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Posts posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. Personally i'd like to see Buffalo talk to the following men in no particular order:


    OT Tom Ashworth (New England)

    DT Rocky Bernard (Seattle)

    OT Jon Runyan (Philidelphia)

    DE Robert Mathis (Indianapolis)

    OG Toniu Fonoti (Minnesota)

    OG Stephen Neal (New England)

    SS Tank Williams (Tennessee)

    C Jeff Mitchell (Carolina)


    Of that list, Tank Williams and Rocky Bernard are at the top. But perhaps they have too much of the "i've heard of him!" stigma attatched for our new look Bills to go after.

  2. Cardinals | Team would likely match any offer Wells receives

    Wed, 15 Mar 2006 09:26:47 -0800


    Kent Somers, of the Arizona Republic, reports the Arizona Cardinals would likely match any offer restricted free agent OG Reggie Wells (Cardinals) receives, unless another team offers him an outrageous contract. The Cardinals are currently $14 million under the salary cap, making it hard for a team to structure a deal the Cardinals can't match.



    If we offer him an outrageous contract, i'll flip out. Some people are worth it, but I doubt an unproven Cardinal OG coming off a major ankle injury is.

  3. Hate to break the news to you, but the team is pretty much dead already. To would either finish the job or breath some new life into the team. I'd say do it -- trade EM for TO.





    I could easily see Marv at a press conference smiling with T.O. and saying, "I met this young man and he was a tremendous character. He made some mistakes but he assures me that he's ready to play".


    I feel that we're in a perfect position for him. If he does screw up again, what will happen? We're already screwed. Denying us would just screw him more.

  4. I realize i'm asking for trouble by even bringing this up, but could it?


    I mean both Owens and Moulds are players that should have been released by now. Each team will need a replacement at WR after their departures.


    Now with Givens being signed, there isn't really anyone left on the market. I know Marv is looking for "character" guys, but he's also not stupid.


    Whatever team gets Owens is going to get a vastly different player. He knows that this is his last chance. If he messes up on his next team, no one will want to spend any money on him at all.


    I think it's a definite possibility. Now i'll hang up and get flamed worse than the high school star, i'm sure.

  5. OK...if he has trade value tell me what it is !!



    I also think he has some trade value. But not much.


    Team's that are actively shopping players like Phili and their DT would look at Moulds i'm sure.


    Basically what i'm saying is that if there are teams looking to get rid of players like us, I could see us swapping.

  6. I like Ashworth as well.  Maybe his price is too high.  Living in NE they talked about him a lot as a reliable/good RT.  Not great, but good and solid.  From what I have heard, he hasn't gone anywhere to look.  I don't know why or maybe they just haven't reported it here.  We'll see---I like your line with the exception of Villarial.  He was really weak last year.  I think he personally is a great, great guy, but on the field he was manhandled consistently.



    I agree with you. I'm not a huge fan of Villarial either. But he'll have to do for now. He isn't great, but he's not terrible either. Jauron has some history of coaching him when he was a very good lineman. Maybe he can help him out.


    I REALLY want Ashworth. So I hope they chase him.

  7. I wouldn't trade Moulds and a 2nd for Schaub. But Moulds for Schaub straight up? You'd have to be downright retarded not to do it.


    Schaub has showed many to be a guy who has a lot of potential. Unlike Losman, Schaub has actually CONSISTENTLY played well when giving the opportunity.


    I'm not giving up on Losman, but we don't know what we have in him. If Losman falls on his face this season, we need to let him go. We definitely should go after another QB for insurance. Schaub would fit the bill because he wouldn't be someone like Brees that MUST start.


    If we are going to release him anyways, why wouldn't we entertain a trade like that if it was available?

  8. I don't want to sound like those guys who go crazy if we don't sign a player everyday. But it was good to see Marv start grabbing people right off the bat on Saturday. But it's been REAL quiet since then. Which would be fine normally, but this year's free agency is happening EXTREMELY fast unlike last season. Everytime I turn around, top FA's are getting signed. We really need to pick things up again.


    One of the FA's that i'd like to see Buffalo go after is New England's RT Tom Ashworth. Now I haven't heard a lot of people talk about him and honestly with the way FA is going he might have signed with another team or resigned with the Pats without me even noticing.


    But if he is still available, he'd be the perfect fit for the Bills. He's a young, hungry, "character guy" who was solid in NE and just seems to be getting better over time (not to mention, one of the more recognizable guys on the Pats OL/Brady commercials lol). He would fill a need and wouldn't be a huge name demanding huge money like some of the other guys out there.


    I also think we should pursue Kevin Mawae like reports indicated earlier. He's one of the top Center's in the NFL. His only real concern is age. Which is fine because we just need a quick fix until we know if Duke Preston can be our Center or not. It would be far too dangerous for us to just throw Preston into a line that is shaky already.


    If we could get them both, our line would be substantially upgraded at a fairly reasonable price looking a little something like this:


    LT - Jason Peters

    LG - Mike Gandy

    C - Kevin Mawae

    RG - Chris Villarial

    RT - Tom Ashworth


    To me, Ashworth, Mawae, and Rocky Bernard would be the guys I really hope we can sign before FA ends. I would also be happy with Ryan Pickett or Grady Jackson. If we had money left after them (which we probably would after letting Moulds go), i'd go after Tank Williams as well.


    What would you guys do?

  9. He says working on the Bills radio broadcasts was a big help in getting him out of depression.

    - Good for him to have courage to speak out and good for him he is dealing with it


    Jeff Burris



    I second that.


    As someone who has battled depression at a young age (and am still on anti-depressents) I know how tough it can be.


    I also know it takes a real man to admit to anyone that they need help and have problems. To do what he did in the fashion he did it is extraordinary. Good for him x 100.

  10. Sorry, I don't give out my name on the net, but if you followed high school football in the early 1990's you sure as hell would know my name. Take that to the bank. So tell us your experience, I'm sure we would like to know how much you learned playing Madden 2000. Take a hint, leave the football to those of us that know it



    Kill yourself.


    Wait, maybe that was a little harsh. How about this, go away and never come back.


    Then kill yourself.

  11. Seriously, how can people complain?


    Larry Tripplett is on the verge of being a premier DT in this league. He's young, fast (for a DT), and agile. He wasn't an official starter for Indy because they had Corey Simon and Monte Reagor. But even as a role-player he was a playmaker. He was high on my FA list of DT's.


    Robert Royal has been recieving some real unfair criticism on this board. He may be a relative unknown to most, but i've watched my fair share of 'Skins games (my grandfather LOVES them) and he's a young, quality player. He was overshadowed by their H-Back Chris Cooley, but Royal was a threat when he needed to be and one helluva blocker. He's also a pretty funny guy.


    I remember once when I was listening to Rome (I know, he sucks) on the radio that someone had bailed on Jim as a guest for his ESPN TV show later that day. So he announced on the radio that anyone listening (who was a pro athlete) who wanted to be on "Rome is Burning" that day would be on the show. I was kind of intrigued to see if anyone would be on the show and when I tuned in, he had Robert Royal on. He was saying that he was listening to the show and being a blocking TE, he couldn't pass up on an opportunity to get some face time lol


    He has something that this team REALLY wanted. What that is, i'm not sure of yet. But I guarantee you we HAD to pay him what we paid him if we wanted him. Because Washington would have done the same.


    Andre Davis is an interesting pickup to me. He's definitely a quality playmaker. He always was coming out of Virginia Tech. He's had some injury problems that has hindered his stardom. He's too good (and too expensive) to be a #4 on this team though. I'd put him at the 2nd or 3rd position. So does this mean that our starting WR's will be Lee Evans, Andre Davis, and Roscoe Parrish?


    I personally don't have a problem with that. As a matter of fact, it could be an incredible trio as long as they can all stay healthy. Let's face it, Roscoe wasn't drafted in the 2nd Round to be a #4 WR and PR his entire career. Let's see what he's got.


    All in all, I love the signings thus far. I like that Ryan Pickett's coming in. But i'm holding out hope that we can get Rocky Bernard, Ma'ke Kemoeatu, or Grady Jackson instead. And can anyone answer these questions for me?


    1.) What is our cap situation after these signings over the weekend?


    2.) Do we have enough room to sign all of these guys?:

    - Rocky Bernard

    - Tank Williams

    - Kevin Mawae

  12. Seriously, think about it:


    -Houston has a committment to David Carr and Reggie Bush to the city

    -New Orleans is the supposed front runner for Drew Brees

    -Tennessee WILL take a QB

    -New York has resigned Chad Pennington and apparently has all but traded for Patrick Ramsay

    -Green Bay selected Aaron Rodgers with their 1st pick last year

    -San Francisco selected Alex Smith with the 1st pick overall last year

    -Oakland is one of the front runners for Culpepper


    I hate to say it, but could we see Vince Young taking Holcomb's number next season?

  13. I agree with the drafting of Wroten and the trade down. However, I don't agree with making two Rookies our starting DT's (and essentially, that's what you'd be doing drafting them that high).


    We will be signing a veteran DT in FA (Dear god, it's me Alan. Please bring Rocky Bernard to Buffalo. I'll be good, I promise). There are tons of holes on this team and you can get a starting calibur player in the 2nd round for another position. Plus, I think Bunkley at 11 is way too high. He'll most likely go in the 20's.


    Here's what i'd do to change your mock:


    1.) Winston Justice, OT USC

    2a.) Marcedes Lewis, TE UCLA

    2b.) Claude Wroten, DT LSU


    With Justice, you can move Peters over to LT and Gandy over to LG (which he has more experience at). Justice would be a more fitting pick at 11 than Bunkley. Your line would look like this:


    Jason Peters

    Mike Gandy

    Kevin Mawae (I think we'll sign him)

    Chris Villarial

    Winston Justice


    Marcedes Lewis would jump in and be a legitimate starting TE. He's been unfairly overshadowed by such a DEEP TE class. Grab the veteran DT (which will happen) and pair him with Wroten. Anderson and Sape will be the backups.

  14. Bills have had talks with Mawae per WGR55. 

    Interesting.  The old guy really doesn't interest me too much.  If they talk to him, they better be talking to Bentley.



    VERY GOOD! Everything is going according to plan :) (See my post on Bills offseason below)


    The reason why Mawae is a perfect fit is simple. We shouldn't go out and spend tons of money on someone like Bentley. Duke Preston may very well be our Center for many more years to come. But right now it's WAY too risky to throw him into the fire.


    So you go out and sign a solid, aged veteran who will improve the line until you know for certain what you have in Preston (thanks to the GENIUS using him as a Guard last season) :D

  15. First off, i'm noticing a lot of places and people say that Buffalo will most likely be interested in Ryan Pickett (formerly of St. Louis). I like Pickett. But I don't think he's a star or has star potential. I feel that we will sign a veteran DT and draft another to make up our D-Line. There's a number of people i'd like to see in Buffalo who play the DT position. But far and away, the guy on the top of my list is......


    Rocky Bernard.


    Sure, he's not going to come cheap. But i'd bet we can get him. Especially with them paying HUGE for Shaun Alexander and tagging Hutchinson. He's a young, STUD, agile DT. He's at the top of my list.


    Someone else i'd be after who will also be expensive is Steelers SS Chris Hope. I think that's the guy the Bills were after when they let go Lawyer Milloy. For the amount of money Milloy was costing us, we could most likely get Chric Hope; who would be an upgrade.


    On the offensive line, i'd go a little cheaper and a little older in C Kevin Mawae. I think he wouldn't be expensive because of his age. But he would make an immediate impact and improvement on our pourous O-Line. The reason you sign Mawae is because you don't know what you have in Duke Preston yet. He wasted his Rookie season as an OG under Mularkey. To simply throw him in the fire with all the problems we have would be VERY dumb. If he's nothing else, Mawae would be a quick fix until Preston was ready.


    And let's face facts: Eric Moulds doesn't really want to be a Bill anymore. He may not come out and say it, but you're ignorrant if you don't see it. His play isn't worth the money we'd spend on him either and he's become more of a cancer than a leader. It's time he be replaced and we save ourselves close to 5 mil.


    Now i'm not ready to hand the reigns over to JUST Evans and Parrish quite yet. So i'd bring in a FA. Someone young, someone who won't cost as much as a T.O. or a Randle El, someone with skills comparable to Moulds. That man would be Antonio Bryant.


    Sure, he had problems with the Tuna; but who doesn't? He was Cleveland's leading WR last year and he's one helluva prospect. He's just the guy i'd want.


    So after cutting Moulds and the new CBA falling into place, we'd (allegedly) be looking at around 22 mil under the cap. Would it be possible to get:


    Rocky Bernard

    Chris Hope

    Kevin Mawae

    Antonio Bryant


    .....with that? I think Bernard and Hope would cost around 12 or 13 combined for this year (and some big bonus'). Mawae and Bryant could probably play for much less, so I think it's possible. But certainly not cheap.



    In the draft, I have a gut feeling the Brick will fall to us. Call me crazy, but here's what I see:


    1.) Houston - Reggie Bush

    2.) New Orleans - Matt Leinart

    3.) Tennessee - Vince Young

    4.) New York - Jay Cutler

    5.) Green Bay - Mario Williams

    6.) San Francisco - Vernon Davis

    7.) Oakland - A.J. Hawk

    8.) Buffalo - D'Brickashaw Ferguson


    Every year, someone falls who NO ONE suspects. That's just how these things work. No one is certain to go anywhere. Here's my Day 1 Mock:


    1.) D'Brickashaw Ferguson, OT Virginia

    2.) Marcedes Lewis, TE UCLA

    3.) Claude Wroten, DT LSU

    3.) Omar Jacobs, QB Bowling Green


    In Jacobs, we get an insurance policy to Losman. As a 3rd, he wouldn't put the pressure on Losman that a 1st or 2nd rounder (or veteran) would. He could be a career backup if Losman did work out okay.


    Claude Wroten had some issues. But whatever they were, he was acquitted of. His stock dropped from Round 1, but in the 3rd; he's too talented to pass on. I'm sure Marv could look past one screwup, especially for his talent and value at that pick.


    So that's my story and i'm sticking to it. No matter how many people call me crazy.

  16. Weaknesses: Possesses below average height and speed./b]



    Whatever report you are reading is OUTDATED! He sure showed his below average speed by recording the fastest time for a TE in the history of the NFL Combine :w00t:


    If D'Brickashaw Ferguson or Mario Williams is there; you have to take one of them. But if they aren't (and they won't be), Vernon Davis is the selection if you have the chance to pick him.


    Far and away he would be the better choice between him and Haloti "I show up when I want to and am a 1,000,000 and a half lbs." Ngata.

  17. Interesting write-up, but yet another alleged "expert" who does not know that the Bills drafted Everett last year to be their playmaking TE.



    Of course!


    We all KNOW that 3rd round project Kevin Everett, who was projected as mediocre on draft day, and blew out his knee in mini-camp and has never played a down in this league; must be our guy :P

  18. About a month ago I posted my Top-15 draft board. Everyone seems to have their own with different players ranked at different places. Here's mine; tell me what you think and post yours:


    1.) Reggie Bush, RB USC

    2.) Vince Young, QB Texas

    3.) D'Brickashaw Ferguson, OT Virginia

    4.) Matt Leinart, QB USC

    5.) Mario Williams, DE N.C. State

    6.) A.J. Hawk, LB Ohio State

    7.) Vernon Davis, TE Maryland

    8.) DeAngelo Williams, RB Memphis

    9.) Jay Cutler, QB Vanderbilt

    10.) Michael Huff, S/CB Texas

    11.) Haloti Ngata, DT Oregon

    12.) Lendale White, RB USC

    13.) Tamba Hali, DE Penn State

    14.) Chad Greenway, OT Iowa

    15.) Santonio Holmes, WR Ohio State

  19. I know Kevin Mawae's getting up there in age, but I don't think we can just plug Duke Preston in there quite yet. Especially since he was used as a Guard all last season :)


    Kevin Mawae could be good for a year or two until we feel the Duke of Preston is ready. With how HORRENDOUS our line is, we can't afford to put in a 4th round (for all intensive purposes...) Rookie in there and hope he's ready to go.

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