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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Here are some off the top of my head 1."we just have to execute" 2."he's not a punt returner, he's a punt catcher" 3."it's impossible to make the playoffs, there's no way they will lose 3 games in a row" 4."we're gonna hold Priest Holmes under 50 yards. That's it, 50 yards!"
  2. My bad, those are all the flags being thrown by the referees at Bills' practice. No, seriously, I think that's a good idea. They need to be there for every practice.
  3. The Dolphins O-Line sucks BUT we don't have a pass rush. Our O-line sucks BUT they do have a pass rush. Our secondary, barring Clements, are beatable, the fish have a good wide receiving core. Miami can't run the ball, Buffalo gets beat by the pass not the run. Miami turns over the ball a lot, Buffalo doesn't force many turnovers. Fiedler is undefeated against the Bills as a starter. Miami confident Fiedler will play. DB proved he can't throw on Miami's secondary, with the exception of the snow bowl, but we had a better offense then.
  4. Time to make a change. People need to be cut. Players need to be benched. Were 0-4, time to prepare the young guys (Losman, McGahee, Aiken, Euhus, etc,etc) for the future. I'm all for it. Good job coach! BTW. Sit Henry. He hasn't been healthy all year starting with the injury he sustained in the pre-season. The only reason why he's playing is he feels the heat coming from #21. I do believe Henry is still a great RB but, he really needs to heal up. It's obvious that Henry isn't playing as well as he has in the past.
  6. She's holding the raquet but I'm holding the balls!
  7. 2 & 5 to start the year and 7-2 to finish! Mark my words! Once again, I STILL feel the same way. This team will finish strong!
  8. M&M isn't calling the plays, if that's what you mean
  9. The fact is. I know and remember more about the Bills than anybody. PERIOD!!
  10. the commentators said "There's nothing Drew can do about that" when Drew got sacked. Well I saw a wide open receiver going across the middle about five yards down the field on that play. He could've and should've done something about that sack!
  11. As much as some of you on this board hate Mike you have to admit he's playing well. Not like a 4th overall pick but never the less he's still doing his job. Give him his props!
  12. Stop saying that JP shouldn't play because "he's just a rookie".
  13. RB-Travis Henry WR-Josh Reed DE-Ryan Denney SS-Pierson Prioleou FS-Izell Reese
  14. Pittsburgh's current offensive coordinator. I don't know what his name is but he seams to have a better grasp of calling plays. I remember reading an article about TD pressuring M&M to select Clements as his offensive coordinator. Maybe TD should let his coaches coach!
  15. The question is How much longer will the fans take this crap? If the stadium starts to empty out will the Bills leave Buffalo? Or is that the plan?
  16. moron that commits a stupid penalty or has a mental breakdown or trips and falls for no reason. These guys are idiots. Give em a test or make them write an essay or better yet have them write "I will not make a stupid play" on the drawing board a 1000 times. Time to be a jerk Mike. Once upon a time Belichick used to be known as a players' coach. That got him fired. When he became an A-Hole thats when he started to be known as a genius and a winner.
  17. We all knew about the following before the season started: 1. Our O-Line isn't good enough. Even with McNally. 2. DB will not change his ways. 3. Coy Wire should've been cut. 4. Josh Reed can't get open and when he does he drops the pass. 5. Mark Campbell isn't even a #2 TE on most teams. 6. A first year head coach isn't what this team needs. 7. Denney or Kelsay won't put pressure on the QB. 8. DB can't run a naked bootleg and the line definately can't block for slow developing plays. ( Although I do understand the call ) They wanted to call a play NE wouldn't expect. I guess the Bills themselves were too shocked to execute the play. 9. Rian Lindell sucks and will cost us a game or two. Knowing all of this we still go into the season saying were a good team!
  18. I had to dig up a old post just to let you guys know that I still feel the same way. We are a talented team. We're just not a good team yet because we keep killing ourself. Milloy will solidify the secondary and the long passes we have been giving up lately will cease. The O-line really isn't as bad as we think and sooner or later the penalties have to slow down. We can turn things around!
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