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Coach Tuesday

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Posts posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. 2 minutes ago, Big Turk said:

    This is him basically saying "I delegate that responsibility to my OC to do what he thinks is best during a game and this is really on him, but I am not going throw him under the bus directly."  


    Honestly, he is taking bullets for Dorsey right now and not publicly disparaging.  Behind closed doors, I wonder what is going on tho.

    Yep but also basically admitting he’s not part of the weekly offensive install which is shocking, especially for a game of that magnitude.  What I think actually happened was that someone decided that the Bengals’ DC is too clever and prepared (aka a better coach) to run the same offensive concepts they ran the previous game so they tried to catch the Bengals off guard with a different set of concepts.


    They are morons.

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  2. 6 hours ago, HappyDays said:

    I will admit to being a little entertained by this last month of laughable coaching, culminating in this rock bottom press conference. If the team isn't going to be good, they might as well be hilariously bumbling. Maybe it will even tip Pegula over the edge.

    If they lose at home on primetime TV to the Broncos, that might do it.  I share your affection for Ben Johnson.  This week will also be interesting because the Big 10 is going to be levying some kind of punishment on Michigan - perhaps it frees up Harbaugh, and perhaps he becomes Option A (and yes I’m aware he once fought Jim Kelly nobody cares anymore).

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  3. Just now, Simon said:


    C'mon man, you know I didn't say or even imply that.

    If McDermott was genuinely awful or had been for years, then of course you cut bait and let Pegula hire anew.

    But he's not awful and has been successful sine he's got here.

    I don't want to see perfect become the enemy of good when the downside is arguably greater than the upside 



    You want to use the same consulting service to hire the new coach that you used to hire the coach you're now firing for cause?

    There's something in there that doesn't smell right.


    Some mostly irrelevant Insider info: You know who in the organization was selling McDermott hard and was primarily responsible for his hiring? Doug Whaley was the one who talked Pegula into hiring him. 🤯

    I don’t trust Terry making decisions either.  Look at what he has done to the Sabres.  He cannot pick executives to save his life.  But this is starting to seem inevitable - this regime is backsliding and McD seems to be out of answers for it.

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  4. 1 minute ago, BADOLBILZ said:



    It won't be with Kincaid averaging RB-like yards per reception.    


    The Bills 2020 offense fell off for two reasons..........John Brown went from a 1B type WR to washed up overnight due to injury/age(and Sanders didn't provide the same dynamic element).........and because Beasley's yards per catch fell below 10.


    Kincaid is averaging 8 yards per catch.   That's awful.   Fortunately he catches almost everything (except when over-hyped Josh hit him with that laser on his first target last night).




    He also has got it in his head that he needs to make the line to gain after weeks of getting stopped short and so he started diving for the extra yard last night, as soon as he did it the first time I thought "Oh no, he's going to fumble or get hurt" and then sure enough the second time he did it the ball came out.


    But at least he's trying.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, BillsVet said:


    Had the same reaction...and if memory serves they've thrown a deep ball or two to Harty in previous games.  Hasn't worked because dude's lost a step and isn't getting separation.   Amazing coaches haven't seen this into mid-season.  

    Literally has not worked a single time - at this point it’s like they’re trying to justify a terrible investment in an overpaid punt catcher.

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  6. Just now, zow2 said:


    IMO, Josh is not as good as the other Superstar QB's standing in the pocket and making good throws.  He does tend to hang on too long and the pocket caves.  He's not a great thinker, he's an instincts QB.   So he's much better than most, however,  at moving around, throwing on the run, or running decisively.  That should be his game.  And it's an admission of failure that in several games, we see the offensive plan blown up and Josh saying the hell with it I'm gonna run and play on instincts.. and then they do well.  If not for the Kincaid fumble, I think Buffalo may have tied that game up late.


    And on another note, all this low-energy vibe stuff is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.  Just play the game and be into it.  It's just weird seeing him sit on the bench stone faced.  He never used to do that.  It's probably an extension of tight ass McDermott never keeping the room loose.  

    He looks like late-stage Big Ben out there trying to figure things out amid a collapsing pocket.

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  7. He is trying to figure out how to pick the lock on the fly post-snap.  He is not doing the work leading up to the games and pre-snap so he has to find solutions during live fire.  It may be generational - perhaps after 13 Seconds he decided he wasn’t getting the immediate result so why bother.

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  8. 1 minute ago, Mango said:

    This is where I don’t know what to do. 

    Both first and second down had guys wide open, uncovered. I expect Derek Carr or Ryan Tannehill to just “run the play that’s called” as Josh put it in his post game presser. But if your guy is top 5, you have to know not to just chuck it up there. You have to see the play beyond the play call. Just because a call is designed to go to “x” doesn’t mean you have to throw it there if he’s covered and others are open. 

    And if others are open. Is the problem still the call?


    Part of me is pointing the finger but also I think those are legitimate questions. 

    They can’t and shouldn’t move on from Allen though.  He’s a unicorn although he seems to be at or near his ceiling in terms of the work he’s willing to put in before the snap.  So they need to elevate the situation around him.  Their GM and possibly (but I’m not sure) head coach seem to overestimate Allen’s own willingness to work hard - they’ve done too little to help him get there.  But the easiest solution is to put an adult in as playcaller.  It won’t fix Allen but it may raise the weekly floor.

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  9. 5 minutes ago, Mango said:

    I generally agree. But I had an issue with it given the situation. We were down. The defense was smoked and needed more than 90 seconds. We needed to give them a breather.


    I think we got lucky on that wild set of flags on the Bengals in the second. I think the defense breaks and the offense doesn’t give us a chance in the 4th if that series of events goes differently. 

    That playcall in that situation just broke me.  That was it for me with Dorsey and I will never change my mind.

    • Like (+1) 2
  10. Just now, Bermuda Triangle said:

    If we are going to link investment to expected performance, then maybe it’s time for the DL, with its big money players and 1st round picks, to step up and make plays in non-blowout games.

    They did make plays.  Can’t put the game on them.  Defense did its job.

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  11. The first down bomb to a well-covered, vertically-challenged Deonte Harty just broke me.  That was it for me with Dorsey.  I don’t expect others to share my opinion and that’s fine, I’m just one fan.  But that playcall at that time in that situation, with the game flow going like it was going (Bills needing to monetize every possession) showed me forever that Ken Dorsey lacks the strategic acumen to be a good OC. 

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  12. This entire front office: Beane, McDermott - have criminally under-emphasized offense and as a result their window has closed.  It’s gone, over, done.  

    It’s time to clean house.

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  13. 20 minutes ago, LABILLBACKER said:

    How does one game against a perennial top team indicate their future collective contribution to this team over the next 3 months?  I'll need a much bigger sample size before making judgment. 

    The OP is declaring it a “good week” - sure, but shouldn’t the actual game this week count?

    26 minutes ago, Simon said:


    That's possibly my favorite thing about these guys' philosophy.

    I 100% agree that outside QB, your DL is the most important, impactful part of your football team.

    Agree with the strategy (though speedy playmakers on offense should be right up there in terms of positional investment) - they have just been really bad at the evaluations and contracts.  Just an incredible run of bad decisions: Star, Butler, Jordan Phillips, Settle, Addison, we could keep going with the overpaid scrubs they have brought in.

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