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Posts posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. Agreed. I just found it funny that the lady that took the box from the child started crying about feeling threatened. :lol:


    She was confused. Her mind was already moving ahead to her Facebook post which has been pre-written in her mind for weeks. It would detail how she got up at 3am and scored thousands in savings....all the while fighting off other shoppers while simultaneously fantasizing about all the comments she would receive. Thus, her 'stealing' from the child in the video is her attempt to validate her pending social media embellishment. Her post would have included many pics of her valuable merchandise and approximately one thousand 'likes' from her idiot friends. Internet affirmation would have been obtained and she would be worshipped for days. Alas, it was not to be and her 'dream' was in fact threatened.


    There was much more at stake for her than a vegetable steamer.

  2. I am surprised anyone on here bitches about blackfriday. I love it. All the women in the house leave bout 7, come back around 6. I have all day to do whatever the hell I want ....please don't ruin blackfriday internet,


    I snicker...after reading this and pausing to enjoy the current silence of my home. :beer:

  3. Congrats!


    As for names, my wife and I debated right up until our first (we have four now) was born. Shortly after the delivery, the doc asked what we were naming our son. Suffice it to say, my 'set in stone answer' had changed from Joseph to...... 'whatever she wants to name him.'


    Having a family is awesome. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Sammy needs the ball a lot more. He's an elite athlete and has, despite his public asking for more touches (one could argue that this is a good thing), been a model teammate and pro. Quit worrying about how much was given up etc. That's history now. Just throw him the damn ball. I think, if nothing else, that Sammy has established he is capable of catching the ball in traffic and that he need not be 'college open.'

  5. You really think you are that smart, huh? Does anybody else here on this board think Tasker is super smart? Well over the top 1%?


    Hello? Anyone?

    I'll play.


    He seems to be what I'd describe as a non-emotional thinker. This places him well ahead of most people in debate. Do not, however, confuse this with lack of passion on topics. He expresses passion but does not (seem to) allow it to cloud his thoughts. His views are clearly presented and logical across a full spectrum of issues. He, from my remote view, seems to be very intelligent. On occasion, I don't agree with him but I typically have no issue understanding his position.


    .003% intelligent? I have no idea. The fact that a percentage is applied to topic as complex as 'intelligence' is, in itself, a debatable topic. Having said that, we do 'measure it.' If he says so, I haven't seen anything that would make me believe it's out of the realm of possible.

  6. Let the kid let off some steam. He is not hurting anyone. Let him do what he enjoys.


    What is up with this hyper-sensitivity?





    A rookie season filled with partying followed by a stint in rehab...followed by a quasi-domestic situation involving alcohol....followed by this is more than 'letting off steam.' I'm sure I did much worse in college/early twenties (save the fighting the girlfriend) so I'm not viewing his 'weekend of partying' as anything more. However, timing is everything. The Browns just 'handed' him the rest of the season to be the starter. He responded poorly given the circumstances/considerations and expectations.

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