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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. I agree with this. I would suggest Best Spot (linked below) or anywhere east of it on the south side 20A. It's important to note that they shut 20A down right at One Bills Drive, so it'll impact where park. I can make it back to Rockland County in about 5:25 from there, so if you are going all the way home it's the only way to fly... PM me if you have questions. https://maps.app.goo.gl/HLLPrK2iKrT7MXC27 As for tailgating, Hammer's and his buddy right across Abbot are both great...
  2. WTF are you ranting about here? Huffing Billsy's paint can?
  3. Are you really ok with swatting? I cant believe that you are that bad of a person. Terrible right? Just like all swatting?
  4. Please don't go on. Clearly you do not understand what swatting means, see below. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swatting
  5. Lol, gtfoh. Who did you "remove ", tough guy? Personally, I think most of the reason you are here is because you feel emasculated since stopping practicing, and are trying to get "wins" by spamming a message board with nonsense that you hardly believe.
  6. A good friend went to Azores last year. Accomodations weren't great but they said it was beautiful. As for moving, I don't see myself being so afraid of a president that I would flee the country. I think DJT is a piece of narcissistic garbage and is bad for people on the right. He tends to appeal to their baser natures. But I think that Trump has a worse effect on people on the left. TDS is real and some folks just can help but act like lunatics about anything involving him. See Billsy for a perfect example, he sees a Trump in every dark closet and under his bed.
  7. Would love some recommendations, doing Portugal and Spain in June
  8. Come on doc, you think you qualify as elite, just admit it!
  9. I agree. It was almost a cliche how much of a trap game this was. You forgot to add that they just crushed one of the league's best teams, the Chargers were playing with nothing to lose and were leaving it all on the field for their interim HC.
  10. Ita not a matter of tech savviness or the money, but your right, sort of. On the one hand you aren't crying about the inconvenience of having to get Peacock for 1 game on a message board, but on the other hand you have a dozen posts where you are crying about people who are annoyed by said inconvenience. I feel like there is a word for this. Regardless, we don't seem to have much to say on the topic, so have yourself a merry little Christmas and go Bills (on the Sunday Ticket or Cable or Prime)! Terry as a part owner of the league either chose it or got out voted, no?
  11. How is not liking the fact that you had to subscribe Peacock anything other than you not liking to be Inconvenienced? And then you come on here and cry about people who feel the same way? Regardless, thanks for the engagement, not sure we have much more to say on the topic. Merry Christmas and go Bills.
  12. It's alienating the part that doesn’t want to be inconvenienced anymore that they already have unnecessarily. How does giving this game to Peacock enhance their user experience? Also, please PM me your Venmo and I'll send you $6 to drop that silly strawman argument.
  13. This is a really good point, John. The Republicans need to be careful not to wait too long with their evidence of Biden's corruption. How long did it take for the laptop to be proven not to be disinformation? The media cover up lasted ike 2 years. They really need to find that sweet spot. Thanks, and good catch, amigo!
  14. Lol, said business is clearly alienating sone of it's fan base with its streaming schemes, otherwise what are we talking about, right? And no matter how sure you are what is in others hearts and heads, its really not the $6 that bothers me personally. It's rhe hubris of the nfl to think that all of their customers are lemmings willing to cave their most offensive whims. Sell me your product? Sure, Ill bite. I own the ticket, I already had Prime. Make me by someone else's subtler product to watch your product? No thanks. That's what I think most people that aren't general cheapskates don't like. Why can't you accept that?
  15. You may not be able to get behind them but you sure like to confront them. And the $6 isn't the point, of which you are well aware. But by all means, keep getting all triggered because people are tired of getting jacked around by their favorite pasttime. Or go drink some egg nog and have yourself a Merry @#$%ing Christmas!
  16. Thank God the board has tough guys like you around to keep us crybabies safe! Merry Christmas!
  17. I think everyone here knows that you can watch illegally, seems like some just prefer not to.
  18. Aren't you worried that unplugging everything will give them more of a charge? Personally I am plugging in anything with a cord!
  19. Except for Bills fans who are annoyed by the NFLs streaming schemes? 😝
  20. When is enough enough for you personally? 5 streaming services? 17?
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