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Posts posted by BillsFanM.D.


    It's only 6 starters actually, as I'm moving Bryant up to starting 5-tech opposite Dareus...nevertheless, that type of turnover omes with the territory when the coach wants to switch schemes I guess.


    I don't expect they'll fill 6 starting spots via FA though; I think 3 is reasonable (WR, NT, ILB).


    If they drat well, they should expect at least 2 starters out of their 7 picks next year.


    Also worth nothing that they'll get depth players like Wynn, Powell, and Steward back next year.


    thanks for the OP. It's good to see a realistic, albeit hypothetical, run at the cap. I like your moves as outlined but think Kyle is back. His knee injury was not 'that bad.' (at least from the view my laptop provides) He had a partial PCL tear and then a subsequent cartilage injury. I think he will work incredibly hard and come back as a sound contributor. In that light, I think we'll get more value out of him at his contract rate than we'd likely find on the street/draft.


    I also wonder where Taylor fits in. With a year left on his deal, do you think they do a deal this offseason along with drafting the 'developmental' guy as you noted? Personally, I'd try to get a larger sample size to evaluate him. He's been way better than I thought he'd be but a premature commitment could really make a mess of our cap. I'd roll the dice and let him get another offseason as 'the guy' and, if all goes well, move to sign him in middle of next season. Could cost more but there's less risk. I also think a guy like Taylor would be 'itching' for that first big deal and willing to sign a 'fair market' (middle of the pack) deal at that point.


    No sweati...I thought that was a bit out of character for you.



    Yes. That was cold...even for a fridge.


    As for the playoffs, I'm still hoping... but we do need Pitt to fall on their collective faces and the Jets to find another loss besides the Bills. The path is dark but not impossible. The Mularkey Bills that got crushed by Pittsburgh should have never had a shot at the playoffs (in the last game). The odds were very, very long but all the stars lined up over the last few weeks. Too bad the Bills blew it.

  3. Imagine how bad this team would be without Tyrod? This year would have been one of the most frustrating in history. Before the year we all talked about how we need someone to "not screw it up" and win playing great defense. As it has turned out the Bills have desperately needed the offense and Tyrod to remain in contention. The record so far may not be too far off of what most projected but this team did not get here how any of us anticipated that they would.

    This board would have melted down were it not for Taylor. As you pointed out, this season would be a nightmare had we not acquired him. I root for whoever the Bills players are...but I was pulling for EJ in preseason and wanted him to start. I'd be blind now to not acknowledge how surprisingly good Taylor has been.



    Whaley went out and got him at Rex's request. There was competition for him and to discredit Whaley's involvement is a show of ignorance.


    Nix released Fitz and brought EJ in. (Tuel & Thad Lewis were also here.)


    Once Whaley took over, he signed Orton and released Lewis & Tuel.


    Whaley also brought in the following for the coaches to see: Kevin Kolb, Matt Leinhart, Vince Young, Alex Tanney, Pat White, Dennis Dixon, Tarvaris Jackson, Kenny Guiton, Jordon Palmer, Matt Flynn, Matt Simms, Matt Cassel, Josh Johnson.


    He has done everything he could do at the QB position - he's brought in a pool of guys for the coaches to choose from (Marone & Rex).


    What Whaley hasn't had is the luxury of a #1 or #2 overall pick in a draft stocked with bona-fide QB's, so he's done the next best thing - go out and bring in as many as possible and let your talent evaluators (coaches) pick the ones they want to go with. That and his last 2 drafts (below) show he can pick quality football players.


    2015: Darby - Miller - Karlos Williams - Steward - O'Leary - Dezmin Lewis (Only Lewis won't get a look-see duing the 2015 season)

    2014: Watkins - Kouandjio - Preston Brown - Cockrell - Richardson - Randell Johnson - Henderson (Cockrell was cut in '15. Jury is still out on OL's Cyrus and Cyril, =though they seem to bring depth - quality as of yet unknown.)


    Whaley also traded for Jerry Hughes, McCoy and brought in Incognito and Harvin,


    If the Bills want to continue in the mediocrity of the last 15 years, they should do what they always do - blow it up and start over every 2-3 years! We need the continuity both Whaley & Rex can bring. The recent pot-stirring by Vic Carucci only heightens our collective anxiety. The Pegula's aren't fools - so that tells me they'll extend Whaley at the end of the season.


    This should be mandatory reading. Whaley, imo, has been a very, very good GM.

  4. You have to accept the potential reward of 'greatness' versus the potential disaster of 'injury.' He's potentially exposed to big hits on every offensive snap. He'd potentially be exposed to big hits on every punt return. Collisions can be epic in either scenario. As a coach, I'd put him back there. The thought of seeing #14 deep in a punt return set is extremely enticing...and something the other team would have to be concerned with. Aside from the obvious benefits of Sammy returning the ball.....It also alters the punt (location, hang time) plan as well as coverage schemes. It's another element the ST coach of the opposition has to worry about and plan for.


    Get 14 the ball!



    I was a big supporter of EJ but that went away real quick after the Jags game. I now think that he’s just too mentally weak to ever become a franchise QB.

    The difference between EJ and Tyrod is that Tyrod is in his fifth year. He has a different bar to clear than EJ did when he was playing regularly. By the 10th game of your fifth year you should be getting close to your prime performance level. What I’m currently seeing is a level of performance in Taylor that’s similar to Fitzpatrick which is very concerning for fans viewing his performance through that type of lens. We don’t want that middling level, we want more than that.
    Having said all that, I want Tyrod Taylor to become “THE MAN” tomorrow. I think that he really needs that signature game where he grabs this team by the lapels and takes over the game with his arm and legs. If they lose tomorrow and Taylor was part of the problem in a “must win” game situation, fans will be left with the feeling that the chances Taylor is the long term answer is slim because he's been in the league for an extended time a already. Basically he’ll start being looked at as the flashy “capable but limited” Fitzpatrick QB model. We are ALL Tyrod Taylor fans tomorrow. I hope that he can cease the moment. Bills fans need to see him do that.
    C’mon Tyrod, be the man tomorrow!


    I'll second that completely.

  6. That's fair and I totally agree. The guy from the Bears that blew out his knee (while getting blown out) doing the "discount double check" was the most ridiculous of all.


    The topic comes up every so often around here and everyone gets really sensitive. I will tread carefully but it always feels like there is a racial undertone when it comes to the topic (and I am white). It has that "thug" feeling to me. I know that everyone will say, "no" and that "I am the one that brought that up" and "it never crossed their minds" but I'm just being honest. It is rare that you hear anyone complain about the aforementioned "discount double check" but Cam Dabbing is a topic on Sportscenter. You rarely hear people talking about Edleman and he may celebrate and taunt more than anyone in the league.


    Maybe it is more of a generational thing. I am 34 and it doesn't bother me at all. My dad is 64 and it annoys him. He doesn't hate it but he kind of gives the eye roll when someone dances. I guess that I just don't understand why someone cares (assuming that it is a big play)?


    Fair points and it's hard to tell. i'm 44 and white and Cam causes me no grief. It's also easy to see how preconceived feelings would cause a person to react differently (as you pointed out).


    There are lots of variables here. Allegiance is a key as well. Brady celebrates after TD's in any game and (although I recognize that's 'appropriate').... he drives me nuts. Cam does it and it doesn't bother me at all...unless it's against the Bills. Fred Jackson does it and I love it. We are all coming to this 'table' with preferences (Bills) so it's probably difficult to separate any true underlying prejudice(s). Especially considering how emotionally invested football fans are (in general).

  7. I never really understood why people get so worked up about someone dancing or celebrating a TD. Who cares? If you don't want a guy to dance in the end zone or after a sack or whatever, stop the play!!! Are you a better person because you hand the ball to the official and jog to the sideline instead of posing like Superman and handing the ball to a kid??? Do we not like Fred Jackson anymore because of his showboating "Infredible Hulk" routine??? Is the Gronk spike a problem or is he just having fun? Maybe it is a generational thing (I hope) but it is really misguided IMO. Having fun and celebrating is NOT what is wrong with the NFL. Domestic violence, concussions, etc... are where we should focus our venom.


    Celebrating a 'big' play is not the issue in my mind. It's the attention seeking "look at me" crap that occurs after regular plays....and the idiocy of celebrating 'anything' that occurs while your team is getting it's azz handed to them.


    Celebrations are great but there is a time and a place...so to speak.


    To the OP....it's Jerry Jones by a mile.

  8. he was as dominant in his sport as anyone has ever been. but he's well and truly done.


    I agree with the above but with a caveat. He'll still be capable of 'moments' going forward. He will never dominate consistently, however. You know, as well as I, that every 'bad back' feels ok once in a while. If the stars align within the next five years, I think he'd still be capable of winning another major. Jack went six years before winning his last major. Heck, Tom Watson almost won the British at 59 years of age.


    Right course, a 'reprieve' in terms of his physical issues, a faltering field etc. I realize it would take a lot but I could see it happening. As far as returning to a consistent top 5 player at any point....I don't think so.

  9. What a surprise. I check in today and more of the same. The same exact people who blindly and baselessly defended a QB to no end whose legacy will fall decidedly short of those of Losman and Edwards are on here cherry picking and nitpicking a few negative statistical indicators and then ignoring all the positive stats for a guy who has played nine games as a pro and is playing at a level higher than any Bills QB since Bledsoe.


    I had hope for EJ and defended him. I predicted he'd win the job and have a decent year with us making playoffs. I was wrong.


    Taylor has been very solid. He has deficiencies in his game as well. He, however, has played much better than most here could have ever hoped for. I'm not sure how anyone can look at Taylor and say he hasn't exceeded expectations. He's had us in position to win a lot of games. The team, moreso than the QB alone, has come up short.


    I also agree with the post upthread detailing his numbers to date. Any of us would have gladly taken those numbers if 'offered' at the start of the season. Stats are stats but they are, at some point, a tool to measure ability.


    I'm not sure if Taylor will truly fill the void long term.....but he's avoided (for the most part) big mistakes while making his share of big plays. As above, stats clearly don't tell the whole story. In game scenarios and nuance matter. But...this is an opinion board so I'll 'take a stand.' If nothing else, he's shown me (just my view) he's our best option....and I absolutely wanted EJ to succeed.

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