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Brand J

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Posts posted by Brand J

  1. doesnt he have a cannon. ive seen him throw, what are u talking about?


    Unlike his leadership qualities and will to win, a slow release, inconsistent spirals, and questionable accuracy, are all huge question marks with Tebow.

  2. the right pick would have been freeney....


    I remember that many mock drafts had Freeney going to Buffalo in the 2nd round! Could you imagine the reaction on this board had we picked Freeney at #4? People would have jumped out of their skin! In hindsight though, knowing all that we do now, it would've been a brilliant pick. This is partly the reason why I gave the FO the benefit of a doubt when Whitner was selected, "maybe they know something that no one else does and he'll be a huge impact player...". Turns out Whitner was a hideous pick; in retrospect AND at the time of the selection. While in Pittsburgh, Donahoe went with his "gut" and against the FO, selecting WR Troy Edwards instead of DE Jevon Kearse. This tremendous blunder would weigh on Donahoe's mind and preclude him from going with his "gut" later - It was mentioned that Donahoe badly wanted to gamble on selecting Albert Haynesworth with that #4 pick, but decided to go the "safer" route and select the player that the rest of the FO desired - Mike Williams. (Haynesworth was viewed as a high risk, high reward pick) If only he would've went with his gut the 2nd time around...

  3. There must be a reason unbeknownst to us, as to why Nic Harris can't get on the field and STAY on the field. When I watch games, he is flying around the ball and always seems to be making a play somewhere. Yet, this coaching staff seems extremely reluctant to provide him with any substantial playing time and even went so far as to start a safety at the OLB position...

  4. For every one of you folks that doesn't think the O-line matters very much in the NFL there's a thousand folks that think differently and its just the same old folks here on TSW, same old story over and over again bashing TE, but you are a minority regardless if you like it or not.(talking about the O-line, not TE)


    Losing faith in TE I can understand, but throwing all logic out the window because you hate a Bills player so much, that I cannot understand.


    The OL very much matters, however, an above average QB can still succeed behind a bad OL. A pro bowl type of QB will put up the type of numbers that Aaron Rodgers & Big Ben consistently put up (without the benefit of an average OL). Unfortunately, we have neither an above average QB, or even an average QB. For all of you who go out of your way to defend TE, please stop insinuating that anyone who doesn't believe that he's even an average QB, personally has hate for him. It is a simple fact proven over and over: TE just doesn't have what it takes to be a successful starter in the NFL. Come to grips with this reality...

  5. BUF (5-9-0) remaining games - @ATL / IND


    OAK (5-9-0) remaining games - @CLE / BAL


    WAS (4-9-0) remaining games - NYG / DAL / @SD


    SEA (5-9-0) remaining games - @GB / TEN


    CHI (5-9-0) remaining games - MIN / @DET


    OAK should beat CLE and CHI should beat DET. That leaves WAS & SEA to worry about and they have tough remaining schedules.

  6. is it OK when people call Demetrius Bell a POS?


    Not only happens on these boards, but also in homes, as well as at the games; that's why it was a little surprising that people rose up and called out Cablelady for calling Trent a POS. I can't speak for her, or the others who call out the players, but it's obvious to me that they call players POS in relation to their football prowess...

  7. Great post PushthePile


    For JayBaller10, it will always be about Trent


    This is funny. Either you haven't read a word that I wrote, or you have the short term memory of a gold fish. I'm the one who was telling you, "say it 10 times - our QBs suck, our QBs suck..." I also said the OL sucks. You see only what you want to see and have made this a JayBaller vs Trent crusade, when in fact it isn't. Trent sucks, Fitz sucks, the OL sucks... No more of your excuses for any of them.

  8. JayBaller, you've managed to create an argument when there wasn't one. No one anointed Trent God. The point was Trent wasn't given to time to even back peddle, just as Fitz was given none for a number of series as well. That, Mr.

    fabricator, was a fact and it remains that our O-line made Banta-Boo-Boo look like the second coming of Bruce Smith.


    Calling others an apologist merely shouts out that you have written a check your ass can't cash. You haven't the logic or knowledge to hold a legitimate discussion. :doh:


    Spider before you jump into a conversation, read the previous posts. Who cares what Trent did, or didn't do in this game. The OP stated, "Trent deserves better than this" and people started coming out of the woodwork defending and backing Trent Edwards and his lack of productivity while in a Buffalo uniform. I've said the OL is a problem - which you would have seen if you had simply read, instead of running your mouth... The "apologists" reference was made to those defending a lack of productivity over a career from Trent Edwards - not the Trent Edwards in this game. Get a clue and know the argument before typing next time...

  9. Honey, no one is "defending" his play.


    You're just making yourself into a bigger fool by carrying your hate-on for the benched QB to extremes and attributing.


    He's no longer our starter. He likely won't be here next year.


    What's your continuing obsession with Trent Edwards?


    No one is defending Trent Edward's play? Well I guess someone else stole your ID to write this:


    Yes, you're right, Trent couldn't make the Offensive Line better than him.


    Trent could have done far more to improve the play of Kirk Chambers and also to prevent Demetrius Bell from taking so many false start penalties.


    Trent, you deserve ALL the blame for not making the Offensive Line around you better.


    It's all your fault Trent


    That sounds a lot like defending a player to me, even if the comments do hold water. Trent can't play when he is given time, so it doesn't matter. If you would re-read past posts, I said the OL is a problem, but Trent doesn't make plays when he is provided protection. No matter how much sense you lack, you can't dispute this fact...

  10. The benched QB takes three snaps for the briefly injured Fitz and JayBaller10 can't give up his hate-on for the California QB who likely won't be back next year.


    It's was ALL about Trent in today's game. It's Trentative's fault!


    I've already told you that I don't hate Trent, yet you keep insinuating that I do. I guess it's love or hate with a player in your eyes huh? The argument in this thread is based on the OP stating, "Trent deserves better than this". People like you then felt the need to defend Trent.

    The bolded word needs to be changed to "it".

  11. Clueless is you asserting that posters on here see Trent as their "hero".


    Cite the posters who used the word or admit that you're using exaggeration to make a feeble point.


    He HAS to be your hero, since you irrationally defend his play. Either that, or he is your bff... Otherwise, why not call a spade a spade? If a player can't play why continuously defend the player? It's not an exaggeration, he IS your hero.

  12. the comma connects disparate thoughts in sentence. there needs to be a bridge between the thoughts (words like: and or but). Otherwise the thoughts are connected via a semi-colon.


    grammar! both fun and arbitrary.


    Thanks for the insight Astro. I should have you proofread my script...

  13. Ooooooo, you've watched Trentative takes snaps in the NFL. Well kudos to you!


    Your hate-on for the benched QB is touching.


    But you've swayed us with your deep analysis. Trent "sucks" as you say. Profound.


    Yes, it is profound and all that needs to be said. Makes more sense than: it's the OL's fault! Trentative just needs a capable OL!

  14. Hmmmm, hurts to be called out on your phantom assertions doesn't it, honey?


    You dish out dirt on other people's grammar and then you're called out on the same thing.


    O U C H


    Hurts? In what way? Buffalo nation, please explain comma usage and grammar rules to this one. He/she is clueless!

  15. Hillarious. JayBaller10 you plead for a "coherent English phrase", yet you throw sentence fragments at us: "It's difficult understanding the apologist language, you might want to type a coherent English phrase."


    Two fragments in one sentence.


    If can't win an argument using facts and evidence, don't rant about incoherent language when you can't pitch a coherent sentence without fragmentation.


    Hahaha, now the apologist wants to teach me grammar rules. You might want to go back and look at your 3rd grade English book...

  16. We got the reality, honey. And we're truly gratified to receive your "Congratulations!" Yoooohooo!


    We know Trent's the benched QB. You've mystically created an image for your so-called apologists of hero-worship for the benched QB.


    No one on this post has asserted that Trent is a "hero". Find the poster who posted the word "hero" in reference to Trent, and we'll all chip in to buy you a 50-year Bills anniversary commemorative coin.


    But nothing like a hate-on for a benched QB to color your absence of rational analysis


    Hahaha.. You're right, I'm just making unfounded statements when I say Trentative sucks. I have absolutely no rational analysis to back my statements. I've never watched Trentative take a snap in the NFL and I've never seen the many passes he fails to make, when he is given ample time in the pocket. Whenever anyone brings up the fact that he sucks, people like you crawl out from under the rocks trying to explain why he consistently takes sacks, throws interceptions, and fails to complete passes - it's all the OL. OL, OL, OL... I understand now, never blame Trentative, if he had a capable OL he would be an All Pro. You can root for Trentative in the UFL next year. Temporarily wearing the rosy glasses that I thought you had removed, dumbed my IQ level by 20 points. I suggest that you take them off and KEEP them off! Otherwise, you won't be able to put together a coherent sentence. Wait a minute, that's already happened -

    You're hate-on
    I feel for you :doh:
  17. Our rosy glasses are off. You've taken them from us in your hate-on for the benched QB.


    Trent is our "hero"


    What kind of Koolaid are you drinking?


    No one on this board has claimed that Trent is our "hero"


    Your tired trade is wearing thin


    My "hate-on"? It's difficult understanding the apologist language, you might want to type a coherent English phrase.

    I like to mix koolaid flavors, yum. It's interesting that you ask..

    The rosy glasses are officially off?!?! Helping another Bills fan to come to grips with reality. Congratulations! My work here is done...

  18. You're truly a desperate poster JayBaller10.


    So you attribute comments to a poster who actually didn't make them.


    And now you're asserting Trent is our "hero". That's quite a theoretical leap on your part.


    We're making assertions about the offensive line and its complicity in our QB corps (Fitz, Trent) poor play and you assert that Trent is our "hero"


    Bring it on honey. You're hate-on for the benched QB is breathtaking.




    I don't hate Trent, I just know something that you apologists can't seem to come to terms with - the guy flat out sucks.

    He is your hero, your defensive posts make this painfully obvious to see.. What's theoretical about it? Our QBs play poorly because our QBs suck. Step back for a minute and take that in.. Our QBs suck - repeat that 10 times, or take off your rosy glasses, whichever is easier.

    You're hate-on
    ? What does that mean?? I don't speak apologist...
  19. You're utterly brilliant at attributing comments to someone who didn't make them.


    In fact JayBaller10, you're the one making a complete fool of yourself for attributing these comments.


    "better than 1/2 the QBs in the league" ... HUHHH???? Didn't say that honey

    "worship the 4-0 start" ... HUHHH? ... Where's the worship? I've re-checked all my posts and nowhere was that stated.


    JayBaller10, you're a wonderful writer of Fiction. You should write the story of the Bills for the next decade with your misuse of facts and phantom evidence


    No, you didn't say he was better than 1/2 of the QBs in the league, but your other Trentative apologist did, so excuse me if I just lump all of you guys together - in one big pile of stupidity..

    Oh and by the way, I was asking a rhetorical question, "you want to go back and worship the 4-0 start of last year?" because I know this is the reason why you defend your hero - Trentative "Super Bill" Edwards...

    Thank you for the complement, but I also write non-fiction much better than you ever will as well... ;)

  20. It's all Trent's fault! It's all Trent's fault! It's all Trent's fault!


    Like a broken record, bashing one guy out of 53


    And not a word about our Jello Offensive Line


    JayBaller10 = making a fool out of yourself




    Obviously the offensive line is a problem, but Trent did NOTHING when he had the opportunities to make plays. Continuing to blame the offensive line for every 1 yard pass that Edwards throws is just ridiculous. You ARE making a fool of yourself when you argue that he can be successful and agree with statements that he is better than 1/2 the QBs in the league. He's barely better than Jamarcus Russell at this point. You want to go back and worship the 4-0 start of last year? Tell me again what teams Trentative beat...? Didn't he struggle against some of those lowly teams as well? Including college, the guy has 1 300 yd passing game on his resume. Get over the OL play, they could give him 5 seconds to throw and it wouldn't make a difference. The guy flat out sucks! No, he isn't the only problem, but he is a large part of the problem. Do yourself a favor - take off your rose colored glasses and you'll see the points that everyone else has been arguing. OL = bad; Trentative = very bad. Your hero isn't the savior you so desperately want him to be. Face the facts...

  21. I think we should have everyone that we can on this message board during draft day, day one. When the Bills selection comes up, we can assemble a list of available players and make a poll. As a group, we vote on the player that we think the FO should select. That way, if the player fails, we'd only have ourselves to blame, haha. There are many busted picks that never would have been a part of this team, had this strategy actually been implemented - RT Mike Williams, WR Roscoe Parrish, S Donte Whitner, DE/LB Aaron Maybin, QB JP Losman, and DT John McCargo to name a few...

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