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Posts posted by bills_fan

  1. My mother-in-law just purchased a pocket one, which apparently is new technology. That way you can carry it with you just in case. The only drawback is that since its new its pretty expensive (300-400 bucks). If you are interested, I'll ask her where she got it (I'm sure it was a website).


    My wife also has asthma and we purchased one a few years ago at a basic drugstore for about 85 bucks. Its the normal size unit, but you just can't carry it with you. If you are in Buffalo, there is a mediacl supply store on Hertel or Kenmore (can't remember which) in N. Buffalo thats pretty good and reasonably cheap.

  2. Good point...at least with Milloy in there we will give the illusion that we're not soft in the deep middle....



    I read where Peter King was writing an article about the biggest impact injuries to teams. I think Milloy missing 4 games certainly qualifies.

  3. With Milloy in the lineup, we could have a winning record. Seriously. This D is vulnerable in the deep middle. Thats the soft spot. Milloy is indispensible in that area.


    Consider the following...


    1- Think Milloy would have been providing Clements with over the top help vs. Jax on the play Jimmy Smith caught the ball. At least Smith would have had to worry about Milloy laying him out. Wire was nowhere to be seen.


    2- Think Milloy would get beat by Ronald Curry in the back of the Raider end zone?? Or in the 4th quarter on the long pass that led to the FG???


    3- Where to begin vs. NE??? Brady took advantage of the deep middle all day, 1st and 35 and you get 44??? There were other examples. Not saying we win the game, but played better and give ourselves more of a shot.


    4- No way the refs flag a vet like Milloy on a cheesy pass interference penalty in the Jet end zone in the 2nd quarter. No obvious push, just a hand on the back. No way.


    With Milloy, we're sitting at least at 2-2 and maybe 3-1. He is a huge part of the pass defense, which has been sorely lacking.

  4. I don't hate him, and as a matter of fact, I liked alot of his moves that he made at the time........HOWEVER......


    What I don't like is that he came in here with an excuse of cleaning up Butler's mess. He fixed that cap hell, and we are still failing 3 years later. So, it's getting harder to trust him.


    Also, he rode in and tried to strip everything that was precious to the Bills fan. And he did that so he could put his stamp on the franchise and it's not working.


    He got rid of some of our better players. Almost to a point to make it so that his regime had picked all the players that will get us back on the right track.


    He changed the uniforms. There was nothing wrong with the old one's. Our road uni's are the sickest looking uniforms in the league now. Changed the field color. Wanted to get rid of the Shout song. Changed the way we get season tickets. They used to come in a box with goodies that you could collect. Now, it's pretty much crap, IF it does make it to your house in the first place.


    He was quick and cocky in the way he came in to change things, and now that they aren't panning out, we all are wanting back some of the ole days!


    We were a little bit down when he got here, but it wasn't like he hit rock bottom with this franchise. Now look where we are. Tough to take.



    I couldn't agree more with this post. He came in and said he was going to return the franchise to glory, even though we had been to the playoffs in 10 of the last 13 years under John Butler and Bill Polian. We were not very far removed from the team that Polian predicted would represent the AFC in the Super Bowl in 99 if we beat Tennessee.


    It was entirely his way or the highway, and popular and productive players were cut (Big Ted) or let go on less than ideal terms (Steve Christie). All the while he was trying to change what the Bills were all about, making it his franchise and not simply continuing the successes built by others.


    Hence the hideous uniform change (which I still refuse to buy). Hence the loss of the season ticket boxes. I didn't hear that about the Shout song, but it wouldn't suprise me. Where did you hear that?


    Finally, when an experienced, proven Hall of Fame coach decided he'd like another shot at the Bills (Marv Levy), Ol Whitey said thats nice, now go play some golf. Not a real nice way to treat a man who has won more games for the Bills than Ol Whitey ever will. I'm suprised Ralph didn't step in there.


    As far as the business end of it, is it really that difficult to sell water in the desert??? Bills fans will pack the stadium regardless. Our passion for the team is unrivaled and the successes of the 1987-1999 era only fueled that passion more. Expanding the fan base regionally could be the only positive thing he's really done for the business of the Bills.


    In free agency Ol Whitey has been fine, with the exception of woefully neglecting the offensive line. The draft, well, thats a different matter. He has Gilbrided each second round pick since his first draft. I'm at the point where I hope he deals each and every second round pick the rest of his short, hopefully, career here in Buffalo. Finding gems in the later rounds, well, only Kevin Thomas and Terrence McGee have worked out well, since his first draft. Ol Whitey's draft record is pretty poor.


    Hence, it may be time for a wholesale change. I hope we could try and lure Ron Wolf out of retirement. I don't know. It may be time to start the search for a new GM, who will return the Bills to glory, and hopefully, restore some sembalance of tradition along the way.

  5. I have actually been to the place in Park Slope. Its not a bad little place, with pretty good wings. It is on 5th Avenue and the guy hangs a Bills flag outside of the bar on Sundays so its easy to find. Its really not a big place (I think it could hold a maximum of about 30 people) and is more of a small diner that serves beer and Crown Royal than a true bar. I've only been there twice, but the owner is a nice guy and is from either Tonawanda or Kenmore, I can't remember.

  6. Where exactly is Sliders in relation to the Stadium? We're probably driving in Sat, partying in the inner harbor Sat nite, then going to the Stadium to tailgate. We need to scalp some tix but won't be a problem.


    Ahhhh, Primanti Brothers!! Love the Burgh, but if you want to try something better try FatHeads on the South Side. Might I recommend the South Side Slopes Sandwich. Two pierogis, Polish Sausage, onions and horseradish on a sandwich as big as a plate. Its fantastic.




  7. And that's not to mention the Salen's hot dogs, beef on weck and 13 kegs of Molson Candadian and Labatt Blue the group also had


    They forgot to mention the 9.5 bottles of Crown Royal we polished off. I think I got home about 1:30 AM after the Raider game and Monday was no fun.

  8. I'll give you one of the best lineups but if you think that Woody Williams, Carpenter or Morris would stand a snoball's chance in hell against Houston, the Yanks or the BlowSox lineups you've been hanging with Ricky Williams too much!!

  9. I was two-thirds of the way through my version when you posted, bastard.


    Well, hell, throw it up there. More than one of us can have the same original thought at the same time. Its a great song and appropriate for this team.

  10. Man, I wanted to do something with that-but figured I couldn't keep it going. Thanks for picking up my six.  Excellent work.


    I wanted to do it two days ago but didn't have time to write it. Figured if noone did, I would yesterday.


    if I don't know the tune it still is a pretty good poem


    Sorry, American Pie, Don McLean

  11. Here ya go!!


    Bye, Bye Super Bowl Dream


    A long, long time ago

    I can still remember

    How the Bills used to make me smile

    And I knew if we had one more chance

    That Marv could make our fans dance

    And maybe they'd be happy for a while


    But now the Bills make me shiver

    With every loss they deliver

    Bad news on the doorstep

    I can’t watch one more rep


    I can't remember if I cried

    When that damn kick sailed wide

    But something touched me deep inside

    The day the dream died


    So bye, bye Super Bowl Dream

    Drove my Chevy to the Ralph for Whitey’s regime

    Them good old boys at the Big Tree did scream

    Screamin' this’ll be the day, a win for our team,

    This’ll be the day, a win for our team


    Did you watch without saying God Almighty

    And do you have faith in Flighty Whitey

    If ole Ralph tells you so

    And do you believe in running the ball

    Can running save Drew from a fall

    And can blocking be taught by a man named McNally


    Well I know that Mularkey likes to gamble

    'Cause why else, would Drew have to scramble

    You knew it was 4th and three

    Man, I just have to disagree


    Man that Drew sure can chuck

    But then he just has to duck

    Wrong team, what a schmuck

    The day the dream died


    I started singin'

    Bye, bye Super Bowl Dream

    Drove my Chevy to the Ralph for Whitey’s regime

    Them good old boys at the Big Tree did scream

    Screamin' this’ll be the day, a win for our team,

    This’ll be the day, a win for our team


    Now for five years we've been a joke

    And Whitey’s team knows how to choke

    But that's not how it used to be

    When Kelly played for Marv and Bill

    In a scheme that produced such a thrill

    The Ralph rocked, cause of you and me


    Oh and while the opponents were looking around

    Kelly led the Bills to holy ground

    51-3 and the game was adjourned

    A decisive verdict was returned

    And while Kelly sat one out

    Frank Reich proved more than stout

    The Greatest Comeback left no doubt

    The day the dream died


    We were singin'

    Bye, bye Super Bowl Dream

    Drove my Chevy to the Ralph for Whitey’s regime

    Them good old boys at the Big Tree did scream

    Screamin' this’ll be the day, a win for our team,

    This’ll be the day, a win for our team


    Gregg had airhorns in a summer swelter

    Killdrive taught offense that was helter skelter

    The players tried for a forward pass

    And Drew landed hard on the grass

    17 up 31 down and falling fast

    With Whitey, our success was not meant to last


    The offseason he gave us great hope

    Only to watch our Bills play high on dope

    I’m a fan and how can I cope,

    Please just pass over a rope

    ‘Cause our players tried to take the field

    The opponents just refused to yield

    Do you recall what was revealed

    The day the dream died


    We started singin'

    Bye, bye Super Bowl Dream

    Drove my Chevy to the Ralph for Whitey’s regime

    Them good old boys at the Big Tree did scream

    Screamin' this’ll be the day, a win for our team,

    This’ll be the day, a win for our team


    Oh in there we were all in one place

    But the Bills were such a disgrace

    With no time left to start again

    So come on Drew be nimble,

    Drew be quick

    Drew just fumbled then threw another pick

    Ralph is Whitey’s only friend

    Oh and as I watched them try to engage

    My hands were clenched in fists of rage

    No football coach born in hell

    Could break that Whitey’s spell

    And as the Bills just failed to take flight

    And there was no white knight

    I saw Whitey laughing with delight

    The day, the dream died


    He was singin'

    Bye, bye Super Bowl Dream

    Drove my Chevy to the Ralph for Whitey’s regime

    Them good old boys at the Big Tree did scream

    Screamin' this’ll be the day, a win for our team,

    This’ll be the day, a win for our team


    I met Kelly who sang the blues

    And he passed me a bottle of booze

    And he just turned away

    I went down to the sacred Ralph

    Where I’d heard Shout! years before

    But Whitey said the music wouldn't play

    And in the streets the children screamed

    The fans cried and noone dreamed

    But not a word was spoken

    The Ralph’s spell were broken

    And the three men I admire most

    Bruce, Andre and Thurman

    They caught the last train for the coast

    The day, the dream died


    They were singin'

    Bye, bye Super Bowl Dream

    Drove my Chevy to the Ralph for Whitey’s regime

    Them good old boys at the Big Tree did scream

    Screamin' this’ll be the day, a win for our team,

    This’ll be the day, a win for our team

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