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Everything posted by DFITZ1

  1. Hey, the guy played more than a decade in the league and brought NE back to respectability after Steve Grogan retired. After Flutie, he was the only Bills QB that generated a legitimate playoff shot (succumbing in the last game against Pittsburg under Mularkey), and generally ran the offense well, and could audibilize (something TE CAN do). Brought back the Cowboys after leaving the Bills. Unfortunately, his stone feet made him a target for bull rushes.
  2. Sully and his sidekick are the reason I read the the Rochester D&C writers (Roth, Maiorana, etc). The know football. The News writers sound like barstool know-it-alls wh don't. The mythical Clif Claven of "Cheers" makes more sense.
  3. Then doesn't the team (especially Jauron) owe it to him to help pull his head out since because of them it was so rudely inserted. Unfortunately, I think he and AVP are still stuck with a lot of Turk and DJ's checkdown schemes and its going to take the bye week to start undoing that. Canning Turk so close to the openning game is too late to re-install a new offense. AVP is probably using Turk's offense, but calling the plays better. Another clue - notice that TO is blaming the play calls, not the QB, as he used to. TE may well be doing what his head coach wants.
  4. A good point, he would be a worthy write-in. However, I don't think he was never projected a "franchise starting QB" as in expected to start multiple seasons. The ones I picked were ones the "grey matter" trust anointed the teams future starting QB at some point. He was certainly better than Todd Collins, and better than other QB busts of the past like Vince Ferrogammo or Joe Dufek, for example.
  5. This sounds like double talk. First you say TE has to pull his head out of his rear, then in teh next sentence you say the team ruined him. Which one is it? Is Trent the sole cause of the QB problems, or did the o-line cause the QB problems and TE just happens to be the unlucky guy holding the ball at the moment ?
  6. We should win. Fins will be hurting offensively, and our defense has played well (they cut NO's point per game production in half, and most of that after the offense tanked). Last year, we lost in Miami because Jauron and Fewell foolishly lined up an injured McGee against Ginn, and Ginn had the game of his life because of that, and DJ showed his consistent game adjustment skills and did nothing. McGee even admitted he was only 80%. In the following weeks, he was a lockdown corner again. Also, we are playing a below .500 team, the darling opponents of any 7-9 team.
  7. So Moorman's ahead of JP at this point (OK, just 2-1). Next thing you know Ryan Denney will be the starting TE.
  8. Is Trent Edwards being run out of town just because he's not Jim Kelly. Since JK retired, the Bills fans (including myself)have anointed and dethroned a whole host of QB's. Some weren't good, some were at teh end of their careers, some showed a few great attributes but not enough to make it. While TE may STILL not be the long term answer (hey, Eli Manning looked miserable for 2-3 years and now owns a ring, thanks in part to a OC who the Bills ran out of town), is he really that bad? Here's my take at the list. 1. T Collins - great arm, no feel for the game. Good back-up only (regenerated playing career at WAS, but not a starter). 2. Rob Johnson - Great arm, good speed, slow feel for the game, held onto the ball too long, body constructed of cheap porcelain. 3. Doug Flutie - best since Kelly IMO. Consummate winning attitude, even if abrasive. Great feel for teh game, quick and could improvise. Good arm, but not accurate long. Overcame short height, but strong defenses could counter. Last QB to lead Bills to playoffs. 4. Drew Bledsoe - great arm, good feel for the game, feet made of heavy stone. Needed max protection to excell. Best since Flutie, but at end of his career. 5. JP Losman - see Rob Johnson. Held onto the ball too long, did not check down enough. Poor feel for the game. 6. Trent - good arm, good feel for the game, check's down too much, but doesn't get sacked like JP did. Knows how to audiblize. 7 Moorman - A punter!? why not!? Only 2 passes (that I know of) and both for TD's My opinion, best is Flutie, followed by Bledsoe, then TE. However, TE may have more potential, but needs to show soon.
  9. The o-line being atrocious feeds into the QB being atrocious. Trent had less of a chance of success in the last couple series because he had to play shortstop more than QB. Your response even confirms that. An atrocious o-line performance is more than an "oh, by teh way" in regards to criticizing TE.
  10. I can't find the article, but after Turk was canned, a reporter checked Turk's record and found all QB's he coached fell off in performance (almost ruined, in some cases) during his tenure. Several rebounded once leaving his "tuteledge". I'm just afraid if we run Edwards out of town, we will just start another 3 year cycle of high QB expectations followed by being shown the door. Maybe its something else. BTW - Brees overthrew an open receiver deep today, too.
  11. That was the last year teh Bills had a meaningful game in January, where they tanked against the Steelers. We've had two good chances to have "big wins" this year. The NE loss falls largely on the coaches (no help from McKelvin), and today's falls mostly on the players, but once again, DJ removed any chance to comeback by punting on 4th and 1.
  12. Also check JP's stats. That's why he's in Vegas. Edwards needs to get the ball deep, but he had no o-line help late in the game (a bowling roll gets more air than those snaps) and I'm not so sure the plays are best designed to get the WR's open. We've run Collins, Flutie, Johnson, Bledsoe, and JP out of town mostly because they weren't Jim Kelly. Running out Edwards now only repeats the cycle.
  13. A perfect example of how DJ cannot manage a game. No one in the bar where we watched the game needed a calculator to know that punting at that point would essentially put the game out of reach except for some dramatic play.
  14. 1. Replace Jauron with a coach more passionate about winning than fearful of losing; plus competent with game management. This team has taken on Jaurons lax personality and will not win big games until it gets a coach who wants to win more than he fears to lose. 2. Rehire Rusty Jones - when Rusty was strength and Conditioning Coach, there were far fewer injuries. Yes, injuries are a part of football, but during the 90's, injuries were fewer in number. 3. Open the wide receivers. Are they permanant decoys? Perhaps AVP is stuck with too much of Turk's mess. I'm not sure how much the problem is the pass patterns or Edwards. No sense in Edwards throwing deep into triple coverage just to say he threw deep. 4. Don't play soft on 3rd down. We were better today, but too many times teh CB's play 5 yds behind teh ist down marker. Guess what happens, an easy first down. 5. Give the o-line and Edwards time to undo Turk Schonert's damage. Not enough time to install a real offense. AVP deserves a medal for what he's done thus far. Unfortunately, this can't be fixed until teh bye week. 6. Trade Parrish. Big bucks, not enough bang. 7. A circle of protection for Marshawn Lynch when he's OFF the field.
  15. It's that they consistently do not play smart (for 60 minutes at least). That's why they were 7-9 the last 3 years. Several losses were attributed to game management blunders.
  16. I've seen too many Bills wins squandered in the last minutes to accept a "quality loss". Some may say we played well, but as of going up 11 points, we were suppose to win this game, and losing, even in a quality manner is just not acceptable, if we want to make the playoffs. Quality Losses = Mediocrity and golf in January. You may disagree with me, but too many bonehead game mangement mistakes have turned wins into quality losses, and that falls on head coach. That's my reason for canning Jauron as soon as possible. It doesn't matter who the players are, this team will lose more than it wins.
  17. I don't think the game plan called for getting 2 roughing the passer penalties that extended drives. The Bills had breaks, and teh Pats had dropped balls, too. I don't question teh offensive game plan. Defensively they were better, but late in the game the D started playing soft, and the coaches were complacent about protecting the ball on the kick-off. Again, what happened at the end of this game has happened way too often under Jauron to just blame the players. Losing this way is not an anomally for this team.
  18. The Bills were getting consistently beaten underneath and made no adjustment. Brady knew his TE would have Elison on him and took advantage of it. We didn't play to lose, but compared to the Pats, we play stupid, and that's how we have consistently lost tight games under Jauron. McKelvin would have been well aware what to do in any situation on the kick-off if he played on a well coached team.
  19. True, he needs more good games, but he found the end zone and kept drives alive. At the end, the Pats new they could be aggressive (something DJ would not do) and in a sense, Edwards was put in a bad position due to yet another end of game coaching gaffe (I do blame McKelvin, but the coaches should instructed him to take a touch back, a knee, or head to teh sideline; other teams do that.) My feeling is that DJ's coaching blunders better positions his team to fail than succeed.
  20. The defense also gave up many long drives. Kudos to their 4th down stands, but they were soft underneath most of the 2nd half and Brady took advantage of that play after play. The problem is, Jauron consistently loses close games, and due to mistakes, more than being beat. It's happened too much. Time for him to go.
  21. He should have played aggressively on defense, and made sure the ball was protected on the kick-off. I wouldn't feel as strongly as I do about blaming Jauron if not for the fact this is typical. The Bills typically lose close games due to poor game management, questionable play calls, and poor decisions. If it happens once, it's the players, but on the Bills its a typical way to lose, and that's the coaches.
  22. Jauron and staff cost the Bills 3-4 games last year be it game day decisions, clock management, or poor game planning. This game proved Turk was a waste. AVP proved his mettle, and so did Edwards. They were let down by Jauron, Fewell and I hate to say April. Sure, McKelvin should not have fumbled, but in that situation, smart NFL coaches make sure the player takes a knee or heads to teh sidelines. McKelvin did the wrong thing as much by his coaches as himself. Jauron needs to go tomorrow.
  23. After having my win expectations just about sealed, I knew, eventually, Jauron would go stupid. The defense stopped playing aggressive. The pass rush didn't exist. The DB's played too far back, and they let the TE run against Elison which is a mismatch. On the fumbled kick-off, we all said, just down it, but McKelvin foolishly brings it out to the middle, and made no attempt to protect the ball. Meanwhile, Jauron just looks dumb on the sidelines, and the D made no adjustments and Brady already knew how to pick it apart. They went from aggressive to non-aggressive and may see this game be the difference between the playoffs and the golf course. Collectively, this team has taken on the personality of their coach, passive and stupid. McKelvin would not have run the ball out on Belichek's team. He wouldn't even had thought of it. This represents the 3rd straight monday night game the Bills have lost in the last 2 minutes due to poor game management. I do give due respect to teh AVP and Edwards. They played smart all game, only to have DJ let them down. If TO runs his mouth off on the D and special teams, I'll support him. Winners don't accept that kind of bumbling. We saw that Turk might well have been one weak link. If Ralph wants to make the playoffs, replace the next weak link and let Jauron go tomorrow.
  24. Agree completely! On Belechek's team KcKelvin would have been told to take a knee or not out there. This is teh 3rd MNF game the Bills lost on account of poor game management by DJ. Any self-respecting GM would fire a coach with that record.
  25. Exactly! I wonder if the repeat season ticket buyers feel the same. Off topic, new yorkers meet this definition by continuing to vote for the same legislators.
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