leadership in an NFL quarterback. Don't like it. Don't go there, Buffalo. Please

    Of COURSE you want your QB to be egotistical. You don't think guys like Brady, Manning, Marino and even Jumbo were egotistical players? It's part of what made them great.
  10. I have been reading some kool aid drinkers that are so happy we will most likely finish 8-8, how we have so much talent and how marrone has them on the road upward... pure bull ****.


    Here is the reality, Pagula needs to fire everyone from Russ Brandon down to the waterboy Minus our Defensive Coaching staff. Can we break this down logically and realistically for a change?


    Brandon is an idiot and a freaking clone of Ralph Wilson and he flat sucks. Maybe he is ok at Marketing but this "MoneyBall" bull **** being played at OBD has to stop. Fire him now.


    Doug Whaley? Mr. Moneyball himself? He thought EJ Manuel was a Franchise QB, that alone should get him fired. But no there's more!! For 19.95 you too can have a GM that trades away a WR thinking that ONE WR was going to be THE piece to get the team into the playoffs. When in fact a BETTER TALENT could have been had at our draft spot. One that coming out was more pro ready etc. We traded away a 4th rounder as well which we got back...then traded away again for a Backup RB from the Eagles that hasn't hardly seen the field. He also pays decent money to a crap Guard and traded away another pick for a WR who had bad history with our HC and hasn't hardly seen the field AND still eats up 5+ mill of our cap next year.


    Whaley is NOT a good GM period. His moves have cost us now and in the long run much moreso than not. Fire him now.


    Doug Marrone? Saint Doug? Fire that smug !@#$ today. HE doesn't have this team playing tough, Jim Schartz and the Defense plays tough. The Special teams plays tough. Dougie and his buddy Hackett both need to go back to college and stay there.


    There has just been 15+ years of ineptness at OBD and yeah I'll say it from Ralph on down when it comes to building a football team. They keep "retooling" by bringing in people that somewhat fit the mold of what Ralph was doing. The only way to finally get this team over the top is to cut the cancer out completely. Get the mentality, way of doing things out of that building 100%. I mean fire Brandon, Whaley, Marrone, Hackett, anyone else on the offensive staff and each and every scout. Pagula needs to bring in his own people and start fresh including cutting or trading some of the alleged "talent" on this roster.


    Until this is finally done, this team will always be a 6-10 to maybe 10-6 team and nothing more and I am sorry folks that just isn't good enough period.


    For the koolaid drinkers and cool kids that will try to play cool and offer up some pure crap saying I am wrong and what they are doing is great blah blah blah, don't worry....nothing will change at OBD. The same worthless assclowns will be there next year and we might win 9 games. Then the homers will talk again how we are so close..we are "right there" and again, they will be wrong.

    I guess I’m confused. Should we clean house top to bottom entirely? Top to bottom EXCEPT for defense? Or is it top to bottom EXCEPT for defense and special teams? Please tell me what to think, as all of this koolaid has addled my brain.
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