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Posts posted by sfladave

  1. Bozanna's Hamburg. Ya baby!

    I ordered a couple pizzas there last year and they way overloaded the toppings! The pepperoni completely covered the pizza and was seriously over an inch deep in pepperoni. They don't skimp on product but it was thoughly unenjoyable because the pepperoni dominated the taste.


    BTW I have to vote for Ninos in Hamburg as the best with Maxis on Rt 5 a close 2nd.

  2. Yes, Chris Carter was released by Buddy Ryan in Philly

    I believe Carter had a serious problem with either alcohol or drugs at the time.


    BTW I think this is a good pick up for some much needed depth! Barring a trade how does the FO bring in someone for the line that has veteren experience? Runyan and the other OTs being talked about have been in to visit and the FO passed, that tells me they don't see them as good fits. Runyan will probably sign for about 6 million/yr or less if he gets any offers at all and I don't think that is problem for the Bills if they thought he could do the job.

  3. that's what scares me the most. I liked what I saw today, but we beat a bad team who kept killing themselves time and time again.

    I agree Tampa did hurt themselves a lot....BUT I think much of that was the Bills playing an all out attack defense! I cannot remember the last time they blitzed that often.


    The Bills came out fired up for this game and while the offense seemed to get a bit sluggish in the 2nd and 3rd quarters the defense seemed to keep the pace up for the entire game.

  4. Sorry for the stupid thread, but anyone have the link to the article where it compare pos from this season to last (his neck).



    It is still between his head and his shoulders.


    I couldn't find a link to validate this but I feel confident in my answer anyway!

  5. I'm pretty sure the first game plan will be Turk Schonert's game plan. They've already been preparing for the Pats*. I doubt they change it up at this point.

    I think Turks firing speaks volumes about what they thought of his game plan. Jauron made comments at the press conference yesterday about being focused on different things and being more aggressive.


    I think that was a glaring goodbye Turk game plan!

  6. I like the Irish...but I was never impressed with Quinn. His downfield passes looked like punts, his decision making was always suspect.


    He was WAY over-hyped pre-draft and he fell to late in the 1st for a reason, most teams wouldn't have picked him with their 2nd or possibly their 3rd round pick!


    It would be a clasic Buffalo move to trade for him though, settling for someone else's garbage!

  7. I'm not so sure it was the system that was the problem more so than the play calling.

    Good point.

    Most teams have the same basic plays and a few they've created to utilize their strengths or to hide their weaknesses.

    The big difference is an OCs ability to call the right plays, something I have not seen so far this preseason.


    Perhaps Trent's comments about doing what he is coached with the taking what the defenses give me approach was all Turk. It would be nice to see AVP give Trent a vote of confidence to take shots down the field!

  8. What's a rational thought? Perhaps you can provide a link from this board that highlights one. I'll wait.

    It is easier to understand what many here believe to be rational thought is in fact rational ignorance.


    Rational ignorance: Choosing to remain uninformed because the marginal cost of obtaining the information is higher than the marginal benefit of knowing it.


    Commonly practiced by hicks that don't wish to change their point of views about ANYTHING.

  9. Now wait a minute, these guys like to play together sir! aND THEY ARE GREAT ON fRIDAYS.


    I would say, cut Kelsay right away, then really put a shock to the system, trade Whitner if they can get something for him, otherwise cut him and if available re-sign him later to the vet minimum contract.


    Maybe let Florence go too, he sucks actually if you ever watched him in San Diego.


    Kelsay is actually a negative when he is out there, and Whitner adds very little.

    What would be the purpose of making these cuts in your grand plan?


    Please elaborate how you think this will help us?

  10. Are you kidding? He now has to prove that the holdout didn't do irreparable harm to his rookie season.

    So you're saying that we should hate him until he proves otherwise???? :beer:


    It seems to me that some people around here are treating Maybin like he has personally done them a SERIOUS injustice!


    I wish that Maybin was in camp on day 1 and I know it WILL slow his ability to contribute to the team... but HATE him!


    Come on people!

  11. You don't question me, you resort to pathetic personal attacks.

    Good to see you're taking the high road here!


    Oh wait...


    Here's a little advice for you zazie. Move out of your mom's basement and stop stalking women? by the way,its not normal to pleasure yourself to a "Guns 'N' Ammo" magazine.


    I just know your some 40 year old fat slob, sitting there in front of the computer in his underwear eating a bucket of chicken. I also bet you pleasure yourself to a Bruce Smith poster.


    Because its a blog! If you want you can spell check my text messages? I'll give you $.50, so maybe one day you can move out of your mom's basement. Maybe even find a nice hooker that you can marry?


    I'm sorry didn't mean to offend all the blogging virgins here!


    "stupider than stupid"? Oh my little retard!


    Hey Captain Caveman, Do you dress up in your mom's cloths and fornicate?


    When do you realize that with a name like "Captain Caveman" Lance Bass would call you a closet homosexual.


    Captain Caveman? I bet they call you that at the Blue Oyster. You should just call yourself captian Fellatio!


    What a collection of work...all from just this topic. There were 4 others but I was limited on the # of quotes I can enter. This is not the type of behavior I want to experience at this forum. If you continue with these personal attcks I hope you are banned for life from TSW.

  12. I like him, but he is overpaid. I hope Maybin is a good gunner on punt and kickoff coverage, lord knows he shouldn't see the field this year.

    Do you think Maybin plays in the first 6 games?

    I think if he does sign soon and he stays healthy he will playin every game this year. I will clarify that he will almost certainly only be used in a situation role in obvious passing downs initially.

  13. I understand what you're trying to say, but this is a completely different scenario. He didn't make a bad decision and then have some bad luck. He made a multitude of conscious decisions to live a dual life of organized crime. Granted, maybe not on the level of the mafia. But, organized criminal activity for years, none the less.


    Sure we've all done some dumb things in our lives and hope for forgiveness. But, I'd say Vick's transgressions are a little more deliberate and, theefore, a little harder for some to forgive. Don't get me wrong; I'm not trying to judge or forgive him. I figure that's for someone other than me. I'm just trying to wrap my brain around what's best for a silly little sport like football.

    Vick did make a multitude of bad decisions, I have no respect for him or what he stands for.




    Vick will be grabbed by a nfl team immediately as soon as teams have a right to do so.


    He will also get a decent buck for doing so, probably with multiple incentive clauses.


    While not worthy of most #1 positions on any NFL team he WILL draw tickets and TV coverage, end of story...however a pack of dogs will dispose of my theory post haste or so I hope


    I'm just saying

  14. So, if Vick didn't do any jail time, but decided to take a year off and tour Europe, does that still count as suspension?


    The league has repeatedly said they don't have to comment on any possible suspension for Vick because he's in jail and it's a mute point. If the jail time was part of his suspension, why didn't they say he's currently serving a 2 year suspension? Fact is, Goodell dodged the issue for 2+ years and now hands down a "slap on the wrist" punishment.

    Who here has had a couple drinks, but maybe just a little over the legal limit, then has then driven home?

    What if...

    You accidently killed someone on your way home or someone in your car? Is this a more serious offense than what Vick did? How many people here have put themselves in this situation? What if?


    Most of us here are probably guilty of the "thank god it didn't happen to me" mentioned above. What if your drive home resulted in tragedy? I may be much more responsible now, BUT I also know I have not chosen the wise path through some parts of my life.


    I suspect some here will think they are righteously proclaiming that they are casting the first stone at Vick, but I suspect most here cannot cast that stone with good conscience.


    Seriously... who here can claim a perfect life with the perfect right to summarily judge anyone?????


    I laugh and then cry at some of the posts from people who proclaim complete disassociation to anything due to (insert any topic here) tarnishing the image they hold.


    I do have to add that, I do believe in what I'm saying above, BUT in all honesty, the human in me says that I hope Michael Vick does get killed by a pack of dogs while he is jogging through a park!


    I'm just saying.

  15. Cmon now, how stupid is this logic. A suspension results only when a player is available to play in a game and is not allowed to. That is, the suspension prevents him from playing in the game, when he otherwise could have played. You cannot "suspend" a person when the person cannot play anyways. It makes no sense. It would be like firing someone for not being at work when they are vacation---you have no logical expectation that employee will be at work, yet you hold that against them in some way...


    If the guy can't play anyways because he is jail, you can't logically argue that he has been "suspended" that whole time. A suspension only counts when the player is missing games that he otherwise would have played in.

    While I agree with what you're saying in principle, I think that the NFL does consider the sentance he served as time served for them also, the 4 games are a token gesture.


    You also have to consider the fact that the NFL is also dealing with a work force that has an average work life span of 1 to 4 years on average. This is probably a very generous estimate on the players behalf.


    Like Michael Vick or not, he deserves a chance at rehabilitation just as much as anyone else does.*


    That being said, I hope he is killed by a pack of dogs while he is taking a jog through a park!




    *The Pats* still cheat and I consider that a MUCH bigger offense to the league!

  16. Good article on front page of TBD this a.m. about the primary reason the Bills won't likely have all picks in camp by Saturday -- they're the first team to report (by four days), and most teams won't report for another week. With so many unsigned top picks, the "slotting" is not established and it's a more difficult process.


    I wouldn't be surprised if the first week of camp does not include our top two or three picks -- and I won't be wringing my hands over it either. Bills' camp is a week longer this year.

    I agree with you completely about any concern about not having our picks signed by the opening of our training camp.


    I'll just mention 1 single fact... there is a MASSIVE difference between the currently signed lower round picks and the #1 overall pick! Slotting is very important for all the top 2 round picks. The Bills are screwed here because of the Hall of Fame game.


    Maybin should not be in camp unless he is signed and that will probably not happen until he is near his slot in the signing process. Don't expext to see him untill when the rest of the training camps begin.


    Slotting is perhaps the 1 thing the NFL has done correctly with the signing of rookie picks. Now if only they can figure out how to limit rookie salaries and prolong their tenure, we may have an even better product to enjoy!


    I'm just saying.

  17. I like the trick plays they used to run when Gregg was coach - you know, the ones we didn't even know were trick plays?


    What a jack-a$$ that coach was!

    Yeah but he blew the airhorn to wake players up durring training camp! :thumbsup:


    Now we've done a 180 degree turn...


    "Jauron whispers in everyone's ear that it is wake up time, I'm hear to make sure you're comfortable and happy... but not hungry!


    We're friends right?


    I inspire you....RIGHT!"


    I'm just saying...


    I'm also sticking with the same 13-3 record that I predicted every year for LA's pool sinse it's inception...

    F*** those Pats*!

    Cheatin'* sons of beaches*!


    * see patriots*


    * see above

  18. The key to winning TO over is to treat him like you are in a relationship with a woman. Woman love listener's and i think TO is the same. YOu need to listen to what he says when he starts to rant. Make sure you throw in a few "I understand" statements and you are golden.


    TO likes to complain i think everyone knows that but if the players let it bother them it becomes an issue. Just let him be and you will be fine.

    This may have been the approach Garcia took with him and that didn't end well!

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