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Posts posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. So...there was an alleged meeting and an ultimatum was given. This was reported. Then news of a contract for Whaley leaked...which hasn't actually happened yet. Then, the Pegulas sent a text stating the ultimatum talk was BS. Now Pegula is apparently telling (or showing) the alleged mole that he is pissed that the initial conversation leaked...not 24 hours after 'personally' denying the conversation actually took place. The 'mole' reports back to Vic again (in the middle of a great deal of public speculation about misquoted sources) and re-affirms the original claim and doubles down with the Pegulas being PO'd now about a conversation they just denied. Vic runs with this again.


    All the while, several other sources are questioning Vic every step of the way with all of them 'vouching' for their own sources.


    Did I miss anything?

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