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Posts posted by bills_fan

  1. Smart move. Prioleau isn't a front line Safety and Reese is just putrid. Last week, Reese had a shot at a sideline INT and just jogged to the spot . I saw a couple of our Coaches on the sidelines just snap. He didn't lay out and had a great shot at it. He sealed his fate.


    I didn't see that. Hmmmmm....TV could help TMcGee in coverage and we could lock down 1 receiver and Clements could take another. That would be a pretty sweet pass defense. I just hope Greer and/or Thomas come up big in the nickel and dime.

  2. All right, you want a funny one....


    Senior year of college, spring break. My fraternity gets a group deal to Cancun. I'm dating a girl (we'll call her Jill) at the time whose sorority gets the same deal to Cancun. We discuss and basically say that we're in college, lets go to spring break with no commitments to each other, have fun and see what happens. I'm there with about 20 guys and we have 5 rooms next to each other. So our room is on the first floor, near the pool at the Oasis. We have a little deck, that we used to play drinking games on.


    All right, first nite we all go out to Senor Frogs and get loaded (Gee there's a suprise). We happen to meet some nice looking sorority girls from Iowa, and we're all walking down the beach at 4 AM. People are basically pairing off and I end up back at my room with girl. We start going at it on the bed, butt naked by this point, and the door to the room opens. In walks Jill, completely bombed and trying to make a booty call herself, and says, honey how could you, I thought we had something going. Well the girl from Iowa that I was screwing basically grabbed her clothes and tore outta there, eyes as big as saucers, after calling me an !@#$.


    It comes to find out that Jill was just horney and wanted a little something for herself, and didn't want to wait. She said she saw my naked ass bouncing up and down and didn't want me to finish. I gladly obliged her, of course. Well, Jill turned out to be a little nuts and tried to pull the same stevestojan the next nite. It didn't work as I just hooked up on the beach. My fraternity brothers said she was loaded and came back to our room about 5 am and waited for me till I came back from crashing out on the beach till 8 am.


    Well, Jill was pissed and we had a little chat. She said she didn't want to do the open thing in Cancun anymore. I said I'm in Cancun on spring break and I'm going to have fun. She then proceeds to launch a bottle of tequila at me, I duck and it goes through the window of our place (I told you she was a little nuts). Well security comes over and I have to now pay for the window. Didn't speak to Jill the rest of the week.


    When I got back to college, she tried to act as if nothing happened, but we ended up as 4 AM hook up buddies the rest of the semester. I guess the bottom line there is not to bring a book to library, but it was a pretty fun week, and trust me, there are plenty of other girls out there, to let one who broke up with you get you down.

  3. ACTION will correct this, not wishful thinking. LET JMac move Mike Williams to LG like he wanted. Put Price in at Tackle and that is a start. Sign us a real friggin Center this offseason and we are ahead in the game.


    Move Vincent to FS and sign a stud CB in FA. keep Mcgee returning kicks and as our nickle back. Replace Bledsoe with JP. All of these are damn good strides to get to where we want to go. The Question is....Will RW let go of Bledsoe? Will TD's EGO lessen enough to move his #4 pick to LG? Who knows?


    I agree with you about MW and the tackles, but not in the middle of the season. It will happen and our OL will be improved for next year. I disagree about signing a stud CB, not enough cap room and Clements must be extended. My feelings regarding JP/Bledsoe were posted last week.


    Right now, this team, the bulk of whom will be here for the foreseeable future, needs to get some confidence and win some games. If its against the Arizonas and Miamis to start so be it. Now lets take it to the Jets. Then lets win a road game. We have to start somewhere. Go Bills.

  4. Man there was a time we throught we could be ANYONE. that is where I want to get back to. Now fans are happy with beating two teams with 3 wins between them????


    We ALL want to get back to that point. But we have to start somewhere. And this is as good a place as any. Maybe the Baltimore game was rock bottom and now we're on the way up. If it took Mularkey 4 games to figure himself and this team out, and now we're gonna go on a winning streak circa 1998, so be it. But all streaks must start with one game and I have no problems saying Go Bills, nice win, now beat the Jets!!

  5. Well, I think that signing a T and drafting one would be the right thing to do. If our interior OL next year was


    LG - MW

    C - Teague/Tucker

    RG - Villarial


    I could live with that. Price is a good backup T and could be a starter to let a rook develop. But LT's are very expensive and I would rather see us try and extend Clements and sign Phat Pat than a FA. Any FA RT out there? Hopefully we can draft a Munoz high in the 2nd round.

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